Pirates: Control Thunder and Lightning

Chapter 399: : The choice of the fur tribe

Hearing Nicholas' words, Momanosuke, who was still immersed in the scene of Nicholas moving to the sea just now, also came to his senses.

Although Nicholas showed his mighty power, Momanosuke still firmly believed that no one could compete with the power of the elephant, and this confidence reached its peak when the outline of the elephant was revealed.

You must know that the ocean just now was just a random blow from the elephant, how powerful it would be if the elephant attacked with all his strength.

"Destroy my enemies!"

Momonosuke screamed wildly in his heart.

"As you wish, my lord!"

With the sound of a sound, the giant elephant once again made a cry that resounded through the heavens and the earth.

"Vestad, I'll leave it to you here, I'll deal with that big guy."

After Nicholas finished speaking, he turned into lightning and disappeared from the ground.

When it reappeared, it was already tens of thousands of meters away.

With the liftoff, Nicholas's speed is getting faster and faster.

"Bang." With a wave of air rising under Nicholas' feet, Nicholas also landed smoothly on the ground on Zuo Wu's back.

After stepping on the ground, Nicholas looked slightly surprised, because in his sight, he could clearly perceive that the thinking of the giant elephant under him had become active.

However, Nicholas did not intend to solve this giant elephant at this time, because he had more important things, and it was not so easy for Zuo Wu to land in Wano.

Nicholas's target is the fur tribe living on Zuowu Island.

The so-called fur tribe is a very ancient ethnic group in this world. They have the characteristics of animals, but they are the living habits of human beings.

Walks upright, understands human speech, and has intelligence that is not inferior to human beings, and almost every fur tribe is an extremely good and powerful warrior when he comes of age.

Nicholas came to kill the giant elephant this time, not to bully the fur tribe.

Even if it wasn't for the fur tribe living on Zuowu's back, Nicholas would have started an attack on this giant elephant long ago.

And if these fur tribes must conflict with Nicholas, Nicholas will try to avoid hurting them as much as possible, after all, he appreciates fur tribes.

Although these fur tribes are somewhat exclusive, once you become friends with them, you will have extremely reliable allies.

Absolute loyalty, swearing to the death, not compromising with strong enemies, even if he was tortured to extract a confession, the entire race was almost wiped out, and he was unwilling to betray his partners.

Of course, if it wasn't for the existence of the protagonist's halo, and if the fur tribe had a bond with the protagonist Luffy, it is estimated that when Jack attacked Zuo Wu, the fur tribe would have been completely wiped out.

Soon Nicholas came to the Principality of Merkemo.

Looking around, an ancient town full of history appeared in sight.

Large expanses of towering stone buildings, moss on the walls and the ubiquitous builders, make the country seem alive.

An ancient tree in the shape of a whale stands behind the country.

The huge tree canopy is like the water jets of whales when they breathe on the sea.

In Nicholas' perception, there are countless breaths of life in the Whale Forest at this moment. Obviously, most of the members of the fur tribe have been transferred to the Whale Forest.

Just when Nicholas was about to move on, hundreds of powerful beings suddenly appeared from all directions and rushed in the direction where Nicholas was.

Obviously, the fur tribesmen also noticed Nicholas' arrival.

"Oh, is this the fur clan's strongest fighting group, all the members of the knight group?"

Looking at the various fur tribes around and in the dark, Nicholas said with a smile.

"Nicholas, what are you doing in Zuowu!?"

A fur clan who recognized Nicholas couldn't help but asked loudly.

"I'm here just to prepare you for evacuation. After all, I plan to kill this big guy under my feet."

Nicholas said and stepped on the slate under his feet.

When they heard Nicholas' words, many fur tribes were a little dazed and did not respond. Obviously, they did not expect that the big guy Nicholas said was the giant elephant Zuowu under their feet.

And many fur people who realized what Nicholas meant in his words suddenly changed their faces.

"Nicholas, are you serious?"

At this moment, the members of the Knights Group suddenly separated, and then Duke Khan of the Goat of the Principality of Merkemo came out and looked at Nicholas and asked in a solemn tone.

"Of course, if it weren't for us being friends, I would have attacked this big guy directly."

Nicholas said directly, saying that the relationship between the fur tribe and him is not bad, at least the goat Khan knows how to distinguish the situation.

"Can you tell me why? We have no other intentions. After all, you also know that Zuowu is our hometown. Once there is a problem with it, it will become very troublesome for our fur tribes in the sea."

Duke Goat Khan couldn't help but speak.

"Well, it's very simple, because this giant elephant launched an attack on me under the order of his master. As for the safety issues you worry about, don't worry, as long as you are within my sphere of influence, no slave hunting group dares to beat you. idea.

By the way, your fur tribe's so-called brothers, the Guangyue tribe, are now at war with me, do you want to help them? "

Facing Nicholas' question, Goat Khan fell into deep thought.

For him, the so-called Guangyue is too far away. Just like Nicholas came to Zuowu last time, it can be said that it was the first time in hundreds of years that a human being entered Zuowu as the Guangyue clan. .

And more importantly, he is not Inuarashi and Cat Viper, because he has almost reached the point of being brainwashed by following Kozuki Oden since he was a child, and would rather sacrifice the fur clan to protect Kozuki.

He has not had any intersection with the Guangyue clan. As for the relationship between the fur clan and the Guangyue clan thousands of years ago, they have not been in contact for hundreds of years, even if they were once in a close relationship.

For him, all he wants is to protect the survival and continuation of the fur tribe, that's all.

"You can~www.readwn.com~ As long as you can ensure that the fur tribe is not endangered, then do whatever you want."

Goat Khan looked at Nicholas and said seriously.

Obviously, Zuo Wu's sudden and abnormal behavior filled the Goat Khan with a sense of crisis.

And from Nicholas's words, he also knew that Zuo Wu was not incapable of doing other actions besides moving on the sea.

There is still one person in the world who can command this giant elephant.

And a giant elephant that can be ordered is obviously not a good living choice for the fur tribe.

It's like now that once the giant elephant is ordered to fight a certain force, does it mean that the fur tribe will also be involved in this war?

After all, once Zuowu intervenes in the war, the fur tribe on Zuowu's back will obviously be classified into the ranks of the enemy by hostile forces.

War is never a good idea for the sparsely populated fur tribe.

After Goat Khan made the decision, the other members of the knight group did not open their mouths to refute. After all, they were not brainwashed by Inu Lan and Cat Viper at this time, and many people in the Guangyue clan had not even heard of it. .

Naturally, it's not like going to war with Nicholas for a strange 'brother'.

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