Pirates: Control Thunder and Lightning

Chapter 382: : The value of healing fruit

For Gan Qiao, he obviously also knows very well how Man Xue Li's ability will affect her life, so in ordinary life, even if the people of Dong Tata are injured, Gan Qiao will try his best to let him The tribe uses the herbs of the Dontata tribe for healing.

Unless it was a serious injury that was almost life-threatening, Gancho would never want Mansherry to use the ability to heal the fruit.

This is also a common price in the superhuman ability system, that is, restriction.

Otherwise, if it can be used arbitrarily at no cost, it would be the same as hanging.

As for the pure gold ring given by Nicholas, if the effect is as good as what he said, then at least Man Shirley doesn't have to worry about dying young and can live a happy life.

After completing the treatment, Nicholas also temporarily bid farewell to the Dontata family with Drago.

They're going to see Dressrosa.

The pirates who invaded Dressrosa, as well as the outlaws in the underground world, also became the last resort as Doflamingo and others retreated.

They are constantly being strangled by the regrouped Dressrosa Guards and the Dressrosa people who are spontaneously defending their homes.

Dressrosa's crisis is over.

However, the impact of this invasion on Dressrosa will not be eradicated for a few years.

Bodies littered the streets, burning collapsed buildings.

These messes are easy to deal with, but the reputation of Dressrosa, a country of love and passion, will be greatly affected. At least in the short term, no tourists will come to Dressrosa. It was undoubtedly a huge blow to the main Dressrosa.

On the way to the Dressrosa Palace, Nicholas and Drago also dispatched several batches of pirates. With the disappearance of the birdcage and the counterattack of the Dressrosa Guards, these looters have been looting for several days. The pirates can say that as long as they leave Dressrosa, they will be successful.

After once using lightning to bring down a small group of seven pirates.

Nicholas glanced at Drago.

Since leaving the underground kingdom of Greenbit, Drago has been a little absent-minded.

"Is there something on my face?"

Drago noticed Nicholas' sight and turned to look at Nicholas.

Nicholas pointed to the corner of Drago's eyes and said solemnly.

"There's eye mucus."


Hearing Nicholas' words, the corners of Drago's mouth twitched slightly, thinking how self-disciplined he is, how could there be mucus in the corners of his eyes.

"That healing ability...isn't bad."

Nicholas said.


Recalling the previous scene, Drago nodded earnestly. It can be said that Man Xue Li's ability is not bad, it's simply unbelievable.

You must know that if a strong man in the sea breaks his hands and feet, it will have a huge impact on his strength.

And many aristocrats, rich people, and strong people who were disabled due to accidents would definitely go crazy if they knew of this miraculous method of rebirth from a severed limb.

"If this ability is known to outsiders, I am afraid... the Dong Tata clan will be wiped out."

Drago said with a dignified expression, obviously well aware of the ugliness of human nature, he understood how crazy those people would do for Man Shirley.

"Yeah, it will definitely lead to frantic competition from all forces."

Aside from the speed of healing injuries, if Man Xue Li's healing ability is only effective for a single person, then it is estimated that it will only be taken seriously, and it will not bring disaster to the Dong Tata clan.

But the problem is that Man Shirley's healing ability is not only effective for the single body, but the most powerful part is that it can store and transfer the healing power of the fruit into substance.

Although there is a time limit, if this ability is used in war, it is equivalent to one's own soldiers carrying a blood pack that can restore themselves in a short period of time, in other words, a weakened fairy bean.

For ordinary warriors, the effect may not be so obvious, but if the top powerhouse can carry such a thing with him, the degree of terror will naturally be self-evident.

In addition, blood drawn from other people's bodies can also have a very good therapeutic effect in the form of dandelions.

The therapeutic effect of dandelion is obviously stronger than that of healing tears.

Even as long as there are enough blood bags in the back, for example, a few giant sea kings, then blood bags like healing dandelion can be continuously delivered to the battlefield.

Even on the battlefield, as long as there are no wounded with broken arms and legs, they can be healed in a very short period of time and then returned to the battlefield.

Of course, this is also closely related to Man Shirley's strength, but with all kinds of strange things in the pirate world, it may completely make up for Man Shirley's physical strength or energy.

But judging from Man Shirley's ability, it's not a big problem to lead a war.

If a behemoth like the World Government is made aware of the value of Princess Mansherry's ability, then either it will be held in its own hands by any means, or it will be destroyed at any cost.

In a sense, the existence of some special devil fruits is completely subversive to the development of the pirate world.

It is like the ability of the fruit of surgery and the fruit of healing that the efforts of doctors who have studied medicine for a lifetime in order to overcome intractable diseases, as well as the day and night of learning all kinds of knowledge in order to improve their medical skills, seem to have turned pale at this moment. And meaningless.

There is also Tuntunguo in the manufacture of new materials, which can make material scientists in the pirate world cry in the toilet.

(Lord Valbo is a special partner of the World Government and the Naval Science Force, and even the abolition of Shichibukai is partly because the birth of Valbo alloys allows pacifists to fully meet the naval combat needs.)

"So that's why I brought you to Dressrosa this time."

Nicholas said.


Hearing Nicholas' words, Drago was stunned.

Originally, he thought that the reason why Nicholas was pulling him along was because his own strength was seriously affected, but he didn't expect such a relationship to exist.

"Don't be so surprised, you must have seen Man Xueli's ability, so I don't need to say anything more. Once it can be used well, the foundation of the revolutionary army will not increase dramatically, but at least in the face of the world government's Strangulation can also be more calm.

But whether you can convince the Dong Tata family to support you depends on you. "

"Thank you so much!"

Drago looked at Nicholas and said seriously~www.readwn.com~ Obviously, he also knew how important it would be to the revolutionary army if he could get the support of the Dontata family.

"You're welcome, just don't refuse if you need your help in the future."

Nicholas smiled.

Dressrosa Royal Palace, in the spacious and bright living room.

Scarlett and Violet, who were dressed in gorgeous clothes, looked a little nervous.

Beside them, Liku Dolder III frowned.

Obviously, when Scarlett and Violet told him the terms of his previous promise to Nicholas, he was in trouble.

Although Nicholas and the others solved Dressrosa's troubles, they even saved Dressrosa who was about to fall into purgatory.

But when he thought that the price was his own daughter, Liku Dold III felt a little tangled in his heart.

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