As soon as the voice fell, the young man named Beli leaped vigorously, and in the eyes of everyone, he rose to the sky, as if blocking the sun, and suddenly jumped into the crowd.

“Find one first!”

He smiled slyly, facing Kuro, and stepped over hard, “I hate glasses, hate hypocrisy!”


Kuro’s glasses were glowing with cold glow, he kicked forward, and his toes collided with Belier’s.


The surrounding air vibrated, and the snow on the ground was scattered everywhere.

“The strength is not weak.”

Kuro and Belier froze for a while, suddenly stretched out their hands, grabbed Belier’s ankle, and threw him out forcefully.


Beli spun in the air, crawling into the snow, raising his head and grinning.

“The white-haired…”

On the other side, Lofa confronted Leda who had been watching her. She was watching herself, and she was watching her.

“There is still this breath…well, it is from the same race!”

Lofa licked his lips, “The’Luo’ in the country of insects is gone, didn’t I can still run into the blood of the same clan here, and the blood of the same clan must be delicious!”

Lida showed disgust, “Are you Luo Family? There are still scattered outside, and I became Pirate.” …”

White hair, and the fighting hunger that lingers in this body all the time, it is the Luo Family that is right.

It’s just that Luoshen has been dead for several years, why does this fighting hunger still exist?

“The perfect man!”

Adela took out the big sword behind his back, pointed directly at Cass, and said ferociously: “Come on, give me your heart! “

“Oh he he he…”

Mingmi, dressed as a geisha, smiled and said, “It seems interesting, so I’ll find one too.”

She was picking from the rest of Marine, looking at Donald, “Oh~little brother, you look good, do you want to have fun with me?”

The hem of her white Knight suit is diverged, with plump and tender thighs exposed, and the neckline is also a V-neck. With the movement, the abyss is swaying.

“Are you down?”

Donald was taken aback, pulled out the ten-character gun behind his back, and bowed and said: “Then please advise.”

“Donald, I’ll help…”

As soon as Sazier was about to rush over, suddenly an afterimage appeared beside him.

Sazl felt a pain in his right arm first, subconsciously, Busoshoku Haki appeared on his right arm, blocking him forward.


One leg kicked him on his right arm, kicked him aside with great force, and slid back, mixing with Fanny and Bellflower.

“That won’t work.”

Moore scratched his curly hair, yawned, and said, “Master Saintess has spoken, then you must be gone. Let’s run first, otherwise life will be gone.”

“This strength…”

Sazir stood up and shook his numb arm, serious Said: “Who are you?”


Moore moved towards others took a look and said: “Didn’t we talk about it, we are The commander of the’Holy Sect Army’, ah…it’s really troublesome. It’s troublesome for you to guess and guess. Let’s just talk about it. Lord Saintess wants to save the world, how to save the world and absorb the sins of mankind ‘, what are the sins of mankind? According to the doctrine, there are seven sins: lust, gluttony, greed, gluttony, laziness, anger, arrogance. After absorbing these sins, mankind is a happy person.”

“But, these sins must be borne by someone, so Lord Saintess chose us. We are not the kind of people who have removed the seven sins, but the ones who have taken the sins, so our character and those who are saved It’s different again.”

He pointed at Beli and said: “This guy is jealous.”

He pointed to Lofa again, “He is gluttony.”

Pointing to Mingmei, “Lust.”

Pointing to Adela, “Greed.”

Finally, he pointed to himself, “I am lazy, and there is anger coming, But he should stop the strongest person among you. I have to say that the person’s breath is really terrifying. You are also quite strong. To be honest, I don’t want to fight you, but there is no way, Saintess has spoken.”


He yawned, and said, “Can you just leave it here? I don’t like fighting very much.”


The platycodon grandiflora stretches its bow and shoots an arrow, and under the trembling of the bowstring, an arrow as fast as a thunderbolt goes straight to the gate of Moore.

However, at this moment, Moore’s body disappeared in place, and the arrow flew straight forward, hitting a stone pillar in front of him, blasting the stone pillar to pieces.

“Ah, it’s a very explosive shot, and Haki, very difficult to deal with. If it weren’t for Uncle, I would be slapped fast.”

Moore’s voice sounded from another direction.

Everyone turned their heads and saw the curly-haired man suddenly appearing from their side.


Sazil narrowed his eyes, “No, that’s not right, I didn’t feel the speed increase.”

“It’s not teleport. “

Moore scratched his head and said: “Ah…it’s troublesome, don’t guess, it’s troublesome to guess.”

“I ate it.’ Beacon Fruit’s’Beacon People’ can release beacon positioning for transfer, whether it is a group transfer or a single transfer. As long as there is a beacon, there is no problem at all.”

“This port city, as well as the entire island, are everywhere with my beacons. Although the use of beacons has a distance limit, I can still bear the distance of this island, just like this…”

He flicks with the finger, and an object with white glitter flies out.

Sazir punched over, knocked the object flying, and landed at his feet.


He fixed his eyes and saw that in the snow, a stone fell there.

In the next instant, Sazier was inexplicably shivered, only feeling pain in his chest, subconsciously, he made a defensive posture.

“It’s a beacon.”

On the stone, a figure appeared inexplicably, and he attacked Sazier with a punch.

Moore tilted his head, looking at Sazier who was blocking his attack, and said in surprise: “Block early? Is Kenbunshoku so powerful? Uncle me, but I was very surprised.”


Sazir grinned: “My Haki, but he has experienced thousands hammers, hundred refinements!”

His arms shook Moore away. Hands and footsteps bullied, fists clenched, Busoshoku filled with a punch, “Nail Fist, straight down nail!!”

The three arrows of Kikyo’s fingers were clamped and shot straight at Moore. .

“Eh, I, I…weak!”

Fanny hurriedly took out a bottle of potion and smashed it at Moore.

The three-party attack was achieved almost at the same time.

However, Sazier’s fist was emptied, and the three arrows shot by platycodon also drew through the air. Fanny’s medicine bottle fell in the snow and shattered, revealing a mass of purple. Mist.

People, are gone again.

Sazil eyes shrank, as soon as he turned back subconsciously, he threw one leg out.

“Nail boxing, nail throwing!”


Moore appeared behind him, grabbing Sazier’s leg with one hand.

Casually, it seems that Sazier’s attack has no impact on him.

Moore’s lazy said with a smile: “Uncle me, in addition to ability, I am also very strong.”

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