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at the same time.

Inside the town of Dressrosa.

On both sides of the originally prosperous street, a raging fire was already burning at this moment.

The original country of love and passion has now turned into a purgatory on earth.

Because the attack came so suddenly, many people did not react at all, including many tourists who came here.

And these tourists who are unfamiliar with Dressrosa, after the Dressrosa Defense Force was defeated by the pirates, naturally became the target of the pirates. place of refuge.

The crackling sound of the burning building, the raging flames illuminated the streets and even the sky.

And one of the dilapidated-looking buildings in Dressrosa City was not affected by the pirates.

After all, the pirates are also looking for money, and the pirates are too lazy to search in such a place where there is no oil or water at first sight.

"Well done, you are a great citizen."

A group of about a hundred pirates surrounded the dilapidated building, and the leaders of these pirates were slapping a bent over flattering man.

"My lord, you can rest assured that the harvest here will definitely satisfy you."

And this thief-eyed man looked at the dilapidated building with a greedy look in his eyes.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that there is an underground shelter hidden in such a dilapidated building. You can rest assured that the benefits are indispensable to you."

Then the captain said to the younger brothers behind him.

"Little ones, guess what's inside?"

"I guess it's a treasure trove!"

"Idiot, how can the treasure house be placed in the downtown area!?"

"Of course it's wine!"

Immediately, the younger brothers under his command opened their mouths to discuss, after all, their mood has been quite good since landing in Dressrosa.

"Captain, don't give a shit, what's in it?"


The captain, who was wearing a gorgeous costume that he didn't know was pulled from the dead nobleman, who was standing on his head, showed a mysterious smile and said with a mysterious smile.

"It's a woman, there are dozens of women, and they are all glamorous dancers from Dressrosa! Hahaha!!"

The captain raised the sailor knife in his hand and laughed wildly at his younger brothers: "Little ones, let these ladies from Miri draw a successful conclusion to our looting today! Everyone has a share tonight! "


"And she's the most famous dancer in Dressrosa!"

"Hey, it's not a joke!"

"Hahaha, there's nothing ugly about being a dancer."

"Long live the captain, I'm really blessed now, dozens of women, three brothers and one, everyone has soup!"

Hearing the captain's words, the pirates were stunned at first, and then immediately became excited. Some of them even turned red because they were too excited, as if they couldn't wait!

The life of sailing at sea is not very interesting. It usually takes a month or two to float on the sea. During this period, there are very few entertainment activities on board, and there is almost no time to spend other than gambling.

It's fine if you have a boyfriend, but some of those who can be pirates are crooked.

As for all-you-can-drink wine? Have a party?

That's the kind of treatment that is only available after the big votes.

As for women, let's not dream.

Therefore, after Dressrosa looted, the desires in their hearts at this time have been satisfied, and the next is the physical desire.

Obviously, the women in this dilapidated building are the objects of their physical desires.

Heavy breathing sounded in the crowd, and the dense male hormones in the air made the morale of these pirates reach their peak directly. Now even if the Admiral of the Navy is in front of them, they dare to directly carry the knife.

"Go, this is a reward for your brave performance today, the first person to break through the shelter has the right to choose the spoils first!"

The captain waved his knife and pointed at the dilapidated building, and at the same time stepped aside, signaling his men to charge first.

When the pirates present heard this, they couldn't help but burst into cheers, many of which praised and flattered the captain.

For this captain, he is not someone who loves his subordinates. In his opinion, he is the captain. Even if he is the first to break through the shelter, he will not suffer much, but if there is an ambush inside, Then let these lovely subordinates be the scapegoats.


The group of pirates couldn't wait to rush into the dilapidated building.

at the same time.

Inside an underground shelter in a dilapidated building.

Dozens of women with beautiful faces were all panicked at the moment, with expressions of horror on their faces.

They obviously heard the sound of pirates rushing in from outside, and they also guessed what they would encounter next.

The entire basement was suddenly filled with despair.

Outside the dilapidated building, the pirate captain smiled when he heard the sound of hitting the iron door from inside.

If it were any other time, he wouldn't mind taking the lead in a wave.

But now is not the time.

The captain squinted his eyes, looking at the distant firelight, with a thoughtful look on his face.

For him, his rule of survival on the sea is to take it as soon as possible.

And it is precisely by virtue of this law that he has survived countless crises on the sea. It can be said that he is able to leave with his spoils almost every time before the arrival of the navy or the enemy.

"The Don Quixote family..."

Looking at the huge birdcage above his head, the captain spat out these words, and the expression on his face suddenly became gloomy and uncertain under the reflection of the fire.

Almost all of them, whether they were pirates or underground forces, gathered together after hearing that the Don Quixote family had a chance to make a fortune in Dressrosa.

And they did make a fortune, but what about the Don Quixote family?

Except for the people who met the Don Quixote family when they first defeated Dressrosa's defense forces, they never met again.

The birdcage that blocked the entire Dressrosa in the sky and the disappearing Don Quixote family cast a huge shadow on the captain's heart.


The captain suddenly looked up into the air, frowning involuntarily.

I saw that in the sky above Dressrosa, a huge dark cloud was rapidly forming, and the sporadic raindrops had already begun to drop in almost a moment.

"what happened?"

When the dripping rain hit his eyebrows~www.readwn.com~, a chill appeared in the captain's heart.

His intuition told him that a great horror would happen, and he had to escape immediately!

With a blast of thunder, dazzling lightning illuminated the sky and the earth, and then accompanied by the sound of clattering, heavy rain poured down.

After being drenched by the rain, and then the cold wind blew, the scalp was numb and the whole body was cold.

This is the captain's most real feeling at the moment.

He looked up blankly at the sky.

In a trance, there seemed to be some terrifying monster hidden in the depths of the dark cloud, peeping at him.

Frightened, he turned around and fled, ignoring the subordinates in the dilapidated building.

At this moment, a voice in his heart told him, escape! The farther you escape, the better!

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