Pirates: Control Thunder and Lightning

Chapter 184: : Hero Sora's White Burn

"Father, let me deal with them. The speed of these guys is too slow!"

Pink Hair Lolita yelled impatiently.

The blond man in the middle moved his eyes slightly when he heard the words, and looked at his daughter who was eager to try next to him, as if he was looking at a masterpiece, and there was a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

He smiled and gestured, and then a soldier behind him leaned over with a map in his hand, Gage looked at the map and continued, "We're not trying to help these guys deal with them in this war. Our opponent, the purpose of this war is to completely bring all the four countries on this island under the command of Germa, and turn this fertile island into a base for Germa to re-rule the North Sea!"

"Does your father mean that we wait until they have suffered heavy casualties, and then quickly take action to completely destroy their participating forces, thus completing the gorgeous usurpation of the country!?"

Pink Hair Loli said excitedly, there should have been a child's innocent face showing a frenzy that did not belong to a child.

It seemed that this plan to usurp the country made her very excited.

"As expected of my proudest daughter, Leiju, you're right."

Gage looked at his excited daughter and was very satisfied. This can be said to be the first perfect work that was born after he obtained research materials from Vega Punk, whether it is in strength, speed or the ability of the body. , Reiju, who is about three years old, can almost easily crush the mass-produced Germa soldiers.

Once she is an adult, she is destined to become a powerful warrior!

The only regret is that she is a daughter, and Germa's revival is not something a girl can afford.

But soon, looking at the bulging belly of the woman next to him, a flame called ambition burned in Jiaji's eyes. It can be said that with Reiju's example in front, the children after him will become more and more perfect!

Sooner or later, a king who can rule the entire North Sea will be born among his children!

The blond woman on the side seemed a little tired of watching the battlefield filled with gunpowder smoke and corpses.

After speaking, she stood up, and extended her hand to the pink-haired loli: "Leijiu come here, go back with mother."

Pink Hair Lolita glanced at Jiazhi, who did not speak to express her acquiescence, and then responded first.

"Yes, mother."

Then he jumped directly from the chair, and the force even cracked the rock under his feet.

Just when the blond woman was pulling the pink-haired little loli and was about to leave, suddenly a voice sounded in the sky.

"Excuse me, are you the Vinsmoke family?"

The blond man sitting on the central chair was stunned for a moment, looked up, and saw a figure standing in the sky.

With black hair without wind and automatic, with a height of nearly two meters, a strong figure that can't be concealed by the clothes, and only one eye that seems to contain thunder and lightning exposed under the vortex mask, people are in awe at first sight. .

"Navy or World Government?"

Gage looked at Nicholas and muttered to himself suspiciously.

For him, the people who have the ability to stay in the air are the people in the world government and the navy, except those with fruit ability.

As for why he didn't recognize Nicholas, it was entirely because Nicholas had a mask on his face.

"Is it the Vinsmoke family?" Nicholas looked at Gage below and continued to ask.

"Hey! Who the **** are you! Do you know that this is the sea fortress of Germa 66! If you don't want to die, leave now!"

The pink-haired little loli looked up at Nicholas angrily and said.

Looking at the pink-haired little loli with fierce milk and fierce milk, Nicholas smiled, "It seems that this is your work, Gage."

"who are you!."

Looking at Nicholas, who was mysteriously hiding his head and tail, Gage suddenly said angrily: "If you don't reveal your identity again, I will kill you!"

"Oh~ it's so scary, it seems that you are the Vinsmoke family who lead the notorious Germa 66 in the North Sea." Nicholas said with great interest.

"Don't talk, Reiju!"

Just when the pink-haired loli was about to continue speaking, suddenly, the blonde woman next to her scolded her, stood up and saluted Nicholas above, saying:

"I'm sorry, please forgive my daughter's collision, her temper is a little grumpy."

"Mother, what are you doing!?"

Pink Hair Loli asked a little puzzled, but her eyes were full of unease.

