In the office, Bogard is now back to normal.

Because in addition to Kulo, his subordinates also came, especially Cass, with some Doug Marine, lined up from the office to the corridor.

Kulo asked them to’sense’ Bogard.

Then, he was back to normal…

Why go home to farm, and softhearted.

He dignified a Marine Rear Admiral, Garp Lieutenant Commander, who has been following Garp since he was young. He is clearly the most steadfast in justice. How could he have such mentally retarded thoughts.

It’s simply unreasonable!

There was a lot of resentment in his expression, and some shame of being humiliated. Bogard clenched his fist and exposed the blue veins on his forehead. “I was thinking just now. If Mr. Garp doesn’t agree, I will replace the knife with Against the blade, no more killings since then, are all affected by the hateful Ability User!”

These words made Kulo a little smile.

Inverse blade?

Why do you fly to the sky?

It just so happens that he will be ignorant of the divine wind flow, and see who is better.

“Where is the Ability User, Bogard, it’s not long since you were recruited. That Ability User hasn’t left yet.”

It didn’t take long for Garp to resign until Kulo took over. Time, when Garp came back, nothing happened, and he didn’t hear him talk about the abnormality of G-3, it means it is not the matter before Garp, that is the recent time.

During this period, the Ability User must have not gone, or have not gone far.

“The Ability User!”

When Bogard heard the Ability User, he seemed even more resentful. The eyes under the brim of the hat all showed cold glow, “G-3Marine lacks After fighting spirit, they were all bombarded by Pirate. Now the sea must be rumored that G-3 is no longer working, Kulo, you have to make G-3 come alive again!”

“Okay, OK, I know this question.”

Kulo waved his hand, “Find out the most important thing first, otherwise, if you have no fighting spirit after a while, who can stand it.”

Bogard nodded , Fell into contemplation, and then said: “A month ago, at this time, I heard that there is Pirate in the vicinity of Grand Harbour, so I passed by, but in the past, I found a very magical scene. , Those Pirates actually lost their fighting spirit and live in peace one by one.”

“But Pirate wants to live a stable life without paying the price. The previous sins are not letting go. We can count with weapons. We are about to take everyone away, but a black robed man comes…”

Bogard thought for a while, nodded, and confirmed: “Yes, black robed Man, just appeared there. Later, there were some problems. I suddenly felt softened and thought that it was not a bad thing for them to live here, at least it was peaceful. And part of the Marine, also affected by this, stayed behind. On that island, I came back later. I didn’t think it was wrong at that time, no…”

He smiled bitterly at his bandaged hand, “I haven’t I felt wrong, and even after the fight with Pirate, I was relieved for a while, resulting in a lot of Marine casualties. As a result, those Pirates followed us to G-3, and then G-3 became this virtue. At that time…also paid It took a lot of people to let Pirate leave.”

“Later, those Marines who were awake in G-3 went to Grande again. It is estimated that at that time, they also found something wrong. Yeah. But some people didn’t come back, and the people who came back brought the black robed man to G-3. I wanted to invite that person to dinner, but he walked around and left. Since then, G-3 has completely changed.”

“There are Marine casualties? Did you go to Grande for the second time?” Kulo frowned, “Kuro, is there no relevant news? If G-3 is dispatched, it should be reported to my current base commander, right.”


Kur o nodded and said: “There was news from G-3 going to Grand Harbour, but they soon sent a message saying that the situation was under control. I have reported this to you. “

Kulo frowned, as if there was something like that.

When he was still in the headquarters, Kuro told him about this, but he didn’t care.

It’s normal for Marine to kill Pirate wherever it goes, and it’s normal to have casualties. Marine hits Pirate. Impossible is zero casualties. That kind of naive world does not exist.

There is opposition.

, There will be war, there will be war, there will be death, no exceptions.

This kind of news, who will not care about it, and G-3 said at the time to control the situation, Kulo himself also released Behind my head.

Now I want to come…

Kulo paced back and forth in the office, and finally stopped on an upright map wall. There was the G-3 office. Under the jurisdiction of the Sea Area Map, there are quite a few islands on it.

“Where is Grand Island.” “

“Mr. Kulo, it’s here. “

Kuro pointed to an island closer to the G-3 fortress, and said: “This place is an ice island with a prosperous fishing industry. It is also the largest island nearby, if not this island. If the weather is not very good, the location of G-3 should have been here. “

So close?

Kulo froze for a moment, and barked his teeth, “Is Ability User by my side?” Yes, I’m doing something under my nose, Cass, Wilbur, summon everyone, let’s go. “

“Yes, Mr. Kulo! “

The two of them shouted together and went out to prepare.

“Wait a minute, I will follow. “

Bogard reaches out to get the knife that has accumulated dust in the corner.

“Forget it. “

At this time, Kulo interrupted his movements aloud, he stared at Bogard, and slowly said: “Now this is my residence, you are Garp Lieutenant Commander, don’t mess around here. Otherwise, those Marines who listen to you still listen to me, go back, it’s okay for you. “

Bogard was taken aback for a moment, and stopped, said with a bitter smile: “Is it the reason why Vice Admiral Garp has a gap with you?” “

“The news is pretty good, not as exaggerated as you think, it’s just Lao Tzu’s unhappy. “

Kulo smacked his lips and said: “Don’t think too much, just go back and return to life.” “

He just watched Garp cheated him, he was very upset, so looking at the Garp faction, he was also upset.

G-3 will be handed over for anything. He.

Can I bear it?

There is so much trouble when he comes.

“I understand. “Bogard stood up, said solemnly: “You are the G-3 base commander, you decide. “

Kulo glanced at him, did not speak, turned around and walked out.

The subordinates followed, and immediately, the whole office was empty again, leaving only Bogard is alone.

Bogard smiled bitterly, still holding the knife. He held the handle of the knife and waved the scabbard to remove the dust on it.

“It’s… a shame. “

He is a veteran Marine, so he was recruited.

This matter, even if I go back to the headquarter, I have no face to face it.

And the most important thing is However, Kulo didn’t allow him to redeem his honor.

I heard that Vice Admiral Garp offended Kulo Vice Admiral in Shampoo. It seems that the gap in this matter is not as big as that.

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