【“Ah? Why? Shanks misses you too!”】

【“No~!” Uta pushed Luffy away, his brows darkened: “He doesn’t miss me at all, he never treated me as his daughter!”】

【“It’s not like that, you misunderstood Shanks!”】

【“I didn’t!” Uta shouted, pointing at the ruins behind him angrily: “This used to be a world-famous music island, where people lived and worked in peace and contentment, but it was because of him that it became like this, a hateful pirate who kept saying that I was his daughter. "I didn't want to be your son, but you abandoned me and destroyed this place!"]

["Shanks wouldn't do such a thing!" Luffy's expression became serious: "Uta, don't you even trust your own father?"]

["I won't forgive him!" Uta's eyes were filled with anger: "I will never forgive him in my life!"]

[Abandoned, left behind, killing civilians, destroying Elegia...]

[Young Uta's heart was already broken the moment she saw the Red Hair Pirates' ship leaving her.]

[She will never forgive Shanks for doing that. 】

【"Wake up, Uta!" Luffy said hurriedly: "Since it doesn't make sense, there is no need to say it anymore. Instead of letting you stay here alone and think about it, just ask him face to face!"】

【"Are you on his side too, Luffy!" Uta looked at Luffy deeply, with a strange smile on his face: "Yeah, I remember, you are also a pirate, just like him... ruthless!"】

【Bang! 】

【Suddenly, Luffy moved, and moved forward in an instant, grabbed Uta's shoulder and said loudly: "Believe me, Uta, Shanks is not that kind of person, if you don't believe me, I will take you to ask him in person!"】

【Boom! 】

【In an instant, just when Luffy's hand just touched Uta's body, a terrifying force burst out from Uta's body, knocking Luffy away. 】

【"Stay, Luffy!" Uta smiled: "Stay here with me, the Pirate King or something like that will only bring pain and sacrifice to this world!"】

【"We can create a new era together, a world without harm, bloodshed, and death!"】

【"Live a happy, happy, and fulfilling life together..."】

【Uta tilted her head, and black vortices continued to emerge behind her: "Isn't this good? Luffy!!"】

【"Stop it, Uta!"】

【The moment he saw the vortex, Luffy recalled Shanks' words of warning in his mind. 】

【"Remember Luffy, you must stop Uta before she summons that power, you must stop her!"】

【"Why don't you listen to me, Luffy? Why do you have to believe that cruel man!"】

【Uta's expression became gloomy, and he shouted angrily: "Answer me, Luffy!!"】


【The ground shook, and in an instant, the whole of Elegia was shaking. ]

["Uta!! Stop, you will be doomed if you continue like this!"]

["Even Luffy, are you going to abandon me?" Wow~ A pair of dark wings bloomed behind Uta, and a powerful shock wave spread wildly in all directions. ]

[A terrifying face that covered the sky slowly emerged in the air. ]

['I can't wait any longer! ']

[Swish~ The red-glowing Armament Haki covered Luffy's arms, and his feet kept rising and falling like springs, and white mist rose all over his body. ]

["This is not a new era, what you created is just a deformed world!"]

["I'm sorry, Uta!!" Luffy jumped up, and the moment their eyes met: "I must stop you!"]

["Luffy!!" Boom! Accompanied by Uta's heartbreaking shout, countless tentacles made of piano keys rushed towards Luffy. ]

[Bang! Luffy punched out, and the terrifying power directly smashed everything in front of him. 】

【‘Is this the Totomjika that Shanks mentioned? ’】

【A deafening roar exploded in Luffy's body, and the terrifying Conqueror's Haki enveloped the entire sky. 】

【‘We must stop Uta before she fully displays this power! ’】

【In an instant, thunder surged down, surrounding her body, and a flaming fist mixed with thunderbolts punched out. 】

【“Wake up, Uta!!”】


【With this punch, Totomjika shattered into slag, disappeared without a trace, and was sealed again. 】

【Uta slowly fell from the air and was hugged by Luffy in time. 】

【As for the few music scores that fell with Uta, they had already shattered into debris. 】



Live broadcast room.

Hundred BeastsKaido: "Totemugika? What is this?"

Flame Disaster Jin: "It seems to be a monster caused by this little girl?"

Bigmom: "momomo~ Childish guy, New Era? It's just a joke."

Sand Crocodile: "Hehehe~ Why are the straw hat bastards in every parallel world so strong?"

Vice Admiral Garp: "Hahaha~ This is all thanks to me."

Warring States: "...... You actually have the nerve to say that!"

[The live broadcast is still continuing. ]

[On the sea, on the deck. ]

["Thank you, Luffy!" Uta, who woke up from a coma, looked at Luffy's back blankly and murmured. ]

["Hahaha~ What's the matter, you are my most important partner!" ]

["Luffy, come closer!" ]

["Ah? What?" Confused, Luffy came forward. 】

【But he was hugged by Uta, hugged very tightly, and buried his whole face in Luffy's chest, as if he wanted to squeeze his whole body into it. 】

【"Uta you..." The voice stopped abruptly, feeling the heat seeping from his chest, Luffy was silent. 】

【"I'm sorry, Luffy!"】

【"It's okay!"】

【"I don't know why, I... I really didn't mean to fight you!"】

【"Don't worry, I understand."】

【"In fact, I am the murderer who destroyed Elegica, right?"】

【"It's not your fault, it's that monster who is using you!"】

【"Wuwuwu~ Actually... Actually, I knew it a long time ago!" Uta shrank into Luffy's arms and burst into tears: "I know Shanks is innocent, he is protecting me, and I also know that all this is my fault, but... Wuwuwu, I, I just can't let it go!"】

【"It's okay, when I see Shanks in the future, I will criticize him for you!" Luffy gently stroked his hand. Uta's hair, smiled and comforted: "In fact, I have already taught him a lesson for you, and he has realized his mistake!"]

["He wanted to come to you, but he was afraid that because of him, you would be targeted by the navy..."]

["But Elegica was..."]

["That's all Totemugika's fault. It has nothing to do with you. You are innocent."]

[Gently pushing the person in his arms away, Luffy held Uta's face and said solemnly: "No matter what happened in the past, from now on, Uta, you will never be left behind by anyone again!"]

["Because I am here, I will always be with you!"]

["Luffy... woo woo woo..."]

[Looking at the young couple hugging each other passionately, Coby stood up and walked towards the deck railing. ]

[I should be at the bottom of the ship, not here...]

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