"Vismoke Gage, an old friend whom I haven't seen for a long time asked me to bring you a greeting, 'Gage is **** you' and he also asked me to tell you that you'd better not fall into his hands, Otherwise, he will definitely transform you into the most evil transformed person."

Nicholas sends Gage his best regards from a mad scientist.

In the face of Nicholas' rude remarks, Gage did not get angry.

Instead, he said lightly, "Who is that old friend you're talking about?"

As the ruler of Germa 66 who aspires to become the overlord of the North Sea and revive the glory of Vinsmoke, it can be said that Gage has been learning how to be a good monarch, although he has always learned four different things.

"Who else could it be, Bergapunk?"

When he heard Vega Punk's name, Gage was no longer calm.

"By the way, he also asked me to charge some interest first. Don't hate me. I can't help it. You should know his personality very well after you have been with that guy for a while, so don't make me embarrassed."

The voice fell, and Nicholas's figure suddenly moved.

With Nicholas's move.

Everyone raised their heads in unison, only to see that the guy who was floating in the air actually rushed in the direction of Jiazhi with his fists clenched.

Jiazhi's face sank, and he gritted his teeth: "You bastard!"

However, except for Gage, the pink-haired Lori, and the blond pregnant woman, whose expressions changed, the other Germa members were all expressionless.

They don't know what is fear and shock, because they are deprived of almost all emotions from the moment they are born, they will not be happy, not sad, not afraid, and even only some scraps can keep a kind of or two emotions.

The Wensmoke family, once the top war family in the North Sea, even ruled the entire North Sea for 66 days by themselves. It is impossible to say that they are weak.

Especially now, with Gage's further studies.

The strength of the Vinsmoke family, which has greatly increased its technological strength, is even stronger than ever. It is not afraid of death, extremely loyal warriors, and its own combat power brought by technological equipment makes Jiazhi very confident, using the bloodline discovered by Vega Punk. The technology brought by the factor transforms their children into superhuman bodies, with indestructible exoskeletons, and with the power of the transforming device, they are the most perfect warriors.

Facing the attack of Nicholas.


A puff of smoke appeared to wrap Gaji's body. When he appeared, he had already cloaked a dark yellow cloak. The battle uniform on his body was in the style of a black coat. A spear full of technology appeared in his hand. The cloak danced, he raised his spear and pointed at Nicholas, and the golden current on the spear was constantly flowing.

"Garuru! This is the battle suit of the commander-in-chief Germa."

Nicholas said with emotion, it can be said that the existence of the battle suit almost made Germa's strength a lot higher.


At this moment, a stream of air suddenly erupted under Gage's feet, and quickly ejected his body towards Nicholas in the sky.

"Electromagnetic thrust!"

The golden current of the spear tip was even stronger, and it stabbed Nicholas with a single shot.

However, in his astonished gaze, the spear pierced the masked man's chest so directly.

Then the expression changed, the stab in the hand stopped, and the body moved subconsciously, but before he could react, the figure of Nicholas had come to him, and then a note of friendship with Vega Punk's resentment broke his face. The fist smashed directly into Jiazhi's face~www.readwn.com~Boom!

With a bang, Gage was directly smashed into the castle from the air.

After a while, Gaji flew out again, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand, and said to the blond pregnant woman beside him: "Sora, take Leiju to evacuate, this guy is not easy."

And looking at the blond pregnant woman, and Gage who is constantly farting under his feet.

The expression of (Old Man · Subway · Mobile Phone) appeared on Nicholas' face.

Your relationship is a little messed up.

The great hero Sora turned out to be the wife of the evil commander-in-chief of Germa, and gave birth to a child to the evil Garuda in Germa 66. Is this the series of "Hero Sora's White Burning"?

I don't know if the children I met before will cry and faint in the toilet when they know the truth.

(I was cursed by Lieutenant General Wallace today, sprayed debuff in my body, and is currently puffing... so there are only two chapters left)

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