Pirates: Control Thunder and Lightning

Chapter 352: : respective battles

"It's really a terrifying guy, but you who caused the 'wrath of God', don't even think about escaping from here alive."

The masked man No. 9 stared at Nicholas, even if his eyes were blocked by the mask, he could easily feel the cold peeping sensation like a poisonous snake.

As the voice of the masked man No. 9 fell, next to the masked woman No. 5 in the air door, there were CP0s exuding powerful breaths. Obviously, these CP0s entered this maze from the outside through the air door. .

Different from the previous CP0s who protected Roswald Saint and other Celestial Dragons, these CP0s coming out of the air door are obviously more dangerous, like human-shaped killing machines, revealing a cold atmosphere.

Just like CP1 to CP9 under the World Government, different CP departments are responsible for different tasks.

The same is true in CP0, and the positioning of members in CP0 is also different.

The CP0 members who are responsible for the day-to-day safety of the Dragons are the strongest shields of the Dragons.

And the one responsible for cleaning up the Tianlong people and the enemies of the world government is the strongest spear of the Tianlong people!

More aggressive and more low-key! Because every time they are dispatched, the enemy will be completely wiped out, which also makes their existence even more unknown.

at the same time.

Outside the ancient city of Pan, in addition to the people responsible for rescuing the Tianlong people and putting out the fire, most of the troops responsible for the safety of the Holy Land Mary Joa are rushing to the social square.

in the maze.

The man in mask No. 9 looked at Nicholas and Drago with a cold and ruthless gaze.

It can be said that from the moment they arrived at the scene with the help of the door fruit ability, the fate of these two guys was doomed.

If it is said that before being pulled into the maze, maybe Nicholas and the others have a chance to escape.

Then when they were pulled into the labyrinth and a steady stream of troops entered the labyrinth through the door fruit, the two would have no chance.

But for Nicholas, his views are completely different from this masked man No. 9.

Although the enemies they are facing now are not only this special dragon team, the strongest shield and the strongest spear CP0 under the world government, but also the entire Holy Land Mariejoa's garrison force, and The elite naval forces are coming.

But don't forget, both Nicholas and Drago are top-level natural ability users.

What kind of cruel thing will happen when two top-level natural ability people and a group of enemies are placed in a closed space?

So Nicholas is not too worried about their safety. What he is worried about is the issue of whether Red Harbor and Tiger who followed them to make trouble with Mary Joa and whether Callas can evacuate safely.

With them holding back a large number of enemies, if Karas and the guys at Red Harbor can't escape into the sea before the support from the navy headquarters arrives.

Then the whole army was wiped out, which is almost the result that can be expected.

Nicholas and Drago looked at each other, and both of them smiled.

Afterwards, thunder boomed in this maze, and the wind howled!

Marijoa's burning Draco mansion.

Callas covered his shoulders and looked at the guy who suddenly appeared in front of him.

It was this guy who just took advantage of his unpreparedness to shoot a cold shot. If it wasn't for his own crow warning, it wouldn't be his arm that was hurt now.

And if those guys caught up with Tiger and the others, it would be a big problem.


At this moment, a wolf howl suddenly sounded in the distance, and it was visible to the naked eye that a mist began to expand rapidly after it was far from the fire.

While his thoughts were spinning rapidly, Karas stared at the gun-wielding CP0 standing at the top of the building in the distance.

Only if this guy is eliminated first, his crows can fly and go to support Tiger's side.

"Crow Attack!"

Then the fire crows burning in the air rushed towards CP0 standing on the roof like missiles.

"Bang bang bang...!"

Facing the fire crow pierced from the air, CP0 moved at a high speed to dodge, while raising the muzzle of the gun in the process of dodging, pulling the trigger at Karas.

As the flames spewed, lead bullets emitting high temperature shot at Karas at high speed.

"It seems that you haven't figured out the situation yet, you can't escape!"

CP0, who fired, launched a verbal offensive while his eyes flashed red, constantly locking on the figure of Karas.

On the other hand, Karas easily avoided the flying bullets by virtue of the excellent perception brought by the color of seeing and hearing, and the sight sharing of the surrounding crows.

At the same time, after avoiding the shooting, he kept moving his position and controlled the crows to fight back.

As for responding to CP0, Karas had no such idea at all.

In such a situation of hostility between the two sides, it is either to kill the other side by oneself or the other side to kill himself.

In the red port, Jinpei, Ivankov and others also encountered opponents.

After smashing a World Government soldier with one punch, Urki glanced aside from the corner of his eye.

I saw that all the heavily armed soldiers there gave way at the moment, and then a strong man with a physique no less than his came out.

Bang bang bang!

With the loud sound of fists colliding, the figure came to Urgi.

"Supernova, strange monk Urky?"

Then, without waiting for Urgi to make a move, for convenience, he suddenly stepped forward with an uppercut, smashed Urky into the air, and then suddenly exerted force under his feet, and the whole person moved at a speed that was completely unequal to his huge body. After catching up, it was another output to Urki in the air.

In the face of the iron fist that the man kept pounding, Urki did not move at all except to cover his cheeks with his hands, and the smile on his face never disappeared.

at the same time.

The even people also fought with the enemy.

"Nicole Nicole! DEATHWINK! (Death wink!

Accompanied by Ivankov's words, Kazlan's big eyes blinked quickly on the alluring face.

Almost in the blink of an eye, a huge explosion wind directly wrapped a group of enemies into it.

And the so-called real man never looks back at the explosion, not to mention as a new human being that transcends the genders of men and women, the **** king Ambrio Ivankov!


"You have committed the unforgivable crime of embezzlement in the decree of the World Government. I, Zi Ming, announce that I will deprive you of all your rights and will arrest you. Let's arrest you!"

"You have committed the unforgivable crime of hatred and anger in the decree of the World Government~www.readwn.com~ I, Chi Ming, announce that I will deprive you of all your rights and will arrest you.

"You have violated the unforgivable infatuation in the world government's decree. I, Hui Ming, announce that I will deprive you of all your rights and arrest you. Let's arrest you!"

Three strangely dressed CP0s said to Ivankov in cool looks.

Ivankov: …

"Come on, as the hope of a new human being, the queen of the Kamabaka Kingdom, the creator of the **** will never be caught easily!"

With a huge face, unusually large dark purple bangs, long, thick eyelashes, pale blue eyeshadow and purple lip gloss, mesh stockings and cape, tight, ultra-low cut jumpsuit revealing a large skull tattoo on the abs Ivankov also poses.

Three CP0s:…

What does it feel like to meet an opponent? ?

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