Pirates: Control Thunder and Lightning

Chapter 302: : The response of the nations

In less than an hour, the BIGMOM Pirates suffered unprecedented losses.

Even when they fought against the Whitebeard Pirates, Wan Guo had never been so embarrassed.

The original Whitebeard Pirates, relying on the ability to shake the fruit, can be said to have destroyed many islands within the jurisdiction of the Ten Thousand Kingdoms without any pressure.

And this record, in the hands of Nicholas, still continues to set the trend.

Nicholas had no plans to stop until he was found out.

On the other hand, the Bigumam Pirates, because of the fall of several islands within the Ten Thousand Kingdoms, many cadres have accumulated anger that has nowhere to release and also have a trace of fear.

And this fear reached its peak when the Queen Mother Anthem appeared.

As for the Charlotte Lingling standing on the deck of the Queen Mother Anthem, there is no need to say much at this time.

The hideous face full of cold killing intent, and the huge body that exudes a terrifying aura all the time, all show Charlotte Lingling's mood at the moment.

It can be said that except for Katakuri, Smoothie and a few others, the cold sweat on Charlotte's forehead was uncontrollably flowing down, and her face suddenly turned pale.

The unfamiliar aura emanating from Charlotte Lingling made the eldest son Perospero sweat quietly on the forehead.

But at the same time, I am a little fortunate, at least my mother is in a sober state at the moment, and I don't even have a chance to explain.

So much so that he was hesitant to tell his plan.

When noticing Charlotte Lingling's sweeping gaze, knowing that it couldn't go on like this, Perrospero finally plucked up his courage.

He walked up to Charlotte Lingling with great difficulty, and said carefully:

"Mom, that guy Nicholas doesn't fight us at all, and we can't catch up with Nicholas with our mobility, so I called everyone to the outer waters of Cake Island, as long as that guy wants to go to war with the nations, he will definitely come here. .

And mom rest assured, I have notified the egg **** ships in the waters of Wanguo to safely transfer the people of Wanguo on each island.

Soul life in the second half of the year will definitely not be a problem. "


When Charlotte Lingling heard the words, her oppressive gaze slowly swept to Perospero.

At this moment, Perospero subconsciously tightened his body, his heart beating fast.

At the same time, he desperately restrained his inner fear, because he knew that as long as he showed fear in front of his mother, it would be over.

Although Charlotte Lingling is very moody, and the wanton destruction of IWC Totland by Nicholas and the inaction of her children, Perospero, made her very angry.

But in fact, she would not kill Perospero, or even any of these children.

In her opinion, the situation on the sea has become more and more turbulent, and she needs a perfect work like Katakuri to emerge from the children of the Charlotte family.

Therefore, as long as these children of her own show their worth, Charlotte Lingling naturally doesn't mind giving them certain preferential treatment, and even chooses a certain degree of restraint in a state of rage.

As for children who are worthless, they will die if they die.

Although Perospero's combat plan can be said to be the best response, for Charlotte Lingling, it is equivalent to asking her to voluntarily give up other islands in the world except Cake Island, which makes her feel quite at ease no matter what. unhappy.

But it was also a desperate decision.

After all, no one could have imagined that...

The mighty Nicholas, like the hooligans, would not fight them head-on, but bully those weak, pitiful and helpless islands everywhere in the entire waters of the Ten Thousand Nations.

This leads to-

In the past, the bigmom pirates, who could always arrive at the scene in time, could not catch up with the speed at which Nicholas captured the island.

What makes it even more uncomfortable is that each island in Totland, which originally took care of each other, is now like a big fat pig waiting to be selected by the butcher.

Charlotte Lingling stared at Perospero, who had finished her battle plan, without a word, her eyes were extremely terrifying, and she looked like a beast ready to choose someone to devour.

This woman, who has stood for decades in the new world, is sometimes like a moody child in terms of personality.

Sometimes blind and stupid, sometimes shrewd.

Sometimes they don't even listen to the words of their own children, and they even take away their soul life without hesitation. Sometimes they are willing to give the little mercy to their subordinates and accept their pleadings.


While staring at Perospero without saying a word, this monstrous woman who made her own children terrified, also began to consider the feasibility of Perospero's plan.

And when she was willing to think about it, she almost made a decision subconsciously.

After all...

Or because of the strength of Nicholas, she still maintains her sense of anger.

"Then prepare to meet the enemy."

After a while, Charlotte Lingling said expressionlessly.

Seeing Charlotte Lingling's words, Perospero was immediately relieved.

But when he came back to his senses, his back was already wet with sweat.

When facing a mother who is emotionally abnormal, even if he is the eldest son in the family, as long as one accidentally offends his mother, I am afraid that his life will be spared by his mother on the spot...

Sometimes, that is, when Charlotte Lingling is in a good mood, she can feel that trace of family affection.

But when facing Charlotte Lingling who was in an abnormal mood, she couldn't feel the affection that existed in her blood at all, and even because of fear, the trace of affection she gave when she was in a happy mood disappeared.

Walking on thin ice is the most suitable way to describe his situation just now.

"Hurry up!"

Perospero glanced at the nearest crew members and kept urging.

Obviously he needs to make Charlotte Lingling know that he has value.

Hearing Perospero's urging, the crew members were also agitated. Thinking of Perospero's perverted behavior of turning living people into sugar, they immediately used the fastest speed in their life and began to get busy.


Charlotte Lingling called Bree's name into the huge mirror carried by the crew.

Under the power of the mirror fruit, the mirror can not only communicate with the mirror world, but also transmit sounds and objects.

It can be said that Bree's ability is quite important in the Charlotte family~www.readwn.com~ Not only can he be responsible for the delivery of goods, but also can transport a large number of troops and monitor all the movements of the entire Totland Kingdom.

As long as there is a mirror where the sound sounds, Brei who is in the mirror world can receive the sound.

"Mom, I'm here."

After a second or two, Bray's voice came from the mirror.

Charlotte Lingling, looking at Bree who appeared in the mirror, said solemnly: "As soon as there is any trace of that guy Nicholas, report it immediately."

"Got it, Mom."

After Bray answered, her figure slowly disappeared in the mirror.


Charlotte Lingling, who was sitting on the throne, looked at the gradually changing celestial phenomenon in the distance, as if she had seen Nicholas's tragic end, and couldn't help but let out a sneering sneer.

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