“What is your expression?”

Kulo looked at the two strangely, sighed and said: “As a Marine Headquarters Vice Admiral, Admiral alternate, Is it normal to have a big base in New World?”

Everyone is nodded.

“Then I don’t know the life and death of Rayleigh. In order to increase its reputation, World Government promotes Marine. Isn’t it normal to publish in the newspaper?”

Everyone is nodded again.

“So what are you wondering, is there something wrong with Lao Tzu?” Kulo spit out smoke and said.

Leda opened her mouth, she wanted to talk and stopped, and she wanted to stop her words.

It’s normal, of course it’s normal.

Kulo is now a normal Marine response.

That’s right, that’s right, that’s how it should be.

But this…it’s normal for a normal Marine.

The point is, Kulo is not a normal Marine!

How can other people not know that Lida and Kuro have followed him for the longest time, and they often see Kulo’s least pretending truth, and they can understand his nature very well.

A person with a strong persecution delusion and extremely powerful self-hypnosis skills, everything is for the sake of safety and comfort.

For this purpose, the kind of person who can do any kind of show operation.

Will he think this kind of thing is normal?

Kuro approached Lida quietly and said: “Hey, Lida, do you think this is real?”


tone barely fell, Lida turned into a girl’s posture and punched Kuro’s abdomen fiercely.

This punch of momentum is big, power is deep almost retched the unsuspecting Kuro. He bowed slightly, clutching his stomach, and grinning.

“Why hit me…”

“Does it hurt?” Leda asked.

“It hurts…” Kuro took a breath and shivered.

“Well, if it hurts, then it’s not a dream.” Lida nodded.

You want to make sure if you are dreaming, but you hit yourself!

Leda changed into a little girl’s attitude, worried: “Kulo, what’s wrong with you, are you sick? Did Fanny give you medicine?”

“go go go , What is it.”

Kulo gave her angrily, “This is normal, how am I? Okay, don’t stay here.”

As soon as Kulo moved his fingers, Wilbur’s newspaper and Kuro’s papers all got out of their hands and flew to Kulo’s side.

“Go and do the task, I will continue to rest.”

Kulo turned and walked towards the door, only to hear a bang, the position of the threshold was directly kicked off by Kulo , He didn’t notice it, moved towards inside.

Leda and Kuro looked at each other, looking upwards.

Boom! !

When it was not too much, a slash popped out of the wall outside the office, smashing through the wall and flying towards the sky.

Leda and Kuro showed an expression of’it really is so’.


Wilbur was surprised: “What’s wrong, what’s wrong?”

“It’s okay, normal operation, This is normal. Walk around, let’s do the task.”

Kuro pushed down his glasses and quickly invited Wilbur’s shoulder to go out together.

At this time, don’t touch the mold of Kulo, it will be bad luck.


In the office, Kulo made a manic cry.

The limpid autumn water has been pulled out by him and held in his hand. The desk and chair in front were chopped into pieces, and paper scraps were floating in the air.

He is normal?

He is normal!

Normal anger!

How many times has it been?

Should I be numb?

After seeing Wilbur’s ten times magnified newspaper, Kulo’s heart was cold.

World Government is originally this kind of sorrow operation. Don’t worry about it, let’s increase my influence first.

After all, news channels have always been in their hands.

As for being slapped in the face later, they never consider it.

Well, he doesn’t need to take seriously. After all, it’s not the first time for news or newspapers.

But what’s the matter with that file!

Garp quit?

G-3 gave it to him? !

It’s not worth it!

It makes no sense!

Kulo is still thinking that he can hold on for a while, after all, his place has not been selected yet, even if he can be selected later, if there is no place for him, he will either set up a new base , Or give him a small base to let him grow slowly.

It takes time. He can also take his time and farm silently in New World.


G-3 is what the hell!

Among the Marine branch, the G-3 in New World is the most famous!

Don’t you put him on the fire rack for roasting!

But he can’t get angry in front of his subordinates. He has done so many times. He just felt that he was a literary sect and couldn’t get angry. He had to persuade people with reason.

But this anger is hard to let go of life and death.

When I arrived at the office, I still couldn’t help it.

“What the hell is this!”

Kulo took a few breaths, opened Den Den Mushi on his wrist, and dialed a number directly.

“Hey, turn me over to Admiral Kizaru.”

“Yes! It’s Vice Admiral, please turn it over right away.”

” You run to me, Old Master impossible answered the phone.” Kulo said.

When it was not too much, a wretched voice rang from Den Den Mushi, “Moximosi, is it Kulo?”

“Old Master! What the hell!” Why did Garp hand over G-3? What did you do?! I tell you that it is chilling to persecute an old Marine like this. I don’t need G-3. I can even not go to New World. Don’t think about me like that!” Kulo said in a shameless voice.

“No, Kulo, Mr. Garp, he wants to give you G-3. He said he owes you a favor, and you have said something similar. If you want to force it, you are the one who forced it. “

“What did I force? What did I say?” Kulo was a little confused.

“Oh, you said that there is no foundation in New World, so when Mr. Garp came back, he took the initiative to resign from the position of G-3 base commander.”

“I. ..”

Kulo opened his mouth, a sense of powerlessness spread throughout his body.

Do I mean that? !

I mean I don’t have a foundation, so I don’t want to go!

I asked him to intercede with me!

Forgive his grandson, he just returned me like this? !

I shouldn’t be so kind, I’m very good, I’m so good, I’m so good!

“Kulo, since the matter is settled, it’s coming soon. Come to the headquarters as soon as possible to report on your work. If you are in Chambord…the above advice is left to you to decide, but the old man thinks you can leave it to Sentomaru Let him experience it alone.”

Den Den Mushi made a wretched voice, “Also, there may be tasks for you here. When you come to the headquarters, the old man will tell you.”



Kulo crushes the microphone directly.

I’m like this, you still don’t think I’m bothersome, you still have to give me a task? !

He spit out his cigar head, lit a new one, and stood in front of the hole in the wall, facing the sun with a melancholy face.

His eyes, which were originally apathetic, looked even more bleak and dull. Even the sun couldn’t bring luster to his eyes.

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