When Kulo came back, he couldn’t believe his eyes.

He was a resident fortress so big, the door was blasted open first.

Wilbur told him that Straw Hat and his gang had broken in, and his heart shook when he heard this.

After asking Wilbur to help Sentomaru maintain order in the Chambord place, he rushed here.

Just two steps before I heard a violent noise.

Then I saw that the zenith was blown away partially.

As we approached, there was a mess inside.

The outside is messy enough, and now, even his home is almost demolished.

These people are all Ability Users who have eaten the fruit of dogs, right? !

“Kulo, you are here.” Lida said.

Kulo, gloomy and nodded, walked to her and glanced at Kuro who was lying there.

“Stand up.” He burst out a few words between his teeth.


Kuro, a shivered, used his heel to exert force directly without bending his knees and stood up straight, and straightened his body.

Sweat gradually dripped on his face.

Because Mr. Kulo’s eyes are extremely bad.

“I will find you to settle the account later.”

Kulo glared at him, turned his face, looked towards the Straw Hat group.

The moment his eyes touched them, Luffy clenched his fists and opened the fighting posture.

Sanji lifting feet, said solemnly: “Nami Young Lady, step back a little, this man…very amazing!”

Zoro also set up Santoryu’s posture, inspiring Sensen Ghost Qi, “It’s you, so you are the income burner!”

“Huh? He is not…”

Nami was taken aback, pointing to Kulo and said: “Two Was the guy who lied to Zoro a knife a year ago?!”

“It seems to be him.” Usopp nodded.

“A guy who likes a wife.” Robin said.

“Hey hoho hoho, he is the guy who compares the knife to his wife.”

Kulo’s forehead showed a blue streak, “Enough!”

” Hey! Are you the income burner Vice Admiral!”

Luffy shouted at Kulo: “Are you going to prevent us from sailing?!”



A black line floated at the corner of Kulo’s eyes, gritted his teeth and said, “This is the reason why you have to make a mess of the shampoo ground and also demolish my station?”

“Sonny is here, of course I am coming!” Luffy said.


Kulo only then discovered that there seemed to be a ship that was not a Battleship docked near him.

“What is this?” Kulo was taken aback for a moment.

“Mr. Kulo, this is the ship of the Straw Hat crew.” Kuro said.

“I know, I mean, why this ship is with me.” Kulo asked.

Kuro said: “Mr. Kulo, wasn’t he guarding this ship when you went to find the bear?”

“I also know this…”


Kulo spit out smoke, “I don’t remember I ordered…”

“Masi did it.”

Kuro thought for a while. Said: “He ordered the boat to be taken there.”

Ma Xi?

Kulo thought for a while, and remembered that because he licked Celestial Dragon, he wrote a small report and distributed it to the Marine.

“It’s really going to cause trouble for Lao Tzu.”

Kulo sighed, re-looked towards Straw Hat, “but this is not the reason why you want to destroy Lao Tzu’s residence, right? Straw Hat brat.”

“I don’t care, I just have to sail!” Luffy said resolutely.


Kulo bit his cigar, and caught a glimpse of the Red Seal on Lida’s ankle from the corner of his eye. He shook his head. Put it out in your pocket, and stand with your right foot in a vertical line before stepping on your left foot.

This weird posture made Kuro’s eyes twitch.

He figured out who Leda learned that posture from.

“It seems to be Garp’s face, he was going to let you go, but you are so cruel, where can I put my face?” Kulo whispered.

“We must set sail!” Luffy loudly said: “If you want to stop me, then defeat you and set sail again, increase burner!”

Kulo snorted twice, Said: “youngster, not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth.”


In an instant, Zoro’s pupils tightened, three knives struck Busoshoku, and one force went up. frame.

bang! !

A black blade containing Haki slammed into the position on the three blade holders and slashed, Zoro’s body sank down, half of the body was in the power of the blade Sank into the ground.

“The mark on Lida’s ankle is a knife mark, shouldn’t you do it?” Kulo looked at him coldly.

Zoro resisted the pressure of limpid autumn water, grinning for a while, the knife blocked him, but this power is too great!

“Green algae head!”

Sanji yelled, his body flickered very quickly, and at the same time his right foot stroked in the air, bringing a touch of fiery red, like fiery red The flashes are usually rushed over.

“Devil Wind Feet·Level 1 Ground Meat!”

“Shaved? Really…a bunch of Pirate, don’t mess with Marine style.”

Kulo didn’t hide, and removed the limpid autumn water from Zoro’s knife and slashed it across.


Taking Haki’s foot and being chopped by a knife, Sanji was taken directly by the force and flew out.

“Zoro! Sanji!”

Luffy bit his thumb, “hateful, third gear!”

Huge dark fist, strong Smash it.

“Giant Elephant Spear!”


In this regard, Kulo just pointed the limpid autumn water forward, pointed the tip of the knife at the huge fist, and with one stab, the powerful punch was withstood.

hong long!

This is this, and it also shakes the ground around him.

“Hey, what are you kidding me!”

Usopp was surprised: “This fist’s formidable power is not comparable to Giant Race!”

Luffy’s this fist, its power is comparable to Giant Race.

Especially after taking Haki, it is obviously more formidable power.

But it looks useless.

“Santoryu Crab Sting!”

Zoro reversed his left hand’s “Huazhou” and burst out of the ground he was stuck in. The knife crossed horizontally and went straight to Kulo’s head, like It’s like a crab that wants to hunt prey.

This move, ordinary swordsman is difficult to hide!

However, at this time, Kulo didn’t even look at it, and flew directly with one kick, hitting the gap in the chest that Zoro exposed when he launched the style, kicking him out.

At the same time, Kulo’s wrist moved, Haki on the limpid autumn water spread out, and Luffy’s huge fist flew away. He pushed the limpid autumn water forward, Haki put it out, and hit Luffy. Hit him out of the chest.

“I’ll help too!”

Franky put his hands together, palms open, and shouted: “Franky free laser beam!”

Lots of thunder The cannon fired from his hand and attacked Kulo who was standing there.

Kulo raised his eyebrows and slashed away with a knife, “The wind binds the scorpion.”

The air in front of him stirred away, forming a twisted wave, annihilating all the laser beams. .

“Carter Flam.”

Kulo said: “The World Government is still thinking about you. It’s so big in front of me. Is it really okay? With you, Nico Robin.”

He looked towards Robin, who was about to use his abilities with his hands folded, and said: “Speaking of which, Kuzan wanted to train you before, it’s a pity.”

High-level people have the habit of raising children, especially some people raise Pirate.

Garp raised Luffy.

Sengoku adopted Rosinante.

Kuzan followed Garp before. Back then, he might have planned to raise Robin, but by mistake, he didn’t even become a Marine anymore.

Kulo’s eyes glared, Robin stepped back subconsciously, cold and sweaty.

She dare not use her ability.

The Avatar who grew out of her own abilities, if she is injured, she will also be hurt.

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