Pirates: Control Thunder and Lightning

Chapter 350: : The air suddenly becomes very quiet

Pan Ancient City, Hall of Rights.

"Do you really let those two guys go on like this?"

Wu Lao Xing, who had scars on his head, said.

"It doesn't matter, since the adult said it, it means that everything is still in control."

Wearing a small round hat, the fat man on crutches said calmly.

"I'm really unwilling to be beaten directly at the door of my house, but I can't do anything."

The bald-headed five old star gently stroked the treasured knife in his hand, as if to appease the restless killing intent.


At this moment, the door opened abruptly, and then, under the gaze of Wu Laoxing, a guy in a Tianlong uniform but without a Tianlong mask walked in.

There were also several people dressed in the same clothes behind him, one of them with a black knife on his back looked at the bald five old star who was gently stroking the treasured sword, the sharp eyes that belonged to the swordsman were in the air collide.

If Nicholas were here, he would surely find that the man who looked at the bald five old stars was an acquaintance.

"Everyone, the next thing is left to us."

The man in the lead said humbly.

"Although your strength is very strong, it's not a big problem to stop those two guys, but if you want to kill them, it's still a long way off."

Among the five old stars, the man with blond hair and beard looked at a few people and said.

"You don't have to worry about it."

After speaking, the man and the people behind him all took out masks and put them on their faces.

Then a person at the back of the team opened a door directly in the air.

Soon these people filed in, and as the door closed, the air returned to its previous state, as if nothing had happened.

At the same time, on the square that had almost turned into a purgatory on earth, an air door suddenly appeared that was pushed open.

A man wearing the same protective suit of the Tianlong people and wearing an abstract 7 mask rushed out from the air door.

Just as he rushed out, another figure rushed out behind him.

The man was dressed almost identically.

In addition to this, the man is also wearing a mask, but the abstract pattern on the mask is 6.

Although the mask looks the same as CP0's mask, it can be clearly felt that these people are completely different from CP0.

"This is not a place for you to be presumptuous!"

With the roar of the masked man No. 6, he grabbed towards Nicholas's position. Almost in an instant, the muscles of the original arm rapidly swelled, and the palm of the hand also turned into the sharp claws of raptors and was covered by the armed color.

But Nicholas disappeared almost instantly.

"Oh, you really don't talk about martial arts!"


Seeing Nicholas who appeared again but was standing on his claws, the man in mask number 6 made an unbelievable voice on his face.

"Big Rock Snake!"

With the sound of a cold drink, the slate and rock below Nicholas instantly swelled into a rock python, surrounding Nicholas.

"Strangle him! Big Rock Snake!"

With another loud shout, the man wearing the mask number 9 stretched out his palm and clenched it suddenly.

And with his movements, the giant python made of rock was constantly strangling Nicholas who was entangled. With the force of the force, Nicholas' figure disappeared instantly.

"Menmen fruit!? Stone stone fruit, no, stone stone fruit should be eaten by Doflamingo's subordinate Pika, then this guy should be another fruit, and animal type, but I don't know it's an illusion. Or an ancient species…”

Nicholas, who appeared in the distance again, analyzed a lot of information in this short moment, but his attention was more attracted by the open air door in the square.

In his perception of seeing, hearing, and color, he could perceive that there were still several breaths in it. He also wondered what the strange feeling before was, it turned out to be the ability of the door fruit.

In this way, Bruno's previous door fruit is in the hands of these guys?

While thinking about it, Nicholas raised his hand directly to be a thunderbolt, ready to use thunder and lightning to blast away the stone snake that was chasing from the sky.

Nicholas is not at all surprised by these sudden appearances and their bizarre Devil Fruit abilities.

After all, it can be said to be the power center of the entire pirate world. If there is no point of pressing the bottom of the box, it is estimated that it has been overthrown many times.

Nicholas' thunder instantly shattered the stone snake and then attacked the masked man No. 9 behind.

The masked man No. 9 looked up at the terrifying thunder that flew straight in.

The dazzling light that came one step ahead reflected on his mask, and through the holes in the mask, it could be seen that there was no panic in his eyes.

"lightning rod!"

But before the lightning approached, a huge lightning rod suddenly appeared in front of the masked man No. 9, which directly resolved Nicholas' lightning, and then the huge lightning rod turned into iron sand in the blink of an eye.

This is-

Another Devil Fruit ability, no, it's the ability of the Nine.

Drago, who was watching secretly from the side, had a strange color in his eyes.

Obviously, three capable people appeared in just a few seconds. It is conceivable how much the background of the world government is behind.

And not only that, according to the dresses of these people, it is obviously not a CP0 person, which means that this is the hidden power of a Tianlong person.

Only the Heavenly Dragons, who are above the giant world government, have the ability to collect so many Devil Fruits.

"Sand and iron enchantment!"

At this moment, the cold snort of the masked man No. 9 sounded in the air.

Then a large amount of iron sand flew in the air, and quickly formed a dark cloud of iron sand, shrouding Nicholas's head.

Seeing the cloud of iron sand that suddenly appeared, Nicholas fell into silence.

Are you sure it wasn't that Luo Shazhuan was reincarnated as a pirate from the dirty soil next door?


It is estimated that it is because there is no storage scroll and the lack of iron under the feet at this time. Strictly speaking, this iron sand cloud cannot be called a sand and iron enchantment at all.

Of course, those who have used the sand-iron barrier are also aware of this.

But it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

"Sir, here we are."

At this moment, hundreds of slaves suddenly ran from a distance, and these slaves were all pushing small carts with large cloth bags on their backs. It could be seen that all the black iron sand was pushed on the carts.

"It came at a good time."

The masked man No. 9~www.readwn.com~ who controls the iron sand is using his abilities to control all the newly sent iron sand.

"This is the real sand iron enchantment!"

With the inflow of a large amount of iron sand, it not only expanded the scale of the iron sand cloud, but also caused the spreading iron thorns to spread out from the iron sand cloud, spreading towards Nicholas below.


Looking at the iron sand that kept spreading towards him, Nicholas fell into a brief silence.

Then, the right hand, which was lit by lightning, reached out to the iron sand spikes without hesitation.

"Lei Metallurgy!"

Accompanied by the thunderous light, the air suddenly became very quiet.

Looking at the iron sand barrier that was smelted by lightning at high temperature into a large lump, the man in mask number 9's eyes were a little dull. This development was different from what he thought.

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