Pirates: Control Thunder and Lightning

Chapter 359: : It's really not the right time


In the violent explosion, several luxurious buildings in Mariejoyana were directly collapsed by the aftermath of the explosion, causing a lot of smoke and dust.


A strong gust of wind flashed out of the smoke, tearing a huge hole in the smoke.

Then dozens of figures followed.

As the battle continued, reinforcements from the World Government also arrived, and when Nicholas was dragged by the Assassin Master, they naturally targeted another enemy, Drago.

As the saying goes, a lion alone can't stand against a group of hyenas. Even Dorag is a bit of a headache when facing the siege of these guys, and these guys seem to be intentionally keeping the battlefield away from the ancient city so that Nicholas and Dora can be separated. Grid split.

On the other hand, Nicholas also fought a fierce battle with CP0, known as the Assassin Master.

Unlike the previous small characters, the guy in front of him can be said to be born for assassination.

"Little devil, the marine nature system is not invincible..."

Following another attack, the figure of the Assassin master flickered and disappeared again, and then appeared 100 meters in front of Nicholas.

On the profile of Nicholas, there is a conspicuous bloodstain.

"Domineering, Hailoushi can attack the natural system, you should be aware of the difference now, right?"

The Master Assassin held two strangely shaped daggers and looked at Nicholas from a distance.

"It's no wonder that you are called the Assassin Master. It seems that you should have killed someone with natural abilities."

Nicholas stretched out his fingers to wipe the blood on his face, and then looked at the Master Assassin holding a dagger in the distance.

This guy is very domineering and domineering, even surpassing the Katakuri that Nicholas has seen before, and this guy really grasps the essence of the assassin. If he misses a hit, he will immediately escape, and he will not hold on to what he wants as an assassin. Knife awareness.

There is no doubt that this guy is a truly dangerous assassin.

With the top two-color domineering, excellent concealment ability, strange fruit ability, and the two strange daggers equipped with Hailou stone on the blade, even if Nicholas guessed correctly, the two daggers that do not know the craftsmanship should be It can easily tear through the defense of the animal system.

The most important thing is that this guy even put poison on the weapon. If it hadn't been for too long with Beilein, which made Nicholas' poison resistance higher, he might have been hit just now.

It can even be said that such a guy who is well versed in the way of assassins is enough to pose a fatal threat to some top powerhouses.

"Assassins who use poison, such authentic assassins are really rare..."

Nicholas said with emotion, he thinks that a guy like this is a bit like a department that deals with some shady things for the world government.

After all, it would be a bit too unprofessional if the spy agency was like Lu Qi's gang who had been lurking for five years without investigating anything substantive, and even had a chance to solve Luffy and Barry but were simply trapped.

(Kaku: I once had a chance to kill Nika, Joey Boy, and the fifth emperor of the sea in front of me, but I didn't cherish it. I looked back two years later, if you give me another chance...)

Suddenly, a mutation occurred.

A force of gravity appeared out of thin air and enveloped Nicholas and Drago.


The appearance of gravity made the expressions of Nicholas and Drago change suddenly.

This ability...

They were all too familiar.

at the same time.

On the periphery of the Holy Land, naval reinforcements from Marivendo also arrived at the scene.

"Looks like it's the right time to come down."

Gravity suddenly appeared, covering the entire social square.

Not only Nicholas and the others, but the Holy Land Guards and CPs were also suppressed by gravity, and their movements began to become sluggish.

"This is…?!"

The sudden change made the guards of the Holy Land look sideways, for fear that the enemy had come to reinforce the army again.

After subconsciously alerting, the members of the Holy Land Guard and CP organization all looked up at the place where the sound came from the air.

A huge rock was suspended above the social square in violation of the rules of gravity, and a middle-aged man in a purple kimono stood on the boulder.

It was the current Vice Admiral, Issei Fujitora, who summoned gravity to cover the entire social square.

And standing beside him was Lieutenant Admiral Crane, the Navy's Great Staff Officer.

At the same time, the naval elites wearing justice cloaks also stepped on the moon to the edge of the social square, stayed outside the social square covered by gravity, and looked at Nicholas in the field solemnly.

The purple rippled gravity continued to press against the social square.

The navy elites who came to the scene first, naturally did not care about the increasingly ugly expressions on the faces of the Holy Land guards and CP members. In their opinion, the navy grandpas are here to support you, and it is for your own good to make you suffer. .

Above the boulders in the sky.

The sword in Fujitora's hand was already unsheathed, and a purple light representing the effect of gravity spilled out from the scabbard.

Although he used gravity to control the field, the sights and sounds he released were shrouded in the ancient city of Pan. He felt the powerful atmosphere in the ancient city of Pan, and his slightly opened eyes revealed a white eye.

Only Fujitora himself knows the reason why he scans the ancient city with the color of knowledge.

With the presence of the elites of the navy, mainly Fujitora, a new wave of blood was once again ushered in the Holy Land Mariejoa.

In just a few seconds, the situation became more and more unfavorable for Nicholas and the others.

"A lifetime..."

The appearance of Fujitora made Drago's eyes narrow, and he sighed in a low voice: "It's really not the right time."


At the Bubble Cable Car Port, a huge hole appeared on the ground of the port at this time, and a large number of slaves were jumping towards the hole without hesitation.

This is the slide that Morrie used to push the fruit on the red soil continent. Obviously, they also know that with the transportation capacity of the bubble cable car, it is not realistic for all these slaves to escape from the red soil continent.

He simply came up with a fast track. Although it was a temporary initiative, the quality of the project was not good, and the experience of the slide was not very good, but compared to being able to escape from the Holy Land Mary Joa, these problems were not a problem.

And in the red port a few minutes passed.

Ivankov and Jinbei were also injured in multiple places, and their situation became precarious.

The first to go wrong was Shiping.

Facing the terrifying power and physique of the Megalodon, Jinbei was able to parry at the beginning.

However, with the continuous use of murloc karate in the battle, it caused excessive physical exhaustion and failed to avoid the opponent's attack.

Wrapped in the domineering teeth of the armed color, a large piece of flesh and blood was torn off directly on his shoulder.


The giant tooth shark's eyes are fierce, and the bloodstains on the corners of his mouth are even more chilling.

"I'm careless...!!"

Jinbei's eyes narrowed sharply~www.readwn.com~ Obviously, he also knew what it meant to be so seriously injured at this time.

"Then let's end it, revive the glory of the murlocs, my generation is bound to!"

At this time of life and death, Jinbei did not have any panic and fear, but thought of Fishman Island, the mermaid beauties on the Mermaid Beach, and Princess Otohime, whether Tiger and the others completed the task...

If I die here...

Can someone take my job and continue to guard Fishman Island?

Just when his body was about to be torn apart, a tall figure stepped faster and came to him.


The figure slapped the Megatooth Shark with his palm.

With a burst of sonic boom, the huge body of the Megalodon Shark Man was shot out instantly, smashed several buildings severely, and was finally buried in the rubble.

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