Fire, lightning.

Two disaster-level natural elements dance around Kaido and Charlotte Lingling respectively

The long sword and mace that were held high were entwined with flames, lightning, and the tyrannical domineering that exuded a terrifying aura.

The huge bodies of the two exude a terrifying aura.

In a trance, as if there were two ferocious beasts roaring silently.

The two sea emperors who ruled the new world, and at the same time, were ready to join forces to give Nicholas a slap in the face.

Looking at the battle posed by Charlotte Linglong and Kaido, Nicholas could clearly feel a huge coercion, giving the illusion that anything in front of them would be annihilated in the next second.

Even the flow of time seems to be extremely slow at this moment.

Nicholas is sure something scary is coming!

Under this premise, is it to resist or avoid its edge? Run first?

With almost no hesitation, Nicholas made the decision to fight head-on.

After all, he also wanted to see if he could withstand the combined blow of the two sea emperors head-on.


Nicholas put away the long knife in his hand like lightning.

As he whispered to himself, the thunder and lightning all over his body made a big splash, and at the same time, the whole person began to be wrapped in a cloud of lightning, and it was constantly expanding.

Soon Thor, 100 meters high, stood where Nicholas used to stand.

Nicolas' response was watched by Charlotte Lingling and Kaido.

"Ugh, it looks like he's going to fight us hard. I've been underestimated, Lingling..."

Seeing that Nicholas didn't seem to have any intention of evading, but wanted to face the bomb, Kaido's eyes flashed fiercely.

Originally, it was necessary to take into account the lightning ability of Nicholas's terrifying speed.

That's why he and Charlotte Lingling didn't rush to make moves, but first used their knowledge and aura to lock on Nicholas's aura.


Seeing Thor standing between the heavens and the earth, you don't have to think so much.

If he can't hit such a big target, he really might as well go back to the zoo.


"Mmmmmmm... Kaido, kill him together!"

The auras of Kaido and Charlotte Lingling flowed and intertwined, and soon the aura that was still a little separated became a whole under the tacit understanding of Kaido and Charlotte Lingling.


The aura skyrocketed, and Charlotte Lingling and Kaido made moves almost at the same time.

Napoleon's long knife entwined with flames and lightning, and the mace with purple-red lightning entwined on the thorns, instantly slashed a shock wave full of destruction towards Nicholas with similar strength and speed.

The dazzling light instantly became the most eye-catching existence in the world.

Wherever the shock wave went, even the air wailed, and the ground and various building debris that were hit were completely annihilated into molecular forms.

"Ba Hai!?"

The members of the Hundred Beasts Pirates and the Bigumam Pirates were shocked when they shot.

The terrifying momentum that seemed to destroy everything, even those who were dozens of miles away from the battlefield couldn't help being terrified.

Almost at the same time, an idea popped into their minds.

"Nicholas is dead."

For them, they believed from the bottom of their hearts that no one could face such a terrifying move head-on.

And just when Kaido and Charlotte Lingling made their move, Nicholas, who incarnated the **** of thunder, also synthesized his hands into a calyx shape, and then put his hands on his waist, and a large number of thunder and lightning began to compress and converge in the palms of his hands, and even approached the entity. .


Following Nicholas' voice, a huge beam of light with a diameter of more than fifty meters swept away in the direction of Kaido and Charlotte Lingling.

In terms of momentum, it was actually on par with Ba Hai.

In the blink of an eye, the shock wave emitted by Nicholas met in mid-air with the shock wave that Kaido Charlotte Lingling jointly cut out as scheduled.


At the moment when the two shock waves collided, there was only a deafening roar in the ears of everyone present.

Followed by a strong light that can take everyone's attention away, and even many people who were too late to reflect, burst into tears.

Everyone present was shocked, and at the same time, they closed their eyes subconsciously.

In the next instant, the oncoming air wave, like a wall of air invisible to the naked eye, slammed on them.


The cadres of the Hundred Beasts Pirates and the Bigumam Pirates, as well as the ordinary crew members, were all pushed back by the violent air waves.

"what happened…!!"

Everyone present raised their arms in a conditioned reflex, blocking their brows.

They barely narrowed a gap and looked at the collision center point full of horror.

What caught my eye was an incomparably huge ball of light, and accompanied by the strong light were the layers of air waves rushing towards the surroundings in a ring-shaped circle.

As for the more specific situation, they can't see it at all.

"Mr. Kaido and the combined move were blocked...?!"

Perospero, who was biting the candy in his mouth, used his fruit ability to make a pair of simple sunglasses to barely see the situation in the field, but when he saw the specific situation, his eyeballs almost fell, and even he was surprised. The porpoise in my mouth was bitten.

Although Nicholas's strength has been infinitely high, but now from this situation, it seems that the guy is not afraid at all in the face of the alliance between his mother and Kaido.

"Lord Perospero, what are you talking about... How could such a terrifying move be blocked?!"

Hearing Perospero's words, everyone who lacked sunglasses and couldn't look directly at the bright light to see the situation couldn't help but look stunned.


Perospero first glanced at the many crew members who were unwilling to accept the facts, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com then looked at the location of the battlefield without saying a word, because the two sides were still in a stalemate and there was no real winner.

However, Perospero's face was full of deep fear.

The mighty momentum in the field soon ushered in an end.

At the same time, the situation between the two sides in the original stalemate finally changed. A beam of light full of destructive aura roared and tore through the smoke and hit the huge Thor, and then the huge Thor disappeared.

And as the smoke dissipated, everyone on the sidelines saw the huge open space blasted out by the shock wave, and also saw Kaido and Charlotte Lingling standing there, and on the other side of the open space was standing. Nicholas.


The people who had sworn that Nicholas would never be able to stop Charlotte Lingling and Kaido's joint strike all looked at Nicholas who was safe and sound in the arena with shock.

The only thought a lot of people have at this point is that, although I don't understand it, I'm shocked.

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