Crain Ogg.

Kulo certainly has an impression of the man who awakened the nation at a great cost.

“That kind of sinful and cowardly country will only humiliate people. I am deeply ashamed. There, people can’t get honor.”

Russell I Waving a long sword, the urn said: “If you want to get honor, only let Lord Saintess fulfill her wish, this world can be saved and become a world where everyone can get honor.”

” I said, do you have to stop me?” Kulo smacked his lips and said.

Russell extends the hand, I saw that the ears of the long-eared donkey suddenly expanded and turned into something like a pocket. He took it out and took out a long spear. , Squeeze into a throwing posture, “Although you are strong, I am not afraid of you. For the wish of Lord Saintess, I cannot let you get close to Lord Saintess.”


Kulo raised his eyebrows, but he didn’t care. He had no interest in this man, at least for now, he wanted to find Saintess even more.

Although this guy’s ability to throw long spear is very similar to that encountered in the Kingdom of Klein, the specific formidable power is not that strong.

Kulo was about to speed up, and when he was about to go to the top of the mountain in one breath, he suddenly froze. The breath I felt on the top of the mountain, in this brief moment, disappear without a trace.


The red glow in his eyes deepened a lot, Kulo Kenbunshoku continued to sense, and found that those auras appeared in the original Grann at that moment. Degang over there.

“When fighting with me, don’t be distracted!!”


A white meteor shot out again and went straight to the Kulo front door.

The white shooting star hits Kulo directly and passes directly through. Kulo’s silhouette is rippling in the sky like water.


In the next instant, a sound of a sharp weapon cutting the flesh sounded on Russell’s back.

He stiffened, followed by bleeding from his back, and fell to the ground.

“I remember, the glory of the Knight group, the Pirate of 100 million bounty gold.”

Kulo put the limbid autumn water into the sheath, indifferently said: “So, Isn’t it a good thing that I’m too lazy to care about you? If I take this opportunity to escape, I’ll be safe. I have to stop me here and do something.”

He didn’t even look at Russell, he was going to go down the mountain. .

The wind and snow are still big.

“Not allowed… to go.”

The voice sounded from behind.

Kulo’s pupils flickered and he stopped. He didn’t look back, but his face was full of surprise, “Do people like you have this kind of willpower? It’s really terrifying.”

The person behind him slowly got up. He supported the long-eared donkey on the side, holding the sword in one hand, staggering, but in the end, he stood still.

“For the wish of Lord Saintess, you can’t go…”

Russell squeezed the long sword and pointed at Kulo, “Even if I die, I will stop Yours!”

Speaking, he closed his eyes and murmured: “Sorry, Lord Saintess, I have to use this power…”

Bingxue Among them, a fire star gradually appeared on his body.

“Russell! Don’t resist, we can’t resist Pirate!”

“Russell! Kneel down quickly, Pirate will not treat us as long as our belongings Caused harm.”



In memory, in Klein Scenes of the kingdom flashed one by one.

“Why can’t I resist?”

The fire star on his body has become thicker, and Russell’s whole person seems to be burning, but this burning is a bit like being The burnt embers only exudes fire star.

“I can resist, Klein who doesn’t resist is sin!”

Russell opened his eyes, and they were already scarlet and hoarse. The voice gradually became a mixture of many people, “Sin, you must be saved!”

He waved his long sword, and embers was also wrapped around the long sword.

The entire long sword has been expanded by more than a circle.

Russell reached out and pulled out another long spear from the ear pocket of the long-eared donkey. The fire star was wrapped around the long spear.


The mixed voice came from Russell’s mouth.

Next, in this white world, Russell, who was already full of black and red, rushed to Kulo very quickly like a falling meteorite, and long sword and long spear formed Cross, smash it.

Dang! !

The black blade is blocking the long sword and the long spear. From the center of the two of them, a shock wave bursts through the surrounding snow.

Kulo took a step back slightly and sighed: “It’s really troublesome, this level… the strength is a bit bigger than me. Hey, be careful, if an avalanche is formed, the people on the island But it’s gone.”

“Stop it!”

At this moment, Russell could hear the words clearly, the scarlet eyes appeared fire star, and his teeth squinted. , Uttered a wild beast-like roar, and his body pressed over.

Kulo backed away and directly avoided Russell’s attack. Russell missed a hit, floated his hands, waved his weapon and struck again.

“Is it necessary to be so angry? As a Pirate, you are so angry, and for what reason, you see, I am not so angry, just pure…”

Seeing Russell rushing again, Kulo swung the blade diagonally, his body like a ghost, went straight through Russell’s attack, and slashed him in the chest.

“I just want to kill someone.”


The strength of this blade caused Russell’s entire chest to break open. He staggered for a while, his body swayed, and finally fell to the snow.


Russell extended the hand, as if he wanted to continue to attack, but the stab wound that could almost be divided into two halves made him never After gaining strength, the arm just stretched out, and then it fell down.

The fire star on her body also gradually disappeared.

His eyes gradually became clear, his head tilted to one side, and tears gradually flowed out.

That is the despair and powerlessness after hope is broken.


He looked towards Kulo, “If the world is saved, people in this world will not be bullied. Everyone lives in harmony. Why do you want To stop Master Saintess from this wish, you know Klein clearly, then you should know the incorrigible reality of Klein Kingdom!”

“Don’t be kidding.”

Kulo flicked the blade, and the blood brushed out of the black blade, falling on the snow, looking so dazzling.

“No matter which world it is, the contradiction is always there. Let people eat fast, reciting the Buddha or something, repenting or something. If this can save the world, then there will be no Marine, nor There will be your Pirate.”

He put the limbid autumn water into the scabbard, and said: “Just say, your kingdom was saved by your king. Use his life…”



Russell was startled, staring at Kulo’s eyes, “Impossible, Oughe…”

“You are going to die What do I lie to you.”

Kulo took out a box of cigars from his arms, took out a point, spit out the smoke, and said: “Your irreplaceable anger will not It will converge a little bit.”

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