
“Mr. Kulo wants the best materials to make a ship! Hurry up and list the best materials!”

“What?! You ask me who Mr. Kulo is? Lucifer · Kulo! Admiral Kizaru’s direct subordinates, Vice Admiral, Admiral alternate, defeated Shiki, Lederfield, Byrnndi · Wapol, the man, you don’t even know!”

Wilbur runs away Tell.

“Hey, Marine, do you know Lucifer Kulo? Vice Admiral, he wants to get a carrier, he wants the best material, the most airy carrier, you can find a good designer Is it? If you find it, Mr. Kulo will not treat you badly!”

“Who am I? I’m Wilbur! [Big Gun] Wilbur, one of Mr. Kulo’s Little Captain, but don’t underestimate me. Sooner or later I will be the man who will be Mr. Kulo’s spear! Now Mr. Kulo has entrusted me with a heavy responsibility, and my words represent Mr. Kulo’s demands!”

” Hello, I’m Vice Admiral’s subordinate, and Vice Admiral wants to make a good ship. Do you have any channels? As long as the ship is successfully built and Mr. Kulo is satisfied, then I won’t treat you badly. Erber is willing to accept you as a subordinate.”

“What? Are you Rear Admiral? Do you want to join Mr. Kulo’s subordinate? I can’t guarantee this, but I am willing to help you ask.”

Wilbur slaughter all sides.

The entire headquarter made a mess for him.

Mr. Kulo wants a good ship. This is a major event and Wilbur wants to do it seriously.

Then he found that the materials provided by the headquarter itself could not meet Wilbur’s standard, so even if all the materials are used, it is only slightly higher than other Vice Admiral seats. A little that’s all.

How can that be!

Mr. Kulo wants the best materials!

If you can’t do it yourself…

Then save your face and ask Marine colleagues for help!

Go down to the ordinary Marine and go up to the Marine high-level. They all know that Kulo wants to be a Vice Admiral with great materials and handsome style.

But what’s the way for ordinary Marine? Just listen to that’s all, but some middle-level ones are different.

Especially know about Marine’s current faction division, and there are no marginal people of faction.

In their eyes, this is not engaging in a naval vessel, but it is relying on the naval vessel to recruit subordinates.

Some marginal people want to live their own piece of land, but they are willing to deal with Kulo, the Kizaru Crown Prince, who must be Admiral in the future, and they have contributed their own collections.

Some marginal generals who want to join Kulo’s command are naturally more enthusiastic.

Those who have the money to pay, the power to contribute, don’t have anything and don’t want to offend others, so they simply joined the spreading army. After a few days, the entire Marine Headquarters knew everything about it.

Good ship…

In other words, the Vice Admiral, who is going to show off his edge in New World.

After all, the ship is the same as Pirate’s Pirate Ship. It is unique and unmatched, and represents the concept of a Marine.

Entering New World with this kind of ship means that you want to break your wrists with Pirate of New World.

When it comes to Marine’s face, they will naturally help.

Even the news reached Admiral.

“Oh~Kulo, have you changed your mind?”

Kizaru looking thoughtful picked up the phone and dialed the number.



“What’s the fun thing lately, it’s so boring.”

In Celestial Dragon residence, the idiot-looking Charl Rose shook the red wine, facing the servants standing next to him. Said: “Isn’t the martial law in Chambord area over? How about Kulo little brother, why didn’t he contact me?”

If you ignore his running nose, he might be an elegant person.. .probably.

“Saint Charlos, Vice Admiral has moved to New World, and now Sentomaru Captain is guarding the shampoo land. No news has been received yet. I don’t know whether the shampoo land will lift the martial law, but before Something happened, the Straw Hat group… They appeared in the shampoo place before and were chased away by Vice Admiral,” the black clothed person answered honestly.

“Huh?! That hateful Straw Hat! How can it be repaired, it’s still alive, no, I’m going to tell Gorosei, to catch them, to kill them!”

Charl Rose said with gnashing teeth when he thought of the punch he was hit back then.

“Did Kulo little brother go to New World? It’s a pity that he didn’t say goodbye. He is a funny and loyal person, and he respects me… Well, there is no gift for him, he Do you want a slave?”

These words made a layer of sweat appear on the face of the black clothed person.

Although he is the guard of Celestial Dragon, he is not stupid.

Now who doesn’t know that the man hates slavery the most. He released a large number of slaves through the martial law period in Shambord, and was legal and just. You still want to give him slaves?

You will be fine, but the person who sent it is hard to say.

Under the quick witted in an emergency, the black clothed person thought of the recent rumors, opened the mouth and said: “Vice Admiral in the headquarters recently seems to be a ship, the best and largest ship. If Saint Charlos has any suggestions in this regard, I think he would be grateful.”

“Ship? Ship?”

Charlos thought for a while, said “Speaking of this, do I have anything I can give him?”

“Saint Charlos, you bought a piece of’Adam’ wood a few years ago and plan to use it as a wooden boat for the lake cruise , But the piece of wood is too big for you, and it was useless later.” The black clothed person prompted.

“Do I have this thing?” Charl Rose thought for a while and said.

“Yes, you do.” said the black clothed person.

That was the auction a few years ago, and he was there at that time. The auction produced a treasure tree [Adam] wood and took it for Saint Charlos, but he later thought he couldn’t make a wooden boat. Just let it go.

The materials of the treasure tree, just want to be a wooden boat for swimming in the lake?

Think it’s too big and still dislike it?

reckless waste of natural resources!

“Forget it, if that thing is useful, you can find it and give it to the Kulo little brother.”

As Charl Rose said, he thought about it again: “But again Not enough. What’s the use of a broken piece of wood? It’s better to send some gold… By the way, you send some more gold to the Kulo little brother.”

“Yes, I understand, I must Bring it.”

black clothed person relaxed.

Although Treasure Wood Adam is precious, and the amount of gold given out by Chal Roth is certainly not small, it is nothing for Celestial Dragon.

It’s better than sending a slave.

If you really want to send the slave over, he probably will also be sent away.

It seems that his predecessor didn’t survive because he offended the man…

Although he didn’t do it himself, it’s more terrifying because he couldn’t find a handle. .

That kind of person, let him fight with Pirate in New World, don’t come to the first half, don’t come to Champagne and Mariejois, otherwise Celestial Dragon may be fine, but their subordinates may live. It’s not very good.

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