Nicholas's heart trembled slightly.

This sense of oppression created by just one look is simply terrifying.

Even when facing Whitebeard and Roger, Nicholas didn't feel that way.

Is it...?

Nicholas's face could not help showing a solemn color.

It is no wonder that Roger has the idea of ​​using his life to promote the era of the great pirates. Is this kind of terrifying strength really something that people can have?

Although there has been some speculation about the strength of the person standing at the top of the world, when he really faced it, he found that he was so powerful.

Originally, in Nicholas' view, Roger surrendered to his fate, but now it seems that Roger should have learned the power of Joey Boy from the things left by Joey Boy, the final island, and also understood from the side that standing in the world. The terror of the apex man.

Otherwise, with the strength of the Roger Pirates across the sea at that time, it is entirely possible to find some valuable devil fruits or secret treasures to solve Roger's disease.

Feeling the power of the master of that gaze deeply and clearly, Nicholas's figure flashed quickly as his thoughts moved.

The figure flickered, and between Nicholas raised his hand, he waved a thunderbolt towards the surrounding buildings.

From start to finish, Nicholas didn't even go to see the bald five old stars.

The purpose of such destruction of buildings is also to create chaos.

Because in Nicholas's perception, with the gaze of that gaze, several powerful breaths appeared in other directions of Holy Land Mary Joa at the same time, rushing towards this side.

The bald man in a white robe frowned at Nicholas's movements.

Before stopping Nicholas, the bald man bowed slightly in awe in the direction from which the gaze came from just now.

Nicholas vandalized the buildings in Mariejoanne, and at the same time began to prepare for evacuation.

While creating chaos, he was still thinking about how powerful the master of that gaze would be.

With the fall of another magnificent building, the smoke and dust were everywhere, and the Holy Land guards also surrounded.

The guards who fell one by one from the air joined the other ground troops.

They cooperated in an orderly manner to surround the smoke-filled buildings.

And the powerful old man in white robe, the five old star, came out more and more, staring coldly into the smoke, Nicholas at this time has been firmly locked by him.

The guards who formed the encirclement had cold eyes, and they were all about to move.

In this case, they don't think Nicholas can get away.

Feeling the killing intent from all around, Nicholas sensed where Beilein and the others were.

Did you leave successfully...

It went better than expected.

Nicholas smiled involuntarily.

"At this time, how dare you laugh?"

The guards saw the smile on Nicholas's face, as if he had been slapped in the face, and their eyes suddenly became colder.

Only the blood of this guy can wash away the shame.

"I hope you enjoy the gifts that were given to you."

Watching a brightly colored spore fly in front of him, the smile on Nicholas' face became even brighter.

The white-robed old man's eyes narrowed slightly: "Huh?"

The words just came out, and the mutation suddenly occurred. I saw the sacred guards surrounding Nicholas. The skin of the body began to rapidly turn purple-black, green, and red. Even some guards began to have poisonous sores and cracked, and the stench of toxins splashed. To the person next to him suddenly seems to cause a chain reaction.

On the bald man's arm, a blooming flower also appeared quietly, and he noticed that the bald man was using a knife to directly cut off a piece of flesh on his arm, and then quickly retreated.

And Nicholas, who was standing there, disappeared out of thin air after a burst of thunder.

The sudden change was so unexpected that many people did not notice it.

"Being tricked..."

There was awe-inspiring anger in the eyes of the white-robed bald man.

"Did you get away?"

At this time, several other figures landed next to the bald man, looking at a mess of holy land guards who kept screaming and screaming. One of them opened his arms and then squeezed towards the middle. With his movements, the air in front of him started. Compression, and soon all the holy guards and spores in the field disappeared.

"There should be viruses in other parts of the Holy Land. We will send cleaning troops to clean up, and send people to block the news."

"Let the CP department investigate why the other party suddenly attacked Mary Joa."

"And let the Navy and the CP department pay close attention to Nicholas's movements. Once there is news, report it immediately!"

After a simple negotiation, one after another order was quickly issued.

At this moment, there was a whistling in the sky, and several big bosses looked towards the top of their heads subconsciously, and then a pool of yellow with green, green and white Xiang accurately landed among several people.

Looking at Xiang on the ground, several big men who had practiced quite well in nourishing qi, suddenly looked gloomy.

10,000 meters above the sky.

The Sea King flies through the clouds.

With a burst of lightning Nicholas appeared out of thin air on the edge of the hull.

On the deck, looking at the figure of Nicholas, everyone smiled.

On the deck lay the Saint of Somerfield, but at this time, the Saint of Somerfield was no longer arrogant and domineering in the past. After all, these guys are the villains who really dare to attack the Holy Land Mary Joa, maybe it will be true Kill yourself without hesitation.

Just now, Nicholas activated the Flying Thunder God through the mark left on the ship to instantly cross the distance of 10,000 meters and appear on the deck of the Sea King.

With the safe return of Nicholas, the operation against the Draconians came to an end.

"Captain, what to do with this guy."

Simon asked curiously, looking at Saint Summerfield who was lying on the deck and pretending to be dead, and at the same time, he also looked at Vestad who was wiping the axe.

"Don't worry, let's send it to the prison at the bottom of the ship and lock it up."

Nicholas smiled at Simon, then lowered his head and looked through the clouds to the red soil continent below.

At this time, Mary Joa had completely fallen into chaos, and there was no extra energy to pursue Nicholas and the others, so Nicholas quickly retracted his gaze.

"Is it disdainful to take action? And I can't feel the breath of 'captain', is it dead? Or is it detained in a more secret place?"

Thinking of the oppression of the gaze he felt in Mary Joa, Nicholas muttered to himself.


In the dead of night.

In the World Economic News Mobile News Agency, there was a sudden sound of ghost crying and wolf howling.


Many news agency employees who had just fallen asleep due to overtime work were shocked by the sudden howl from Morgans and fell off the bed.

When everyone gathered in the office, they found that their president was in a state of rage at the moment, and there were scattered documents and office supplies on the ground.

At this time, Morgans was lying on the ground without an image, crying loudly.

"President, what's wrong?"

Some employees couldn't help but asked curiously, knowing that they received the first-hand breaking news today, as long as it is sent out tomorrow, their news agency's reputation will definitely usher in another surge, but how does Morgans seem to be a little bit? Not happy.

Hearing the employee's words, Morgans flushed with excitement: "This is big news, those guys didn't let us publish it! They should all be burned to death in Mary Joa!"

Hearing Morgans' words, many employees came back to their senses and couldn't help but ponder.

It is about the Holy Land and the Tianlong Morgans, who has always been fearless in order to release news, will inevitably have to think about it.

I had already decided to publish it in tomorrow's newspaper. Who knew that the World Government would say hello. If you don't want to be unable to gain a foothold in this sea in the future, suppressing the news is the best choice.

However, this news is so explosive that if it hadn't been released...

Life will not leave regrets!

But if it is released, life may be over soon.

After thinking for a moment, Morgans made a decisive decision and shouted loudly: "Everyone, prepare to rewrite the manuscript, but don't mention Nicholas in the news photos, just say that there was a plague and fire in Maryjoa, and the casualties were heavy!"

Many employees saw this and their eyes lit up.

the next day.

A piece of earth-shattering newspaper flies around the world under the delivery of Newsbird.

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