In Kulo’s eyes, the strength of this old man has risen by more than one stage.

But Life Aura is falling crazily.

It’s a bit of a back light.

But the more you do this, the more terrifying the old man.

Doberman on the high slope pulled out the blade, pointed forward, and shouted: “All Marines, charge!”

In an instant, the Marines on both sides moved towards Zephyr like a tide Rushed.

“Yes, when treating the enemy, that should be the case, especially for a dying person like me. It is the right choice to use quantity in exchange for physical consumption!”

Zephyr bared his teeth, “However, although the number of people is useful, you also have to ensure your own life. It is stupid to exchange the life of Pirate with the life of Marine!”

both of his hands Zhang Open, directly into the crowd, in an instant, blast a group of Marines and fly into the air.

“I’ll give you the last lesson, if in front of enemies like me, save your lives, and get the results!”

He shook his fists down. , Brought a great sandstorm, and all the Marine surrounding him flew away.

That huge force even split the beach and seeped into the sea.

A Captain held a blade and quickly rushed forward from behind, stabbing Zephyr’s waist with a single knife.

Just as soon as the tip of the knife fell a little bit, Zephyr’s fist struck down, and the knife was interrupted.

“Oh, Mallory, the timing is good, but you shouldn’t charge, you should be a bait, attract my attention!”

Zephyr twisted his waist, fisted there, hit this Captain, and flew him out.

Just now, a tall Marine waved the wolf fang club and jumped over.


Zephyr smashed the wolf fang club with a violent punch, hitting the tall Marine’s face with a punch, and leaning back, his teeth flew out.

“Gibson! You should not jump at this time, you should lower your posture to attack, so that you will attack me, you are not as good as Mallory! I remember your performance was better than him!”

“Alcott! What are you doing standing there, I should use a gun while I’m idle, is the gun in your hand a display!”

“Ball, Why don’t you come forward and remember your old feelings? You can easily be used by Pirate like this!”

Zephyr knocked down the stagnant Marine with a punch, swinging his fists, yelled: “Lesson It’s not enough, I need to review it again!”

His smile is getting bigger and bigger.

However, the more this is, the more the Vice Admiral s will not move.

At this time, a group of people have gathered together, headed by Kizaru, quietly watching Zephyr play there.

Kulo bit the cigar and let the smoke fly on his face. Haki had already faded from him. Under the smoke, he couldn’t see his expression clearly. He only heard some gnashing teeth. With a little inexplicable emotional voice.

“This old man, dying, is he still teaching people, really…”

Kulo sighed, “It makes people worry.”

Those who were hit by him, none of them are dead, all still have Life Aura.

“I want to thank you, Kulo.”

Momonga said on the side: “Because of your prevention, in the end, Zephyr-sensei did not kill anyone.”

Kulo was silent for a moment, and slowly said: “That’s my Sensei too.”

Admiral, who was’don’t kill’, didn’t kill anyone in the end.

He has been out to sea for so long, even if he had the purpose of destroying New World, but Pirate he encountered, according to intelligence, he has not killed him.

until now, it’s all like this.

This old man, smiling so freely now, what he wants… is that kind of scene.

Disappointed with the World Government and Marine system, but with their dísciple, he has not been disappointed.

Go to this step, Zephyr… just venting his anger.

Now that I have finished venting my anger, as a stubborn old man, I can’t help myself to repent.

Kulo understands.

He is old after all.

Wandering in New World for so long, I still didn’t go to Yonko. It was also because he was old and would not be Yonko’s opponent. Really going to pass would only increase Pirate’s prestige that’s all.

It is Marine’s shame to defeat or kill Pirate.

That’s not as good as…

“Bachi Qiong Gouyu!”

Kizaru’s hands are in an’OK’ shape, crossed, the beam is in his hand Gathered into small spots, a large amount of laser rain appeared, moving towards Zephyr.

This time, very accurate!


Zephyr’s arms shook, and all the surrounding Marines flew away, looked towards Kizaru with a smile, and punched the laser unconvincedly The rain smashed over.

chi chi chi chi! !

The laser rain fell, and instantly penetrated Zephyr’s body, retreating his fight steadily, sliding his legs and feet on the beach until he retreated to the ice wall behind him.

At this time, Kulo clenched the limbid autumn water tightly, and his voice was abnormally low: “We have a problem internally, and we will solve it internally, Zephyr-sensei, this is also your wish.”

Doberman closed his eyes, and tears gradually flowed under his eyes.

On the ice wall, Zephyr was covering his body, his right hand propped on the ice wall, and he crushed one side of the ice wall and stood up again.

“Come on, the last lesson, it’s not over yet!!!”

A lot of Marine, rushed again.

This time, not only them, including Vice Admiral, all pulled out their blades and rushed up.

Zephyr’s smile at this time is extremely cheerful. He has rarely had such a smile since his family passed away.

Because of the loss of his family, his Essence, Qi, and Spirit are not as good as before. Knowing that he can’t play the Peak battle strength, he gradually turned behind the scenes.

In addition to being born from yourself, heroes can also be born from other people.

He is teaching the birth of a hero.

He wants to see the birth of a hero with his own eyes.

Rao was disappointed with the World Government and Marine system, but these brave people who rushed forward were the dísciple he taught and loved after all.

“Come on!!!”

Zephyr roared and collided with the group of Marines.

Doberman took the lead. Under the surrounding of Marine, he slashed Zephyr with a single knife. With heavy force, Zephyr retreated.

[The sea is watching]

“Doubman, right!” Zephyr said with a smile.

[The beginning of this world]

Strawberry was holding two knives, and while Doberman first attacked, he flashed to the side, and the two knives crossed and cut Zephyr’s waist ribs.

[The sea also knows]

“Strawberry, correct!”

[The end of this world]

“Momonga, correct! “

[So it invites whereabouts]

“Ghost spider, right!”

[The way forward]

“Stainless, right!”

[So it guides whereabouts]



One name after another came out of Zephyr’s mouth, and at the same time, these names that are familiar in the world also left marks on Zephyr’s body.

His Life Aura, gradually dropped to the verge.

Until Kulo flashed by, limpid autumn water flashed and hit Zephyr’s heart.

Zephyr stiffened and raised his hand, as if he wanted to fight back. The hand flicked in the air, and the corner of his mouth turned into a thumb, facing Kulo.

[It’s the right world]

“Kulo, it’s right!”

These Marines are his dreams!

You, will become heroes!

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