farther from the red soil continent.

A huge raptor flew in the air, and the raptor looked back at the two people on the bird's back as it flew.

"Nicholas, are you alright?"

Looking at Nicholas' serious injury, Drago couldn't help asking.

"It's not a big problem, what about the others?"

"Don't worry, they were basically evacuated safely, but some slaves didn't..."

"That's it."

Nicholas was also prepared for this result. After all, after so long of devastation in the Holy Land Mary Joa, many people had already run out of fuel, and with their physical fitness, there was no way they could escape.

But perhaps death was a relief compared to the inhuman life in Mary Joan.

After throwing away the thoughts in his mind, Nicholas looked down at the injury on his waist and abdomen, although he had already controlled the injury with the return of his life and pure gold.

But it still looks a little scary. Through the missing part, you can directly see the internal organs inside, and even part of the lumbar spine.

It can be said that if Nicholas used the electromagnetic field to deflect the blow at the critical moment, he might have been split in two.

Seeing such a tragic injury, Nicholas couldn't help frowning.

This is the first time he has suffered such a serious injury. It can be said that this is Nicholas who has pure gold. If someone else is injured in such a terrifying way, if they do not receive professional treatment in time, they will only die.

Although there are many existences in the world of One Piece whose physical qualities can be called abnormal, but even such existences, if this kind of injury is not treated in time, it is very likely that they will take their lives.

Even if his life is saved, his strength will decline sharply, and he may even become a crippled person.

In a relatively safe area of ​​​​the New World, a large number of ships bearing the logo of the World Government were moored on the sea.

They were Ivankov and his party who escaped from the Red Harbor.

At this time, a group of crows flew over from the sky.

Then the crow landed on the deck, revealing Tiger's figure from the crows.

"Brother Tiger, your hand..."

Seeing Tiger's appearance, Jinbei's face showed a look of joy, but when he saw Tiger's appearance clearly, Jinbei was a little dumbfounded.

I saw Tiger, who was covered in scars, standing on the deck, and his right arm was missing. Although the broken arm was simply treated, blood still continued to flow out.

"Ah, that arm I bet on the future of Fishman Island!"

Thinking that in the end Hazlitt tore one of his arms, and his other hand pierced through Hazlitt's heart, a relieved smile appeared on Tiger's face, making Hazlitt the horror After killing the murlocs, he can be regarded as protecting the future of the murlocs.

Otherwise, under the leadership of that terrifying guy, Fishman Island might really be captured by the World Government.

"Hey, boy Jinbei, what are you doing standing there stupidly, do you want to watch him die? Although the murloc's vitality is very strong, don't forget that this guy is taking banned drugs, if this injury is not treated in time , may die!"

Ivankov, who turned into a woman, looked at Jinbei and Tiger who was standing there.

And as Ivankov's voice fell, Tiger finally couldn't hold on any longer, and plunged his head toward the deck.

"Big Brother Tiger!"

And it was a day later when Tiger woke up.

When he woke up, he saw Ivankov next to him, and Drago and others were surrounded by a hospital bed.

On the bed was Nicholas.

At this time, Nicholas was enduring the pain and receiving treatment from Ivankov.

Under the gazes of Jinbei, Drago and Karas, Ivankov directly processed the edge of the missing part on the waist and abdomen.

After Ivankov's treatment, the originally terrifying wound finally became visible.

It's just that the bloodstain oozing through the bandage is still there, and it still looks serious.

"Nicholas boy, according to your request, I have already dealt with some necrotic parts, but is there really no problem with your injury?"

After finishing the treatment, Ivankov asked worriedly.

You must know that with Nicholas' current injury, if it is not dealt with in time, the sequelae may be very serious,

"It's okay, I already have a general idea about the treatment of the injury."

Nicholas didn't care much about the injury.

He has pure gold to ensure that the injury does not worsen, and as for the cure, he will go to Greenbit to see.

Seeing that Nicholas was so confident, Drago was slightly relieved.

"Then, let's all lurch separately. If you do such a big thing, the world government will definitely be watching, and the target of those slaves is too big."

After Nicholas finished speaking, he looked at Drago.

For this kind of thing obviously Dorag is very good at.

"I'll make arrangements soon."

Soon with Dorag's arrangement, a large number of slave ships began to move towards

Many of the places they sailed to were islands that the Revolutionary People's Army had identified as not too dangerous, or areas where the influence of the world government was relatively weak.

After everything was arranged, Drago found Nicholas. After all, he was going to Greenbit with Nicholas next.

"Nicholas, was the attack that hit you hard the guy in the deepest part of the Holy Land?"

Drago looked at Nicholas and asked.

And with Drago's words, Nicholas also fell into memory.

At that time, when he realized the attack, he subconsciously started the elementalization directly, and he was also very sure that he had completed the elementalization at that time, but when the attack touched him, he realized that the With the contact of the attack, his body that had already entered the elementalization actually reversed again.

It seems that the attack has absolute restraint on the ability of the devil fruit. If he had not established a field around him and changed the trajectory of the attack, he would have made a gg.

But even so, the attack directly knocked off half of his waist.

He even suspected that if the attack was aimed at Drago, Drago would definitely hate the Holy Land directly.

Nicholas put his hand on the empty stomach, looked up at the direction of Mary Joa, and thought of the tyrannical aura he had sensed in the ancient city.

If it was the tyrannical aura that shot in person, rather than from the air, he and Drago would definitely fail miserably.

Even Nicholas can conclude that the master of that tyrannical atmosphere is probably the ceiling in the real sense of this world.

"Hahahaha! Cough, cough..."

But thinking of the information he had obtained, Nicholas burst into laughter, and didn't stop until he coughed up blood and pulled the wound.

"Dorag, that guy is a toilet king!!"

Nicholas said suddenly excitedly.

When he heard Nicholas' words, Drago was stunned, obviously not knowing what Nicholas meant by the toilet king.

Pan Ancient City~www.readwn.com~ Palace of Kings.

The figure sitting on the throne looked at the entrance of the hall.

blah blah blah…

Followed by the sound of footsteps.

Standing above hundreds of millions of lives, the top five stars of the world government who are in charge of the pinnacle of world power, came to the foot of the stairs side by side, and then bowed to the figure on the throne with a gesture of guilt. down.

"Sir Im..."

"Such a trivial matter, it actually takes you out of it."

Wu Laoxing knelt down on one knee, and the head that was high above was also lowered at this moment.

on the throne.

The figure called Lord Yimu just silently looked down at the Five Old Stars who bowed their heads and bowed down below the throne.

After a while, he said something.

And the five old stars also said that they would go all out to find the devil fruit in the sea.

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