Dangdang weapons appeared around Kulo, and everyone around him showed a look of shock.

Include yourself.

“Whenever I watch it, I feel shocked…”

Leda sighed a little.

Although she was accustomed to seeing Kulo’s tsunami and islands from time to time, so many weapons around her body still gave her a great shock.

“Ability User…”

Playing Prince was also taken aback, and the accomplishments of this Ability User are not low.

“What is your ability?!” Prince Yule asked.

The answer to him was a saber flying over.

Siwa appeared around Prince amusement, trying to grab the hilt of the saber, who knew that the saber fluttered up, avoiding Siwa’s grasp, changed direction, and continued moved towards Pleasure Prince attack.

In fact, Kulo does not need to use Fuwa Fuwa no Mi’s abilities, but after practicing for so long, he has to use it for activities, otherwise, how can he know to what extent he has mastered it.

This is a good opportunity to display.

The smiling guards obviously took the happiness pill. It is estimated that there are hallucinations everywhere, and Kulo’s specific operations cannot be seen.

Those allergies too.

And Kulo’s subordinates are now either resting in the hotel or stationed in the Battleship.

They are the only ones who can see.

The few people on the other side were basically put on the death list by Kulo.

The saber that attacked Prince amusement was still caught by Siwa. He held the handle of the knife with his backhand and slammed it towards Kulo on the street lamp.

Just as soon as the saber left the body, it whirled in the air and flew to Kulo’s side.

“Can I control weapons?”

Playing Prince complexion is gloomy, snapped his fingers, “Shoot!”

peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~!

The guards holding guns all raised their guns, and the lead bullets were shot out like a barrage.

The swords around Kulo flew uniformly, forming a wall of swords in front of him, and bullets hit it, sparking bursts of sparks.

This thing, of course, is useless.

Kulo waved his hand lightly, and the swords scattered again, all aimed at the direction of the amusement Prince.

However, at this time, the amusement Prince of the window on platform has disappeared. At that moment, he had reached the ground and was surrounded by the guards.

“You have a lot of control over weapons, but so many people are my shields, what do you do, Marine.”

Prince of the amusement rides once again Snapped his fingers, “There will be many more behind.”

With the sound of the snapped fingers, some people gradually began to appear nearby. They were all nationals of the country wearing cloaks and high hats, one by one. The puppet-like smiles converged into a big stream and walked towards the castle.

“Morgati has hundreds of thousands of citizens. If you want to kill me, you have to kill so many talents.”

In addition to these citizens, Kulo also saw those in the amusement park Visitors on the Internet, and… your own subordinates.

People with the meaning of worship still have other emotions. After the unfathomable mystery walked here, I saw this scene obviously not knowing what to do.

“Lieutenant Ku…Kulo, what are you going to do?”

Marine’s sergeant stared at Kulo standing on the street lamp in surprise and asked.

Kulo didn’t reply. Instead, Prince pointed at Kulo and said in grief:

“I’m going to be killed, people who love Morgati, because I couldn’t finish this. At Marine’s request, he is going to kill me.”

On the ground, there is Beli in the suitcase, but it hasn’t moved yet.

This happened to be seen by these people who admired but did not lose their sense and feelings. If you add Prince amusement, everyone seems to understand something.


The sergeant pointed at Kulo angrily, “I didn’t expect you to be such a person. I actually think that bribery is not enough, and I want to kill such a great man. His Highness the Prince!”

To put aside the general situation, the sergeant impossible commanded Kulo like this.

What’s wrong with accepting bribes is not uncommon.

Moreover, what Kulo showed was not so incorruptible. Even if he saw it, the sergeant wouldn’t say anything, instead he was accustomed to it.

But now that there is a factor of’worship’, he will feel extremely angry.

And like this, there are not a few.

A smile appeared on the corner of Prince’s mouth.

There are not only his subordinates here, but also the upper class of other kingdoms among the tourists. If these people report jointly, this Marine’s career will be over, and his imprisonment is certain.

And if he doesn’t want to be blamed, he can only kill these people. It doesn’t need him to kill many people. As long as he kills a hundred people, the handle will be controlled by himself.

No matter what, this person will always fall into his trap.

In Morgarti, no one will be his opponent, especially Marine who abides by the rules.

“You are really bad indeed.”

After a glance at everyone underneath, Kulo slowly held the handle of the knife, “I wanted to test my ability, forget it. …”


The blade is out of the sheath.

“Ittoryu · collapse!”

Murderous aura permeates the surroundings, and the heavy murderous aura turns into substance, impacting people’s spirits.

The one who fell first was standing on the window sill. The doctor in the white coat, apart from this, was not affected.

Feeling the murderous aura, the amusement Prince took a few steps backwards, his face finally turned dark.

This murderous aura…

This person is not easy to deal with!

“It didn’t fall…”

Kulo was also a little surprised. His murderous aura was not much inferior to Haoshoku Haki, and no one fell.

This guy… the mental ability, can actually resist his murderous aura?

“It’s done!”

After seeing that Kulo’s murderous aura was useless, Kuro was the first to act. His set of Geppo appeared on the head of the amusement Prince, the claw blade Glowing cold glow, it has already hit the face of Prince amusement.

As long as this person is killed, everything will be relieved.



The claw blade couldn’t get into the neck of the amusement Prince, and there was a black spot.

Amusement Prince smiled at him, “This level is not enough, this Prince…not weak!”


Kuro was hit in the abdomen with a punch, and his whole body flew up.

A touch of black also appeared on the fist playing Prince.


This guy, actually knows Haki? !

However, at the moment of punching, Lida turned into a girly posture, appeared on top of his head, and touched it with one hand. Her speed was much faster than Kuro.

Prince Yule was obviously a little unresponsive, staring blankly at Lida about to touch him.

However, at this moment, a reaction that crushed the world appeared on Prince Yu Le, and that feeling made Lida’s movements stiff.

A hand wrapped around Busoshoku Haki grabbed Leda’s wrist and threw it forward, also throwing her out.

“It feels dangerous to be touched by you. It’s better not to touch me…the strength is good, you are not like ordinary Marines.”

Play Prince Shi Shi Randao.


Leda stood up and said in horror.

Kulo’s face is also a bit wrong.

The feeling just now is that Haoshoku is right.

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