Cutting three knives in an instant is a different concept from making three knives in one go.

The former can be said to be fast, even if it is the so-called “simultaneous” cutting three times, it is only in the concept of fast.

But while Kulo is the most authentic, the blade is reduced to three at the moment of drawing.

“You, you, you, you!”

Leda pointed at Kulo with wide-eyed eyes, her voice trembling.

“Sure enough, you are a big pervert, you can do it at this level!”

“What’s the matter with this.”

Kulo doesn’t think [Yan Fan] What’s so great, “It’s just turned into three swords, look at that Roronoa · Zoro, he is Santoryu, swordsman Feiyan or something, he can do it. There are also eight swords. What’s so strange.”

“It’s not like that at all, you think I’m stupid!” Lida glared at Kulo.

Others can’t understand, can she still not understand? !

This is a sharp knife!

How can the level of extinction of the bullet bird be comparable to the stunning and terrifying of this blade!

Kuro is incomprehensible. In his eyes, Kulo this blade has only become a three-knife, but it is a little bit magical.

A knife like this, if he comes to face it, at worst would be a death.

What’s so great…

But for Lida who has seen most of the techniques, even if the physical skills and sword technique are not available, she can also know about this blade. Subtlety.

That is not only a one-shot, but also has the effect of blocking the enemy’s retreat. With that one-shot, as long as the enemy is at war, it is impossible that an enemy can avoid it.

This is the category of’ability’.

Kulo has actually reached the scope of’ability’ only with the sword technique!

This kind of existence, said a perverted Leda feels light.

“Well, that kind of thing does not matter.”

Kulo scratched his head and looked down at the body of the bullet swallow. As Buck died, the bullet swallow gradually softened and turned into Buck. The appearance is silent.

But in order to guard against the unexpected …

Kulo cut off Buck’s head with a wave of the knife, and with another wave, he cut Buck’s body into After removing the fragments, he waved a Blade Qi with violent momentum, and Buck’s fleshy body turned into fly ash under Blade Qi.

“What are you doing?” Leda asked.

“Just in case, it’s better to make a cut. After all, Paramecia always has strange abilities.” Kulo said.

This is called a make up?

Lida looked at the ashes falling from the sky and twitched the corners of her mouth. Inexplicably, she felt that the more than 300 million Pirate was somewhat sad.

Kulo’s eyes have a little red dot, Kenbunshoku opened, covering the whole island, sure that Buck’s breath is gone, then he said: “Okay, go back.”

Leda is a little speechless. Is it necessary to do this? I have to open Kenbunshoku to make sure.

It’s all grayed out, is it possible that can it be resurrected?

If that Pirate was alive, he would have been moved to cry if he knew that he was treated so seriously by Kulo.

A few people walked to the camp, and the earth returned to calm, only the moonlight was still shining.

The crescent moon in the sky is the only spectator.

The moon rotates in the sky until it reaches the horizon of the ocean, while the sun rises on the other side and reaches dawn.

Kulo boarded the ship again and went to branch 153.

Cass is fake, he must find the real Cass.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to relax in East Blue.

The sun sets and the moon rises, The Sun sets and the Moon rises, it’s night again, waiting for the moon to rise, the place where the fly ash fell on the stone island before, suddenly squirmed, and the earth suddenly surged. A mass of slime came out, and gradually fuse together, becoming Buck’s appearance.


Buck fell to his knees, breathing heavily.

He was bleeding all over, with stab wounds everywhere.

“Almost died…”

The’Disguise Fruit’ is very strong, in addition to being transformed into an object in memory, there is also a killing move , That is to’disguise’ into oneself.

It is not a simple’disguise’, he becomes himself, which can make the body separate from himself, while the original body will be hidden and will only appear on the spot after a day.

‘Pseudo body’, this is the highest essence of’disguise fruit’.

This is his last hole card, the same can only be used once.

The fruits have been obtained for several decades, and today is the first and last time it was revealed.

After being chopped by Kulo’s simply incomprehensible sword technique, Buck released the’fake body’.

Originally, he wanted to use this trick to let these Marines take their fakes back. Didn’t expect Kulo to directly kill the killer. Doesn’t he need his own 300 million Great Pirate to get promoted? Job? !

Forget the killer, just one cut is not enough, why cut that many knives, and finally released a slash.

Although his body is hidden, he is’existing’. He was cut over by a slash, and he was naturally injured. In addition to the damage suffered by the previous male transformed into a bullet swallow, he almost died. past.

“Hateful bastard!”

Buck turned over and lay flat on the ground, panting, “I remember you, Lucifer · Kulo!”

In any case, he survived in the end.

The guy named Kulo dares to treat him like this, so he can’t stay in Marine!

If he did something with his appearance, he would be uncomfortable too. If he was blamed by the World Government, it would be perfect!

After resting for a while, Buck felt that he had the ability to move. He turned around, turned into a bird, and flew into the distance.


After one day, one night, Kulo returned to the 153 branch.

This time, he caught Cass.


As soon as the Battleship docked, Kulo saw Marine patrolling the street, and one of them was Kas.

He yelled, and he was about to rush over. Who knew that Cass was more excited than him when he saw it. He rushed over with a stride, and Li Ding saluted Kulo, and then grabbed him. hand.

“Mr. Kulo! It’s Mr. Kulo!”

The excitement and admiration made Kulo swallow the rhetoric that Kulo had just brewed.

That kind of bloody eyes, yes, this big beard is real.

Kulo doesn’t even need Kenbunshoku to perceive, knowing that this passionate idiot must be Cass.

Cass said excitedly: “Mr. Kulo, when I came back, I heard that you were also in East Blue and you were looking for me. I thought I must have missed it, so I stayed at the base. I think you will definitely come back!”

“Ah…Kas, long time no see.”

Kulo twitched vaguely and found that he couldn’t twitch at all. Cass’ hand is like a steel hoop, holding his hand firmly.

That posture is like seeing an old father who has been in the grave for many years and then jumped out.

Don’t be so excited…

“Mr. Kulo, when you were not in East Blue, I worked very hard to promote your will. It has been very effective. Many Marines After hearing about your tenacious deeds against Marine, you also became tenacious. This is your will!”

Kulo said with a solemn expression, “Speaking of this, I just want to talk to you about Some things about the way of justice.”

I came to you because of this!

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