headquarter, docked in the closed port of Battleship.

A group of people looked at the only big ship in the harbor and made comments.

The leader is a bearded cloak with a determined look on his face.

“Cass, what do you think!”

Beside the big beard, Wilbur said with a look of excitement: “This boat is made according to Mr. Kulo’s request. Yes, it’s completely finished!”

“Not bad!”

Cass also excitedly said: “Such a boat is suitable for Mr. Kulo!”

Behind him, Donald embraced his arms, and nodded said, “It is indeed a very good boat, full of publicity. When Pirate of New World sees this boat, he will know that it is Kulo Vice Admiral!”

“It’s really pretty.” Fanny nodded and said.

The bellflower is also nodded, “Golden glittering, very good.”


Sazier on the side raised his hand weakly “If I remember correctly, what Leda Young Lady brought is, Kulo Vice Admiral wants a normal Battleship…”

“You don’t understand.”

Cass He shook his head and said: “The ordinary that Mr. Kulo said is completely different from the ordinary that we define. His realm of thought is very high. Don’t define Mr. Kulo’s thought by the limits of mortals.”

“What we think of as ordinary may really be just ordinary Battleship, but what Mr. Kulo thinks of ordinary, perhaps just like this, can be defined as ordinary, but this is the best we can do, Wilbur, you do It’s very good, I barely keep up with Mr. Kulo’s thoughts.”

“Yes! I will continue to work hard!”

Wilbur clenched his fists, his veins exposed,” I am a man who wants to be Mr. Kulo’s spear, and I will definitely try to follow in Mr. Kulo’s footsteps!”

Cass held Wilbur’s hands excitedly, as if there was light in his eyes, “We are together Work hard, Wilbur!”

Wilbur was also excited, “Cass!”


“Kas Si!!!”



Fanny and Sazier looked calm, Looking at these two people as if they were mentally retarded.

Kanji keeps smiling, anyway, she can’t hear clearly. When she doesn’t know what to do, just keep smiling.

Behind him, there is the same calm-faced Doug Marine battallion.

They were clones in the first place. Except for Cass’s’righteous heart’, it is difficult to arouse other emotions. Even if they have their own thoughts, they are still too weak.

“Oh oh oh oh!!”

Suddenly, Donald became excited, clenched his fists and said: “The friendship between men is really passionate!”

“Cass, I recently memorized some new [Quotations of Justice], do you want to study it together?” Wilbur asked.

“Okay! Last time, thanks to you, I learned from the pain, Mr. Kulo woke me up, I also feel deeply guilty for my slackness, and I also tried hard to cultivated. Take a look at [Quotations of Justice] and be alert to yourself at all times.”

The two walked out on a hook and back.

Others followed and walked out together, and the closed port gate was gradually closed.

There is only one golden light, which stands out in the crack of the door, and disappears as the door closes.


A few days later, the Battleship that Kulo was riding in arrived at the headquarters.

At the big port, the Marine with thousands of people kept standing upright, and the leading ones were Cass, Wilbur, Kikyo, Donald, Sazier, and Fanny guarding in front, looking at the ship ahead. The Battleship stopped.

A step was lowered in the side space of the Battleship. Kulo bit his cigar and walked down the steps gradually, followed by Lida and Kuro.

Under the flying cloak, several people set foot on the port land.

In front of him, thousands of Marines separated on both sides, revealing a avenue, saluting neatly and uniformly.

“Mr. Kulo!” Cass and Wilbur excitedly said.

“Kulo Vice Admiral.” The remaining people shouted in unison.

“Hey, it’s all here.”

Kulo glanced at Cass and said: “You brought everyone here?”

“Yes, Mr. Kulo!”

Cass said: “I have brought all Marine battallion here after hearing your call!”

“That’s fine.” Kulo nodded “Is it all right on Pegasus Island?”

“Mr. Kulo, I have tried my best to maintain peace in West Blue!”

Kas said resolutely: “And will go back regularly Patrolling will definitely maintain the absolute peace of Pegasus Island and even West Blue!”

To transfer Kas away, he doesn’t care about his basics.

Kulo specially borrowed the power of Old Master to apply for a peaceful Pacifista, although it is only white [Peace Pacifista].

As an improved version of PX-Z, they are actually a bit weaker than the original version, but the advantage is that the price is lowered a bit, and the production can be increased.

The main function of this thing now is to hunt down those Pirates who are famous, and to make up for the low and middle level Marine battle strength.

After all, for the low-level Marine, it is not enough to hunt down the famous Pirate, while the high-level Marine used to be a bit overkill, and there are not that many people.

Peace Pacifista just fills up this gap.

Put it in West Blue and cooperate with Marine, which is enough.

But Kulo has some headaches. It’s not good if the site is too big. He has to let people go on patrol regularly. Although West Blue is a Calm Belt from New World, it’s not very far, but it’s in New World. There will always be something on the way of World, and it will be a headache if you encounter it.

But now, his headache is not that, but Cass solemnly vowed expression.

The expression of Cass made Kulo feel a thump in his heart, an ominous premonition rise in the mind.

“What did you do?” he asked.

“Report to Mr. Kulo, I just united all branches of West Blue. In the past six months, I will try my best to eliminate Pirate!”

Cass saluted: “Because of your I am ashamed of my words. I know I can’t be ashamed of the trust in you. After learning from the pain, I am determined to do something useful!”

As he said, he was ashamed, “Although time is not Too much, not everything is cleaned up, and you can’t be worthy of your trust…”

So what did you do? !

Kulo put on a pain mask, and raised his eyebrows with a headache, “Clean West Blue’s Pirate? How much is done?”

“Only completed one third.”

Cass shook his head and said: “And some of the Pirate he found escaped from our hands. Mr. Kulo, I’m sorry, I live up to your expectations.”

I’m right. You did not expect this.

Are you better than me back then…

I only dared to solve Pirate secretly. You are all the West Blue troops dispatched, right?

“Forget it, I can’t get up anyway.”

Kulo waved his hand helplessly, “It’s fine if there is nothing wrong with it. Is my ship ready? “

“Yes, Mr. Kulo!”

Wilbur excitedly said: “Your ship is ready, just wait for you to inspect it, exactly according to your request Come.”

“That’s a fart.”

Kulo said: “What’s so good about an ordinary Battleship? Just drive it out when you set off, I’ll go Find Old Master, you guys take a break.”

As he said, he walked to the main building of the headquarters.

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