Kulo raised his eyebrows.

This is a provocation.

He doesn’t want to show the limelight, but you can’t help it if you find it yourself.

Only acting!

He thought, if he is held hostage by Morgan, he will create a little “accident” and make Morgan obediently surrender.

Kulo put on a brave appearance and walked towards Morgan.

“Kulo sergant, don’t do it!”

“sergant, I will replace you!”

Morgan watched Kulo come by, and he also held him hostage. The man walked over, and at the moment when the two were close, he suddenly threw Marine in the direction of Kulo and ran away.

“Morgan, you!”

Li Pa watched Morgan running away, loudly roared: “Shoot, shoot!”

peng peng peng!

The lead bullet flew out and hit the ground under Morgan’s feet. Several bullets hit his body. Morgan groaned and ran out of the branch gate.

“Chasing, chasing!”

The Marines rushed towards Morgan under the lead of the plow.

Kulo was a little stunned. He really thought Morgan would take him as a hostage, and didn’t expect actually ran away.

It doesn’t matter if you run, you don’t need to act.

In the direction Morgan rushed out, the other civilians were afraid to escape. Only a little girl with a double ponytail had no time to run away. She fell to the ground and looked at the giant Morgan in horror. .


A woman ran to the little girl and hugged her tightly.

“fuck off!”

Morgan raised his axe and cleaved down.

“Stop it, Morgan!” The plow had an eye socket cracked and yelled.

But it’s too late!


The sound of the blade unsheathed.

“Ittoryu Heaven’s Line!”

A line of smoke and dust abruptly passed through Morgan from the branch square until it reached the little girl.

Kulo holds the scabbard in his left hand and the handle in his right hand, slowly retracting the knife into the scabbard.


pu!! !

A blood stain spread out on Morgan’s back, the flesh and blood bloomed, and the blood line burst out, causing him to roll his eyes and fall down.

“You are too much.”

Kulo glanced at him coldly, indifferently said.

It’s okay for Morgan to run out, but if he wants to hurt people under his nose, it is touching his own bottom line.

He is Marine after all, and the values ​​of his previous life depend on him.

If you don’t see it, it’s a must if you see him.

For this reason, he doesn’t care at all about exposing his strength. He dares to stand up even when Yonko comes.

Soldiers should protect civilians!


Lippa looked at Kulo in surprise. The cut just now was so amazing.

That is really what Kulo can do.

Lippa’s impression of Kulo is that of a diligent Marine. Although he enlisted early in the army, he has always been very low-key. He didn’t expect that he had hidden such a hand.

Just before Lippa’s questioning, Kulo suddenly rolled his eyes and fainted.

“Kulo sergant!”

The Marines were so scared that they rushed over and shook Kulo frantically.

“Doctor, doctor, someone here has fainted, hurry up and call the doctor!”

Amid the noise, there were several roars.

Leda twitched his lips, “The acting skills are really bad.”

For the unexplainable phenomenon, just faint, and it will definitely pass.

Want me to reveal my strength? impossible, this is my hidden strategy!

Morgan’s was detained again, but he really couldn’t get out this time. The Marines tied him and tied the iron cable to make sure he wouldn’t move before throwing him into the jail.

In the branch, Kulo was carried into the infirmary by the Marines, and Leda followed.

While Marine was going to call the doctor, Kulo narrowed his eyes into a slit and beckoned to Leda secretly.

Leda walked over and looked towards Kulo weirdly.

Kulo opened his mouth and said to her with his mouth: “Touch me.”


“Suck, dry, I .”

The mouth shape said so.

Leda understood, and her eyes flashed.

You asked for it!

She wanted to start with this man a long time ago!

She stretched out her hand and touched it in front of Kulo. At that moment, Kulo felt her energy drain.

This is not the feeling of blocking with Busoshoku Haki before, but the actual feeling of energy loss.


“Can you hurry up.”

As the Marines turned their heads, Kulo glared at Leda.

Leda is also confused.

It’s not that she has never faced powerhouse, Grand Line’s so-called powerhouse is like crossing river carp, but under her abilities, there are not a few Great Pirates that can support hundreds of millions of dollars. If Haki’s attainments are not deep enough, It takes five seconds at most to lose strength.

But what’s the matter with this man!

“Asshole, how did you cultivation!” Leda yelled in a low voice: “The physical strength is too strong!”

Kulo thought for a while, “Starting at the age of six. Sex training.”

He said plainly, but Lida felt stormy sea in her heart.

Listen to this tone, just practice casually?

But why can’t I suck it up? !

Kulo’s body seems to hide the sea, no matter how you suck it, it is still boundless.

This energy…too huge!

Kulo’s cultivation is actually quite simple. He doesn’t know much about Rokushiki or unique physical skills. The cultivation method is based on Garp.

This is the only way he knows.

You may not know what is the concept of using an ordinary knife to flatten the top of a mountain. We generally call this kind of person a “sword tyrant”.

In those days, Garp used his fist to flatten ten mountains, and Kulo spent eighteen years flattening the tops of the mountains. It shouldn’t be a problem.

After eighteen years of cultivation, Kulo didn’t know how many hills he had flattened, but he didn’t think there was anything strong. He just flattened the hills. Can a swordsman do anything?

Leda put her hands on Kulo’s body, her palms seemed to pull the air, she breathes deeply and pressed down hard.

“Essence is harvested!”

Essence, passing faster.

Leda’s forehead is already sweating. To be honest, she has never encountered such a situation. Even if she does her best, Kulo still feels like the deep sea, without movement at all.


Leda hit Kulo fiercely with a punch. Kulo was caught off guard and coughed a few times.

“What’s wrong?”

Marine turned her head when she heard the sound.

“Marine Big Brother, there seems to be something wrong with the Kulo Big Brother, can the doctor hurry up? Can you call the doctor again.”

Leda flashes and flashes His big eyes were full of worry, and almost burst into tears.

“Let’s go right away!”

Kulo sergant has a physical problem, that’s fine.

As soon as Marine left, Lida turned around, her white hair flying without wind.

“Leda, what are you going to do?”

Kulo rubbed his chest, and it hurt a bit.

“Shut up, I’m going to be real, and my energy is seized and fully opened!”

Leda has no hidden thoughts at all, she must see, this man How much energy is there in the body?

Lida grew up, from a white-haired Little Loli to an 18-year-old beautiful girl. The clothes that originally fitted could only cover her chest and buttocks because of her growth. Highlight a good figure.

The female figure of One Piece World doesn’t seem to be bad.


Leda hit Kulo hard with both hands, and her eyes started to emit white light.

This time, Kulo has noticed that his own energy is fading fast as if being absorbed by a giant whale.

“In this case, how long do I think you can last?” Lida gritted her teeth.

“Hurry up, hurry up, it’s almost there.” Kulo urged anxiously.

I have more than half of my energy left. If I hurry up, I can suck myself dry before the doctor comes. When the time comes, I won’t be able to detect anything wrong.


There was a very fast footstep outside.

Kulo said anxiously: “Leda, you can’t do it!”


tone barely fell, Lida became a little girl again and fell to the ground.

“Hungry…I starved to death…”

She lost strength instead.

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