Five minutes…

Lida looked up, and sure enough, the sky that had just been clear was gloomy now.

hong long!

With a muffled sound, a muffled thunder was rolled up in the sky, and the same feeling of depression as before, once again appeared in the hearts of Lida and Kuro.

“Let’s retreat, Leda.” Kuro said.

“Where to go?”

Leda looked up at the sky, “It’s impossible to withdraw. We can’t escape this range in five minutes.”

“But what the Ability User who can control the time said is still feasible.”

Kuro analyzed: “He said that all the people who came later were saved, which means that Mr. Kulo will come back. No matter what, you can’t wait here.”

“Do as you say.” Lida said.

Just when they contacted Marine on the island to prepare to retreat, in the same scene more than 20 years ago, a breeze was blowing behind Roger, and in a moment, Kulo’s figure appeared behind him.

The surroundings seem to be still, and even Roger’s figure is still.


Kulo retracted the knife into the sheath, bit his cigar on his side, and spit out smoke.

The cloak behind, dances with it.

“Feel the rhythm, listen carefully, the sound of this divine wind.” Kulo indifferently said.


Gaban’s body continued to fall, and when he turned his head to ask, he saw a cloud of blood burst out of Roger’s chest, and the blood splashed out. Mixed with sea water, it looks very turbid.

Roger’s clothing was torn open, and a deep gap appeared in it.


Gaban roared, and immediately reacted, clenching the double axe, and taking the tornado-like high-level Haki, directly moved towards Kulo threw it.

At the same time, the rest of the people on the ship that was swept away by the waves also saw this scene.


The same roar sounded, and Rayleigh raised his sword and slashed straight over, bringing up a huge slash.

At this distance, although he couldn’t see their silhouettes clearly, the blood could not be wrong.

Roger’s Life Aura is also lowered a lot at this moment.

While he was swinging his sword, the man in military uniform on the side also moved his feet, directly smashing the deck of the ship, and with a strong momentum, he ran directly to Kulo.

Kulo pulled out the limpid autumn water easily, brought the light of gold and electricity, held knives in both hands, and slashed vigorously. He only heard the sound of’dang’, the two thrown axes were caught by Kulo .


The sea water beneath the body exploded directly under the aroused energy, forming waves.

This axe, he could not evade, its speed is not slow, can only be hard-wired.

Kulo slammed both hands vigorously, swung out the axe, and was about to chase Roger on a victory, when he heard a bang from the side, the waves broke apart with vigor, and one was wearing The strong Zhuang man in military uniform rushed over and threw a fist extremely fast.

Boom! !

Kulo held the knife in both hands and held it horizontally, blocking the punch of the man in uniform, and there was a loud noise.

“I want to kill you!” The man in uniform roared in a low voice.

“Hey, like a beast, you guy…”

Kulo narrowed his eyes and looked at the man in uniform.

Wearing a military uniform, there is such a wild beast and Shura-like aura.

It can’t be wrong, it’s Buretto.

But now Buretto is still very young, looking younger than Kulo.

But in terms of its power…

Is also a difficult guy!

Kulo was about to exert his strength and swept Buretto away with a single knife. At this moment, he suddenly felt a particularly dangerous aura spreading behind him.

Turning around, I saw Roger swinging a sword, and the brazen imposing manner in the sword went straight behind him!

Can’t hide!

This guy…reacted so quickly after suffering a knife? !

Kulo watched the slash attack, and he was almost behind him. He bit his teeth and tightened his whole body, ready to take the attack.


The slash plunged directly into the air, passing by Buretto’s side, hitting the sea directly, dividing the sea into a deep ravine.

People, disappeared…

It was completely disappeared, and the breath was not in this area.

After swinging this sword, Roger fell directly into the sea, and disappeared into the sea with a’puff’.

After a while, on the boat.

Roger is wet, sitting cross-legged on the deck, his chest still bleeding.

“Roger, this is for you to heal!”

A man with a lot of feathers in the back of his head, showing a semi-circular shape, took out medicines, and ran over to give Roger healed his injuries.

“hahaha, that guy, he is so strong, he escaped.”

Roger raised his head and laughed.

“I’m still smiling here when I am injured.”

Rayleigh sighed, “What happened to the Marine, you would actually be injured, or such a serious injury, your…”

He didn’t finish his words, Roger glanced at him and asked him to put the rest of the words back.

Roger is very strong, yes, but Roger…has been seriously ill.

The stab wound on this blade will reduce Roger’s life again.

Is there such a capable guy in Marine?

Rayleigh looked up at the sky, his eyes were deeply shocked.

“That Marine!”

Buretto clenched his fists, “I remember his breath, when I meet next time, I will definitely fight him. Yes!!”


hong long!!


At this time, it has been completely destroyed.

The huge land above the sky fell in batches, annihilating the archipelago completely, and around the Sea Territory, the original sea area has also been reduced too much, and replaced by a huge land. .

It’s just a hole in a certain corner of the mainland.

Leda turned into a young girl, collapsed on the deck of the Battleship, panting.

They have retreated to the sea, but the landing of the mainland is ruthless. Lida can only use her own power to blast the rocky land into a big hole, which did not let Battleship also Squashed.

And so, the aftermath of the landing made this Battleship ruined.

Fortunately, the Marine on the Battleship is only slightly injured.

“What the old man said he will be saved, does that mean?!”

Leda took a break, turned over and sat up, and said, “I will do it in the end? Kulo Well, how come Kulo hasn’t come back yet!”

She tone barely fell for a moment, turned her head and looked towards a direction, happily said: “Kulo’s breath!”

With that said, she didn’t care about that many, and ran over Geppo directly.

At this moment, Kulo had to prepare for the hard-top knife and counterattack. The limpid autumn water was all gripped and ready to be split out. In this brief moment, his saw a blur, and the result I felt like I was on a continent.

“Where’s the person? Where’s Roger?”

Kulo was stunned. Before he could feel it carefully, he heard a loud cry.


He turned his head and saw that Lida rushed over excitedly and rushed into his arms.


Kulo touched Leda’s head with his backhand, slightly frowned, looking towards all around, “I am back? That is to say, Felt Is it dead? I was sent back, but why is this the mainland here? Shouldn’t it be the archipelago?”

After that, he suddenly thought of something, froze for a moment, and said: “This stuff , Won’t it be my thing that fell out?”

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