If a guy who kills ordinary people like ants can be called a monster, then there are so many monsters in this world.

But there are often only a handful of those who can really stand at the top.

And Douglas Barrett is undoubtedly one of those monsters standing at the top of the world.

Facing the attacks of the three natural systems, Barrett was still standing.

"You bunch of trash fish can also catch Roger, it's a big joke!"

Barrett twisted his neck, while the fighting spirit in his body became more vigorous.

With that burly figure, and the appearance like a demon.

The navy that surrounded him in the periphery was shocked by Barrett's terrifying momentum, and they subconsciously took a step back.

"Reborn Financial Giants"

Barrett can clearly perceive the fear in the hearts of the elites of the navy even if he doesn't need to see it.

so weak...

How could Roger be captured by such a navy?

At this moment, the green pheasant on the side shot.


Aokiji appeared beside Barrett, and at the same time, his right hand was raised towards Barrett, and the cold breath rushed to Barrett like a wave.

I don't know if it's due to being too arrogant, or because of style.

In the face of Aokiji's IceTime, Barrett had no intention of dodging.

"Ah le le, it's really arrogant!!"

A touch of ice flashed in Aokiji's eyes, and with a thought, Barrett was wrapped in a huge ice ball in a flash of cold air.

Looking at Barrett who was under control, Aokiji said with a smile: "It seems that you forgot that your opponent is not just me?"

Before he could finish his words, the mountain-like ice ball shattered within a second, and scattered ice crystals fell from the sky.

Barrett stood unharmed among the ice debris on the floor.


Looking at Barrett who easily broke free from his control, Aokiji's face was also a little ugly. Although he did not expect to be able to solve Barrett with one move, it was difficult to even control the opponent's actions for a period of time. .

This hexagonal warrior is really tricky.

Although he failed to completely control Barrett, he still created offensive opportunities for Sakaski and Polusalino.

You don't need to be moral to pirates, do you?


Polsalino, who ate the gleaming fruit to gain the speed of light, came to Barrett in an instant.

Then the whole person's body began to burst into a dazzling light.

"Eight-foot Qionggou Jade"


Countless light bombs with huge energy hit Barrett's body like a shower, bursting out waves of air visible to the naked eye.

Barrett was shaken by the continuous attack.

And almost at the same time that Kiabou's attack stopped.

A fist of lava exuding terrifying high temperature slammed into Barrett's back waist with a strange force.


With the power of one punch, the shocking waves of air swayed in all directions.

"As expected of Lieutenant General Huang Yuan, he is really strong!"

"After the punch from Lieutenant General Sakaski, that guy must be finished."

It can be said that many navies were quite excited when they saw this scene. Barrett’s strength is obvious to all, but such a strong guy was suppressed in front of their three major elite lieutenants in the navy, which made them not. Excited.

But soon they realized something was wrong.

Although Barrett faced Kuzan, Polusalino, and Sakaski, the three of them were beaten and defeated, but...

"He, he is laughing...!!"

Many navies looked at Barrett, who was grinning and smiling in the distance. At this moment, the red iron-like fist mark on his lower back showed that he was indeed punched by Sakasky just now. If it weren't for the protection of the armed color, that punch would be enough to knock out half of his body.

Sakaski, who restored the magma arm to its original state, naturally saw Barrett's undisguised smile.

"what's so funny!!"

Sakaski's face sank, his fists were covered with magma again, and the hot magma landed on the ground.

Facing Sakaski's questioning, Barrett's smile became even brighter.

He grabbed the tattered clothes that had been beaten on his body and threw them on the ground.

His muscular body was exposed, but at this time, there were many more wounds on this strong body, especially the wound on the back waist was even more ferocious.

But Barrett still grinned as if he didn't feel it, looking at the three powerful opponents in front of him with excitement.

Peng -!

Suddenly there was a muffled sound.

But it was Barrett who staggered his arms and blocked Sakaski's fist with precision.


Seeing that his offensive was suddenly blocked, Sakaski's expression changed.

Obviously, he didn't expect Barrett to be so rigid. Even with the protection of armed color, the high temperature of the magma would still burn him.

Seeing Sakaski's mutated face, Barrett grinned coldly.


Before he finished speaking, Barrett suddenly shook his backhand, grabbed Sakaski's arm and pulled it forward. With a screeching sound, Sakaski's body lost his balance and fell towards him. come over.

Immediately afterwards, the huge fist of Barrett's other arm lit up with a red sheen like a stream of water.

"Deliberately punch!"

Barrett slammed a punch and hit Sakaski directly in the face.


The terrifying force was concentrated on Sakaski's face, and the energy that suddenly materialized, deformed Sakaski's face, and even formed ripples visible to the naked eye behind Sakaski's body. wave.

Suffering such a heavy blow, Sakaski opened his mouth and spat out a lot of blood, rolled his eyes, and instantly became conscious.

After that, his body stagnated in place for less than a second, and then flew backwards like a cannonball, hitting a building a hundred meters away in the blink of an eye.


The building smashed by Sakasky suddenly turned into ruins, raising a lot of smoke and dust.

Barrett looked at the smoke and dust flying into the sky, slowly closed his fists, and sneered at Polsalino and Kuzan: "It's your turn."

The sudden scene stunned the onlookers in the navy.

I couldn't believe that Sakaski would be kicked out so easily.

That is the elite lieutenant general of the navy headquarters, with his own title, as long as the time is ripe, he can become a monster of a general.

"Is that a tyrannical entanglement? It's really interesting..."

Polsalino looked at the ruins that Sakaski had smashed in the distance, and Barrett's fist wrapped in red flowing gas flashed in his mind.

"Miscellaneous fish is really an eyesore."

Seeing more and more naval soldiers around, Barrett slowly restrained his smile, and his eyes lit up with red light.

For him, he likes to fight with the strong~www.readwn.com~ but that doesn't mean he is willing to be watched like a monkey watching his fight.

Overlord is domineering!

As Barrett's voice fell, a red aura emanated from his terrifying body, sweeping across the bodies of many surrounding navies in an instant.

"Is it the same domineering domineering as the Warring States General?"

Before Kuzan's words were finished, the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground was heard one after another.

Glancing out of the corner of his eyes, he saw that the surrounding navies rolled their eyes and fell to the ground.

As the overlord's aura swept through, but within a few seconds, only a few dozen of the thousands of navies in the field remained awake.

This result made Qingzhi's heart sink to the bottom of the valley, knowing that these people lost their ability to move, and once they were involved in the aftermath of the battle, there was only one dead end.

"Oh, trouble."

The two of them saw the distress in each other's eyes just like Polsalino looked at each other.

"Go ahead, I hope you can give me a little more surprises."

Barrett stepped forward, fists slamming together.

Suddenly, a voice came from Rogge Town.

"Sakaski, Polsalino and Kuzan, I'll give you three and an hour, whether you live or die. If you still can't take that guy Kizaru, you will work overtime until you die, and Sakaski will give you I will honestly go to the 16th branch of the East China Sea, and I will never be transferred back to the headquarters for the rest of my life. As for Kuzan, I will help Ah He handle the internal affairs of the navy!"

As the words of Sengoku fell, Barrett clearly felt that the momentum of the three guys on the opposite side had changed.

It seems that the three guys on the opposite side have become serious from fishing.

ps: .asxs. The mutual tearing of the great gods is really wonderful, much more interesting than the novel. I don't know if there will be a single chapter to read in a while. Aba Aba~(╯°Д°)╯

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