Li Da beautifully enjoyed Bharati’s meal. This meal was still eaten for a long time, costing Kulo 3 million Beli.

“How about, this time in Bharati, no one fainted!”

Zepu looked at Lida who was patting her abdomen with satisfaction, laughed heartily, “This is A victory for the cook!”

This is a victory for money!

Kulo feels slanderous.

Kulo spent three million on this meal.

“I said the old man, I spent that much money with you. Should I give some supplies or something? The men on the boat also want to eat.” Kulo began to bargain.

“No problem.”

Zepu happily agreed: “In fact, the Pirate you left last time, bounty gold is already too much, well, I will prepare it for you Sailing supplies.”

“That’s right.”

Kulo was satisfied with nodded, and waited for Zep to get the supplies ready, said hello, and went to the Battleship.

“Come next time!”

Paidi waved his hands outside, and tears flowed down.

There are not many such generous guests.

“Kulo, when will we come next time.”

On the Battleship, Lida asked eagerly.

“Enough of you!”

Kulo knocked on Lida’s head, “Somehow take care of my salary and your appetite problems. Just come once in a while!”

Although he became a headquarter second lieutenant, his salary has greatly increased, with one million Beli a month.

You don’t have to spend money on food and lodging. The Government provides delicious food and drinks. If you have any questions, you can apply for subsidies.

But it can’t stand Leda making it like this.

In order to prevent Lida from spending the money indiscriminately, now the money is no longer given to Lida, but is placed on Kuro.

After all, I was born in Steward. I have a good hand in managing finances. Kuro feels relieved.

The supplies provided by Bharati were handed over to the sergeant on board, and the Battleship continued to sail.

Kulo is now affiliated with the headquarters and has privileges in the branch. You can park at the branches at will, so he doesn’t need to go back to the 153 branch, and he doesn’t want to. The idiot of Cass in the province thinks too much. many.

But Tocas’s blessing, he hasn’t even met Pirate recently.

Traveling leisurely in East Blue, don’t be too comfortable on such a day.

After sailing in East Blue for a few days, the sun shone brightly still, Kulo got a deck chair on the deck and basked in the sun with his upper body naked.

“Second Lieutenant, we are about to reach an island ahead, do you want to renovate it?”

The sergeant walked over and reported.

“As usual, replenish it and take a day off. Well, it’s rare to take a vacation. Don’t be too serious.”

Kulo lightly said to the sergeant with his cigar in his mouth.

His leave is a bit long, and it will take a few months, but Kulo has made up his mind to leave East Blue.

East Blue is so big and there are so many places to play. I dare not say that I run it all over, but it’s okay to play for a while.

“I said, why do you need to replenish each island? Wouldn’t we go directly to the amusement island’Morgati’?”

Leda is wearing a With short sleeves, lying next to Kulo, he took a sip of juice, yearning: “I heard that’Morgati’ has a lot of fun, let’s go quickly.”

“You know What.”

Kulo said ill-humoredly: “I ask you, how many supplies are on the ship now?”

“We only supplied them the day before yesterday…” Lida some Speechless.

“Yes, two days have been missing. What does this mean? The supplies on board can only be used by Marine for three months, and now there are only two months and 28 days, and you There is food, half of the food in the cabin is your food, which means that we only eat thirteen days a month…”

Leda looked at Kulo speechlessly at that long talk, sighed.

Here comes, he comes, he comes with his lines.

Next, in case…

“In case we encounter rainstorm or something, in case this rainstorm traps us for more than a month, and at that time We don’t have enough food, don’t we have to be hungry?”

Then, that’s why…

“So, you must take precautions, the food in the cabin must be Fill it up, as well as the repair materials, otherwise I will not feel at ease when I sail out.”

The counseling is justified and well-founded.

“Yes, yes, you are reasonable…”

Leda sighed.

Kulo is good at everything, that is, when facing this problem, she is more careful than her, and every time she has to talk about it, her ears will hear the cocoon, and she will recite the lines.

Kuro pushed his glasses, and before Kulo started a long discussion, he ran off to watch the sea.

If it weren’t for it, he would really like to give Kulo a ruthlessness with a claw blade.


Battleship moved forward and stopped on an island.

Leda took a look, and was stunned, “It’s Germorrow.”


Kulo at this moment He changed his clothes and walked out, hearing this said with a smile: “Oh, the island that you emptied, I don’t know how Mayor Mendel is now.”

No Lida This town should be restored to its previous order.

Several people took Marine to the only town on the island. As Kulo thought, the current town has restored its former order.

Kulo asked his subordinates to buy supplies in the town, and then entered Mendel’s home.

“hahaha, long time no see Kulo, thanks to you, the town is full now!”

The current Mayor of Mendel is not full of food before. She has a thin body, but has become strong and powerful again, and her facial features look unusually energetic.

How to see how Kulo is twisted.

I always think he will say “Yala Na one card”.

“Long time no see, come here this time and add some supplies.” Kulo laughed.

“Just take it!”

Mendel waved his hand proudly, “You are the great benefactor of our town, a good man who drove the demon Florida away, in this town, You can do whatever you want.”


Kuro was stunned for a moment, and looked towards Lida, who bowed his head and said nothing.

Leda shrank behind Kulo.

“Oh! You are also a good man.”

Mendel’s eyes looked towards Kuro brightly, and then said: “Yes, Florida, The demon in the East Blue legend was driven out by Kulo. If you are interested, I will explain to you in detail in the evening. There are only two of us.”

Somehow, Kuro always feels Some aversion to cold.

“No, forget it, many thanks.”

Although I don’t understand, but out of instinct, Kuro refused. He turned his head subconsciously and didn’t look at that one. Manly face.

However, as soon as he turned his head and looked towards the window, he saw a meteor with a trail flashing past the window.

“Mr. Kulo, there are meteors again, why are East Blue always flowing, flowing, flowing…”

He can’t speak anymore, cold sweat comes from his face All of a sudden, he pointed to the window in horror and said, “Mr. Kulo!”

“Why? What’s so strange about meteors? Didn’t you meet them before? Wishing this thing once is enough, more. It doesn’t work.”

Kulo looked over there, and with one glance, he was stunned and stood up suddenly.

“What a joke!” His complexion is gloomy extremely.

The so-called’shooting stars’ are getting bigger and bigger.

An outline gradually appeared.

The outline of the island!

That is a huge Great Island flying at high speed and falling very fast!

Not a meteor at all!

And the way forward is Jermolo!

The shadow gradually enveloped the town, because the island was approaching, and in a while, it was about to hit.

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