Leda and Kuro have arrived at the palace.

There is no need to break the door. This barrier has been destroyed by the slash that Shiki sent just now. Kuro looked at the vertical gap in the tall palace and was speechless.

Although he can also attack the intensity of this kind of attack, it is obviously not an intensity.

Kuro stepped in and walked in. The miscellaneous fish inside the palace was already shocked by Kulo’s murderous aura.

However, when Kuro came in and took a look, his expression became weird: “These are fish?”

Not counting the staff, those Pirate who fainted, there are a few Kuro but look Through bounty order.

One of them is black and white, including the teeth with black and white. It is Captain [Black and White Pirates], bounty gold 53 million.

The one with a mouth that is like a wild beast, full of posterior molars, is Captain [Wild Boar King Pirates], bounty gold 49 million.

On the head next to him is wearing a helmet like a wine cup. It is Captain [Pirates], bounty gold 85 million.

Higher than Crocodile!

Although bounty gold doesn’t mean much, these captains can’t be counted as trash fish.

At least Kuro can’t be it.

He walked up to a captain, handed the claw blade forward, slashed across his neck, and a blood line surged.

Leda took out an apple from her backpack and watched as she chewed it.

“Kulo let us destroy those potions. Where is that potion?”

“Search it again and you will know.”

Combine these captains After all the repairs were made, Kuro pushed down his glasses and said to Leda: “You and I will find it separately.”

Just as he said that, there was a burst of’puci puci’ inside. A sound like farting.

A person with a pale face and dressed like a clown appeared in front of them.

“It’s Marine. It’s really a big thing, but it’s useless. You can’t beat Master Shiji.”

Indiego smiled and looked. Towards the two people.

Lida shrugged her nose at him and waved her hand in disgust, “This person has a bad medicinal smell, it should be him.”


Kuro’s body is slightly curved, and the claws rise.

“Chemical magic ball!”

Indigo’s palm, inexplicably appeared a ball of green flames, like magic, a large number of spheres spinning on top of his head , Fell to the other hand.


Indiego pushed with one hand, and those flame balls flew toward the two of them.


Leda glanced, and she escaped the flame ball on one side of her body.


Kuro’s claw blade swung down and directly pierced a flame ball. The flame ball emitted thick smoke, enveloping his figure.

Indiego wanted to continue his attack, and the cold glow claw blade stuck to his neck.

Kuro did not know when he appeared behind him, as if he was holding a friend, he put his arm around Indiego’s neck, and whispered:

“If you don’t want to die, tell me the medicine. The existence of the room, otherwise if my hands are shaking, I don’t know what happened.”

“Wait, wait…”

Waved his hand, “I see. Keep your weapon away from me. If something really happens, then I will be dead.”

“That’s right, then, where is the pharmacy room? ?” Kuro asked.

“Pharmacy room…”

Indiego’s horrified face suddenly smiled: “I’ll say it if you catch me.”

Boom! ! !


Kuro suddenly made a loud noise behind him, a strong wind passed around him, and then a huge force came from his side.


Too late to dodge, Kuro had to shout loudly.


His body was smashed out and hit the jade pillar inside the palace, smashing the jade pillar.

“Scaledo, you are too slow.”

Indiego didn’t look back, and said: “If I really die, Master Skee’s wish can be It’s gone.”

“Ao wu ao wu ao.”

Behind him, there appeared a huge orangutan wearing a red suit, and ao wu yelled.


In the ruins of the pillars, Kuro pulled apart several buildings and stood up again, with a little blood on the corners of his mouth.

The power of this orangutan is too great.

He was on guard at all times. Kenbunshoku Haki had been driving, but he still did not escape the attack of the orangutan.

The speed of this orangutan is not slow.

Indiego said with a smile: “I’ll introduce to you, this is Skaredo. We usually find animals from the Grand Line for testing, and Skaredo is the only exception. It is The king of East Blue Zhen Beast Island has extremely high wisdom, and of course his strength is also very strong.”

“ao wu!”

Skaredo patted his chest proudly Suddenly, he looked towards Leda.

At this time, Lida has always maintained the appearance of a girl, and that appearance makes Skaredo’s eyes full of love.

“Ao wu ao wu ao!”

Scarredo yelled a few times, put his hand in front of his forehead, and the other hand pointed towards Lida, his head tilted slightly. There was a blush on his face.

It seems that I am looking at something worthy of liking.

Leda had a chill, “Although I don’t know what you said, but it’s disgusting…”

“ao wu!”

Scarley He jumped hard and rushed towards Leda.

“Be careful, it’s powerful!” Kuro cried out.

Seeing Skaredo rushing with both hands, Lida swallowed the apple expressionlessly, with a slightly touched hand.


The palm of the giant ape that could hold Lida with one hand was blocked by Lida casually, and the huge force of resistance caused a wave of air to blow around her.


Scarredo showed a surprised look, his hands were obviously harder, but no matter how hard he tried, his small body was completely motionless.

“Compared with strength, I haven’t lost to anyone yet.”

Leda scorned Issho at Skaredo, and twisted her hands slightly under Skaredo’s palm. .

“Essence looting!”


Scarredo seemed to have encountered something terrifying, so he shrank in fright. He turned back and jumped back very quickly, looking at Leda in horror.

“It’s quite huge…”

Leda extends the hand, pointing her five fingers at Skaredo, “The body is also huge, but a huge body, many times, It’s just a living target.”


peng peng peng!

From Lida’s five fingers, he shot the flying Shigan, Falling on Skaredo’s body, every Shigan pierced Skaredo’s fur and made a bloody dent.

“Oh, oh!”

Scarredo screamed in pain, and just about to run away, but his steps suddenly softened and his speed dropped significantly.

peng peng peng!

Lida’s five fingers shot frantically, constantly hitting Skaredo’s body, and Skaredo’s actions became weaker and weaker. When he finally stepped out, the huge body collapsed.

“Scaledo, what’s wrong with you!”

Indigo exclaimed in horror: “No, the formidable power of’Shigan’ is just a trifling bullet. It should be of no use to you.”


Skaredo let out a weak cry, almost unable to lift his eyelids.

Bullets have little effect on the giant beast of this kind of Rank, but Leda’s ability is given to it, and every Shigan will make the gorilla’s energy drain.


Leda took out another apple and ate it.

Kuro walked over and said to Indiego, who looked terrified, “You need to learn something, Pirate.”

“No, no, don’t come over!”

Indigo stepped back a few steps, and saw Kuro rushing up, screaming in horror for a while.

In the palace, Indiego’s screams sounded.

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