Five days later.

Shampoo land.

Temporary Marine base.

The 60 area is the area of ​​World Government and Marine. Kulo’s own Marine station is at 66GR. It is now in ruins and has not yet been repaired.

But other GRs can still be used, so I found a place temporarily and moved in.

At this time, in the office, Sentomaru faced Kulo, who was lying on the salted fish, and said: “Kulo big brother, the headquarters will let you go over there, saying it’s about Rayleigh. I want you to go there. Report it.”


Kulo lay down without raising his head, “What is the report? How did the headquarter know? Didn’t I let you talk about it? “


Sentomaru shook his head, “It should be Garp.”

“He went back?”

“Yes, I was picked up by his ship three days ago.”

Garp didn’t come on his own ship, and Kulo didn’t know how he was on this island.

Maybe it was really to see off from a distance, so I came to Shampoo very early.

“Have you gone back…”

Kulo groaned for a while, waved his hand and said: “Rayleigh doesn’t need to report, either disappear or die, I won’t go to the headquarters, just say I was seriously injured, and I needed to recuperate after fighting with Rayleigh. After a few years of recuperation, I can’t go anywhere.”

Seriously injured?

Sentomaru looked at Kulo’s unbroken body and couldn’t help pursing his lips.

Where is the injury?

What about the injury?

“I see, Kulo big brother, I will report like this.”

Sentomaru nodded, turned and left.

Leave Kulo alone and continue to be paralyzed there.

If you can’t go, then why do you want to?

Do you panic when you are idle? It’s better to lie here.

The current shampoo land, it can be described as absolute peace.

The affair group has gone, and the threat on the island has been withdrawn. Even if the Pirate gathers once a year, it is a small problem.

If he can, he can stay in the shampoo until he gets old.

Injury is a very good excuse.

According to the eclectic theory, if you want to complete the time limit you want, you will definitely get a discount. If you want to stay for a year, it may only be a few months.

I want a few months, maybe only one month.

Kulo just mentioned the days up. He has to recuperate for a few years, so maybe he can recuperate about a year.

According to the current situation in New World, everything may be clear in one year.

Even if it doesn’t, it’s very comfortable to stay here for a year.


At this time, the new headquarters.

The dog head giant ship is docked in the port.

Garp took Coby and Helmeppo down and walked forward.

He was picked up by Coby and Helmeppo. When he heard that Straw Hat and the gang were sailing at Chambord and escaped from Kulo’s hands, Coby was still relaxed.

It stands to reason that as a Marine, he should not be like this, and he is ashamed of it.

However, I was inexplicably relieved.


In front of the port, a voice interrupted Coby’s thoughts. He looked forward and saw a man with white beard and hair wearing big pants and Marine cloak. The old man stood there with his hands in his pockets, and the breeze moved his long braided beard.

Fleet Admiral Sengoku.

No, Sengoku Supervisor.

Since retirement, that funny face from time to time is rare and serious at this time.

“Sengoku, puff hahaha, come and wait for me?” Garp said with a big smile.

“Garp, you need to know what you did.”

Sengoku gritted his teeth and said: “That kind of thing, as Marine, why did you do it, and if you did it, why did you do it again? I have to report it myself.”

“The old man is grandfather besides Marine!”

Garp said with a big smile: “It doesn’t matter if grandfather gives a trip to his grandson.”

“Do whatever you want, as long as you are willing to pay the price!”

Sengoku coldly snorted, walking side by side with Garp to the largest building in the headquarters.

The cloak behind him fluttered, and there was no longer the [Justice] sign there, but it said [Retire].

At the top of the building, two people are staring at the two silhouettes gradually approaching the port.

Sakazuki clenched his fist, appeared a flaming red, biting a cigar, coldly snorted and said: “That Old Guy, actually would do this, what is justice for him?!”

“Oh~ I think it’s normal.”

Kizaru was holding a teacup aside, looking down, laughed and said: “It’s Mr. Garp after all. It’s not weird to do this.”


“As long as it is Pirate, we should do our best to eliminate evil, no matter what the price is paid!”

Sakazuki said solemnly: “After all, it is old, Senior’s heart cannot accommodate pure justice!”

Kizaru shrugged, thought for a while, and said, “Is Kulo blocked by Rayleigh? That man is indeed a bit troublesome, but it can be considered a great achievement, compared to the Straw Hat group not worth mentioning. , This result is still satisfactory.”

The executives care about Straw Hat?

I can’t say that I don’t care at all, but my focus is definitely not in this area.

What they care about is Shichibukai, Yonko, those Great Pirates who are still struggling under Yonko’s pressure in New World, and whose strength is only high and not low!

Leave aside Rayleigh’s life and death for the time being. According to Sentomaru’s report, Rayleigh lost an arm and a leg. For them Marine, it is no different from death.

With such a big result, how about the Straw Hat group, they can not pay attention.

However, Garp insists on reporting the matter and actively wants to explain it. As Fleet Admiral, Sakazuki will of course accept it.

“Let’s see how he explains it!”

Sakazuki said, suddenly a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: “In contrast, Kulo makes people worry a lot. The location of New World has not been decided yet, what do you think, Borsalino.”

“I don’t know, you are Fleet Admiral, but… if you have a good starting point, you must be Kulo It will also be a lot easier.”

Kizaru stared at Garp below, and said: “Isn’t this a good reason?”

Garp originally wanted to retire, but he was Shuai stopped him, was in charge of teaching new recruits and led the Vice Admiral title, and his station was not handed over.

Located in the G-3 branch of New World.

There is Garp’s basic disk.

The headquarter has not given the order of Kulo to go to New World for a long time, and the reason is because the site cannot be divided.

The birth of a Vice Admiral is either to take the original faction or to start anew.

Now that Kizaru has not retired, a new Vice Admiral has emerged in the faction, and it is also an elite candidate of Admiral. Naturally, it is not internal digestion, but expansion like an outside faction.

But everyone is covering their plates tightly, where there is a gap to let them out.

The smaller Marine station, not to mention whether Kulo is willing or not, his faction must be unwilling.

But if you want to occupy the station of Kizaru, then Kulo, Vice Admiral, is meaningless.

Sakazuki used to ignore these things when he was Admiral, but when he became Fleet Admiral, he always had to consider something.

But now, his problem has been solved.

Garp’s G-3 can be handed over.

It’s just that the most important thing is what kind of reason he should give it over willingly.

If the old man is unwilling, then they have nothing to do.

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