, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Pirate's Control of Lightning!

"I'm not one of those monsters in the sea..."

Doflamingo restrained the smile that always hung on his face, looked coldly at the wound on Nicholas' waist and abdomen, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes behind the sunglasses.

Obviously, the death of the family cadre made him a little unable to let go. For him who killed his father himself, he transferred his feelings for his family to the family cadres.

"With such an injury, most people should already be dead."

Doflamingo's killing intent has skyrocketed, and it can even be said that if there was no Drago by his side, he would have done it without hesitation. After all, the cadres in the family have basically mastered the domineering and domineering arms and can pose a threat to Nicholas.

He was hit hard by the existence of Mary Joa before adding Nicholas, and he was not without a chance to kill Nicholas!

Originally, in terms of his character, he was unwilling to conflict with guys like Nicholas, but when he saw Jorah and Gladius' Devil Fruit, his thoughts of killing Nicholas were extremely strong.

"Oh, do you want to kill me so much? That's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. After all, my injuries haven't healed yet, but it's not enough to kill those stinky fish and rotten shrimp that I count on you around, Dover."

Nicholas looked at Doflamingo who was forcibly suppressing himself and said jokingly.

It can be said that besides strength, another element of becoming a top powerhouse is mentality.

Just like Wang Luffi, whoever you are can do it.

Although many times they were almost killed without the presence of the protagonist's halo, the improvement in strength is visible to the naked eye.

Luffy after the First World War on Ghost Island is estimated to have almost no suspense against Ming brother.

And Doflamingo just has a bad mentality, and even just relying on Kaido's name can make him incomparably jealous. How many people in Qiwuhai are as jealous of the Four Emperors as Doflamingo?

Even Moria, who was almost killed by Kaido, refused to accept Kaido, and even later, in order to find Absalom, he dared to go to the lair of Blackbeard, the chief admiral of the Four Emperor Pirates.

As for Crocodile, not to mention, the performance of the top war has said everything.

One of the things to become a strong person is to not be afraid of fighting, constantly hone fighting skills and sharpen domineering in battle, and Doflamingo has not said that he has challenged the Four Emperors since his debut. Second-rate?

"Fufu... You can insult me, but you can't insult my family!"

"Oh? You who killed your father yourself are worthy of your family?"

The many worries in his heart before can no longer restrain Doflamingo's strong killing intent.


The blood vessels in his forehead bulged, and Doflamingo's eyes fell on Nicholas.

"Actually, it's not impossible to let you go, just leave Pika to us."

Nicholas suddenly looked at Pika and said jokingly, he was indeed a little moved by Pika's fruit.

"Furfur... Nicholas, it seems that you are determined to keep me here!"

Doflamingo raised his head slightly and looked at Nicholas who strode towards him with cold killing intent in his eyes.

The intentions and killing intentions of both sides are almost always hidden.

"It's just a subordinate. If you don't have it, you can find another one. Why do you need to fight for your own life?"

Nicholas was not at all conscious of being a villain, and he was still guiding Doflamingo there.

"Then what if I ask you to hand over Vestad?"

Doflamingo's eyes swept past Nicholas's bandaged body, and then his five fingers were quietly raised.


Nicholas said strangely, "But are you sure you can beat Vestad? Don't be killed by him."

Doflamingo: …

Hearing Nicholas's teasing, Doflamingo even made up his mind to kill the 'weak' Nicholas here.

He wasn't sure whether he would have another chance like this in the future after losing the chance to do it when Nicholas was hit.

Nicholas, who was seriously injured, could have 50% of his strength at his peak at this time? Or not even 30%.

"Dorag, is it okay to leave those guys to you? I owe you a favor."

Nicholas turned to Drago and said that his strength has declined more seriously now, and it is no problem to deal with Doflamingo, but if you add a few other guys, it is still a little troublesome.

This is also the reason why he let Dorag go with him. After all, if Dorag was there, he would not accidentally overturn the boat in the sea.

"no problem."

Doflamingo stared at Nicholas and Drago who were walking straight.

The distance between the two sides is narrowing.

A long knife appeared in Nicholas' hand and strode towards Doflamingo.

"咈咈咈, as expected of a monster, even with such a serious injury, his aura is still so terrifying..."

Brother Doflamingo didn't feel the slightest sense of danger approaching, and his face showed the usual awkward smile.

Almost at the same time as the voice fell, Doflamingo's right fingertips kept shaking, and the parasitic lines connected to Scarlett and others flashed wisps of luster in the light and shadow.

"Ah, what's going on! The body is out of control!"

"my hand!"

"Flicker away..."

Feeling that his body was out of control, he pulled out his long sword and rushed straight towards Nicholas and Drago's back. Scarlett shouted at Nicholas and Drago in horror.

Scarlett and the others, who were controlled by Doflamingo, were in a panic, and parasitic lines could be seen from the top of their heads, the back of their necks, their shoulders, etc.

"Dover, I really like to play this kind of kid's trick."

"So what are you going to do? Kill these guys?"

Doflamingo grinned.

Nicholas didn't speak, and when he raised his hand, he cut a knife to the side.

The chopping wave filled with dangerous rays of light carved a deep crack on the ground, and disappeared between the buildings in a blink of an eye.

"Hey, I can move again."

"It's terrible, just now..."

Looking at the puppets who were out of control, Doflamingo laughed.

"Furfur... He's really a terrifying guy. Not only is his fruit ability abnormal, he's even so strong in swordsmanship."

Doflamingo said fearfully, it was Nicholas's knife that cut off his parasitic line just now.

"It's not that I'm too strong, it's that you're too weak. Your parasitic line can only deal with those guys who don't even have domineering. Those little tricks are useless in the battle with the strong."

This is also the limitation of the parasitic line. It can be said that it is invincible to deal with people who are weaker than yourself, and you can even turn the other party into your own marionette, allowing yourself to manipulate it, but if you encounter a strong person.

This trick is not very useful at all, it is like Kaido is parasitized by the parasitic wire, can Doflamingo be manipulated?

Nicholas's feet jumped with electric light, and then the whole person almost teleported to the back of Doflamingo, and at the same time, the long knife in his hand slashed towards Doflamingo.

in less than a second.

Doflamingo decisively launched a counterattack against Nicholas~www.readwn.com~ Thousand Arrows Piercing Heart·Feather Strike·Line!

The ground that was secretly assimilated by Doflamingo's abilities suddenly rose up with thousands of thin lines wrapped in armed domineering.

The opening is an unstoppable killer move!

Thousands of thin, domineering threads wrapped around armed colors, like the wings of flamingos, stabbed towards Nicholas from the left and right.

If this move hits.

Nicholas will be stabbed into a hive in an instant.

It can be said that this is also Doflamingo betting, betting that Nicholas is not willing to risk being seriously injured again, and cut the knife towards himself.

And obviously, Doflamingo won the bet.

Thousands of thin lines wrapped around the domineering armed color, all pierced into the air, and among these thin lines, there is still a residual electric light pulsing.

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