In the 160 branch square, there is a Marine with a knife staring at Cass, his eyes narrowed, “The next one is you.”

His name is Buck Arlo, Pirate of New World, originally bounty gold 370 million, known as the’evil pretender’, is the’transience man’ who has eaten the’transformation fruit’, knows Kenbunshoku Haki, and is good at long sword technique.

As a disguise person, his ability is very simple, he can transform into the appearance of the object he sees, but the time limit is only one day, after one day, he can no longer become an object. , But whether it is alive or dead, he can’disguise’.

With this ability, he is well-known in Marine, because he is especially good at disguising Marine, sneaking into the base, and then killing and looting ships and supplies.

He was one of last year’s newbie and Supernova. At first, he also had ambitions and wanted to meet Yonko in New World.

But soon, he learned a lesson.

The object he aimed at was one of Yonko, Kaido, the “Beasts”.

However, he didn’t even see him. He was just one of the three plagues under his command, the big and unprepared giant,’Drought’ Jack, which was wiped out in one fell swoop.

The ship is gone, and the men are gone. Even if they desperately ran to the edge of the Calm Belt, they were also chased and thrown away. If it wasn’t for good luck, they sneezed into East Blue with a Sea King-like sneeze. , He is probably buried in seabed.

When he arrived at East Blue, he killed a few Marines all the way, changed his appearance to them, sneaked into a few branches, and now he moved to the 160 branch.

If he followed the original method of doing things, Buck must have sneaked into the Marine branch and grabbed the ship to sail, but he has no manpower now, and he can’t sail by himself.

Furthermore, the battle with Beasts Pirates had already defeated his courage. He hadn’t even seen Kaido with his own eyes. Jack alone made him courageous.

Now, he doesn’t want to go to New World to compete with others. He just wants to form Pirates safely, then return to the’paradise’ and live in the paradise.

It is impossible to stay in East Blue. Marine has a very high degree of strength control over the world, especially East Blue. If traces are revealed here, he will be caught soon, and it will not last long.

Only places like Grand Line are suitable for Pirate’s arbitrary actions.

He needs to find a Marine who is not very high in status, but can also dispatch Battleship, so that he can easily make his appearance in order to sail smoothly.

“Today is really my lucky day!”

Buck looked at the impassioned Cass on platform and had a plan in his mind.

The name of this person was already listening when he lurked into the Marine. I heard that it was the famous Marine nearby who hit Pirate ruthless and was loved by ordinary Marines.

In his name, maybe he can go directly to Grand Line.

When the time comes, summon the subordinates in Grand Line, then stay in that paradise and never go out again.

“It’s a pity that a Blackbeard occupies Crocodile’s Shichibukai, otherwise, that position is not indisputable.” Buck secretly said in one’s heart.

Cass’ speech ended, and the Marines boarded and left, and Buck waited for two hours to make sure that Cass and the others would not come back. He came to the port alone, ready to start transforming.

“Lorraine, what are you doing?”

At this moment, a Marine shouted from behind, walked over and hugged his shoulder very intimately, “Also Thinking of Cass Sergant? So, Cass Sergant is a great man.”

Buck narrowed his eyes, smiled and said: “Cass Sergant’s remarks are indeed refreshing.”

This Marine of Disguise, called Lorraine, has already been killed by him.

“Indeed, Mr. Kulo is a great person, and Cass Sergant is also great.” Marine nodded, with a passionate expression, “I also want to learn from them and become a tenacious Marine!”

Buck smiled grinningly, “Tough Marine? Let me tell you a truth. The so-called tenacious will will be crushed to pieces when encountering a powerhouse.”

“Lorraine, what’s the matter with you?”

The Marine noticed something was wrong. Although Lorraine liked to laugh, he would never laugh so evil.

“You simply don’t understand how powerful the group of powerhouses on the ocean are, but you don’t need to understand.”

Buck suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Marine by the neck. , Seeing him lift it up easily, his hands are like steel hoops, and Marine’s pinch rolls his eyes straight, his face is blue and purple, and he can’t say a word.

“I have to say, you don’t know if your luck is good or bad. According to the original plan, when the time limit for my disguise is over, you will be the next one. But the arrival of Cass makes me change After completing the plan, you didn’t have to die, but…who would let you be next to me.”

His figure gradually changed, like ooze, the skin shed from his body and changed He became a pale-skinned man with an evil face.


As soon as his hand was hard, Marine’s neck tilted to one side, Buck threw him into the sea, watching him disappear with the waves, gently Issho , The epidermis squirmed again, incarnate as Cass’s bearded appearance.

“From now on, I am Cass.”

Buck laughed heartily at the sea.


Two hours later,’Cass’ boarded a new Battleship and sailed to the sea.

The identity of Cass is very easy to use.

The base commander didn’t even ask him why he was alone. He only heard that he asked to go out to sea, and he provided him with ship supplies and personnel.

This allowed Buck’s plan to be perfected.

During this period of time, he has tossed back and forth several branches, and has already noted the faces of the branch base deputy and some officers, but he lacks an opportunity to sail alone.

But now’Cass’ let him have, that so-called’stubborn justice’ is a very useful method.

He wanted to bring the 160 branch of Marine to implement justice, which was quickly approved and the plan was born.

This identity can only be maintained for twenty-four hours, but during this time, he can go to other branches, and then in front of the base Marine, he will point out a few higher-identity Marines. He leads Marine to other branches, but he chooses one, which can easily become like him, and he can pass easily.

In this way, he can advance to the Red Line continent, and then use the power of Marine to cross Reverse Mountain.

Plan, perfect.

Just as Buck thought so, there was a shouting loudly on the sea.


The loud voice almost penetrated the sea surface, so that the entire ship could hear it.

Buck turned his head and saw that on the sea level, a Battleship suddenly appeared. The voice was made by a young Marine standing on the bow.

Listening to the voice, Buck felt the anger contained in that man.

The enemy?

Buck’s face sank.

Isn’t that bad luck? Marine also has enemies?

But he glanced at the Marine who admired himself on the boat, and laughed confidently. With the reputation of this picture, Trifling Marine, he would not bother to expose himself.

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