Satisfied with wine and food, Marines were farting in the boating of small groups, Kuro stood up in silence, and moved towards Battleship.

Good opportunity!

A cold glow appeared in Buck’s eyes. He glanced left and right and stood up with an anxious look: “Second Lieutenant Kulo, let me fix it…”

Kulo Waved his hand, motioning him to leave quickly.

Buck also walked in the direction of Kuro. In the darkness, he gradually disappeared, and when he reappeared, he became Kuro’s appearance.

He didn’t kill Kuro. Time may not be too late, and the main goal is not him.

Buck walked towards the tent at the highest point, and as soon as he arrived, he said: “Mr. Kulo, I have something to look for you.”

He followed Kuro’s appearance and spoke calmly. , And pushed down the glasses.

When I push the glasses, I always feel that I am missing something.

Is it missing a trouser belt or something…

Kulo glanced at him, “What’s the matter? Huh? Nothing? You want to practice physical skills today? , Let’s go.”

Kulo patted his butt, looked at Lida who was still eating, and couldn’t help but yelled: “Leda! Stop eating, come and train!”

At this time, Leda was still holding a boned leg and chewing there. Listening to Kulo’s words, she chewed the meat together with the bones and followed Kulo.


Buck was overjoyed. He is well trained. He is worried about finding an excuse to cheat Kulo away. Now he doesn’t even need an excuse!

A few people moved towards the interior of the island, and they disappeared without a trace after a while.

After a while, Kuro, who was carrying the Little Pi box with a Saber on his waist, came up, looked at the empty tent, tilted his head, and there was a question mark in his glasses.

“Where are the people?”


Inside the island, several people from Kulo walked in, gradually away from the crowds.

It is night, the stars and moon are hidden, and there are clouds from the east, covering the sky.

Without lighting facilities, the more you walk in, the darker it becomes.

Buck was at the end, looking at the two figures in front of him that were gradually invisible, and gradually a smirk appeared.

You can do it!

Kill these two people, pretend to be Kulo, and go directly to Grand Line.

Buck moved his fingers slightly, preparing to strangle the one big and one small. Just as his pace was speeding up, Kulo suddenly stopped and turned and looked towards him.

The dark clouds dissipated, revealing a huge full moon, and the moonlight shone, and the island seemed to be covered with a layer of silver, gradually revealing its posture.

Kulo was standing in a clearing at this time, surrounded by peaks with missing peaks.

Under the scattered silver blossoms, the photos also covered Kulo, giving him a faint brilliance, and the exposed shadows covered his face, and he couldn’t see any expressions, just a little cold.

Has been discovered? !

Buck heart startled, and the action he was about to act stopped again, staring at Kulo with fear.

Kulo scratched his head, “That what, just here. Lida, he wants to practice physical skills, you come and fight him.”

“It’s me again…I I don’t want to fight, I just ate something, I don’t want to be so hungry, so tired.”

Leda shook her head: “By the way, I seemed to feel a breath of danger just now. Is there a wild beast here?”


“Impossible, you must feel wrong, where is the wild beast here.” Kulo categorically denied.


“I am too familiar with this place. I have been here for many years. There were wild beasts a few years ago, but they were all gone.”



Leda looked around, suddenly reacted, and pointed to these mountains in surprise, “You…you did it?!”

She remembered Kulo’s so-called training method, which is to keep cutting down the mountains. Before, she was curious about where those mountains came from, and how could there be that many mountains on the sea for Kulo to cut.

Now she found it.

There really are that many mountains!

Kulo nodded, “I really miss it. I think of the days of cultivation. Forget it, I’ll come today. I haven’t exercised for a long time. This place…I really want to exercise.”

What do you mean?

Isn’t it discovered?

It’s fine if you haven’t been discovered.

Depending on the situation, does he want to train with himself?

Do these people have the habit of training alone at night?

very good!

This is the opportunity for the killer!

Kulo twisted his neck, hooked his finger at Buck, “Come here.”

You asked for it!

Buck rushed out suddenly, and his five fingers stretched out two fingers, like a sharp sword, straight through Kulo’s neck.

He is good at long sword technique, but without a sword, it does not mean that there is no battle strength. To deal with this kind of person, you don’t need a sword.

One blow will kill you!


One hand grabbed his wrist, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t make any progress.

How is it possible!

Buck’s eyes widened. His move is a stab that imitates the sword technique. It uses formidable power not weaker than a knife, and its speed is not weaker than those of Marine Headquarters elites. He knows those elites. Some of them have a high-speed moving style, and the speed of his move is already comparable to that speed.

Lieutenant a trifling, how could it be possible to catch him? !

Kulo glanced at him disgustingly, “What’s the matter with you? You came to this with me after practicing for so long? Didn’t you mean that you invented a new style?”

“Use your arm as a knife to make a stab?”

Leda said next to him: “Kuro, your speed does not rise but falls.”

Kulo twisted his backhand and Buck did He felt his whole body flying up and being kicked to the ground by Kulo. The huge force made his body slide along the ground and hit a small stone mountain not far away.

“Hurry up, if your new style is this, then you will be finished today.”

Kulo clenched his fists, full of disappointment.

It’s just disappointment!

Basically as long as he is free, he will take turns training Kuro with Lida, forcing him to increase his battle strength.

Judicial Island At that time, Kulo felt that Kuro’s battle strength had been strengthened, otherwise even Bruno would be even close to the top, and Bruno was capable, but he had nothing.

Up to now, he said yesterday that he had invented a new style, but it turned out to be something.

The level is not as good as before.

Buck staggered to his feet, coughed a few times, and almost knocked out his prototype with that blow.

What’s the matter? !

Don’t you feel how strong these two people are?

He is Buck Arlo, the’evil pretender’, bounty 370 million Great Pirate!

What’s the matter? !

A mistake?

Buck swallowed, staring at the knife on Kulo’s waist, and said: “My new style needs a knife.”

“So why didn’t you go before Take it, it’s really troublesome.”

Kulo unlocked [Huazhou] and threw it to Buck, “Hurry up, I’ll see.”

Buck holds the knife, it’s a Surprised, this is the breath of [Famous Knife]. He still knows something about knives. Look at the moiré and then the handle. Isn’t this one of the fifty [Huazhou]?

“hmph hmph hmph.”

Buck smiled evilly and looked towards Kulo, “For the swordsman, there is a good knife, and battle strength is multiplied!”

both of his hands Grip the handle, point the tip of the knife at Kulo, the body is slightly bent, like a leopard.

“Look up, this is the last scene you will see, sword skill·Meteor!”


Buck’s body turned into a remnant Ying, I saw a little cold glow in the moonlight, like a meteor wandering on the ground, straight to Kulo’s chest.

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