Pirates: Control Thunder and Lightning

Chapter 417: : Education Bureau


Kuzan squinted his eyes. This is a very familiar name, after all, it is an extremely dangerous person who has registered at the Navy Headquarters.

"I didn't expect to meet you here, but since you're here, then you stay!"

As Kuzan spoke, the cold aura on his body became stronger and stronger, and even with Kuzan as the center, the frost spread toward the surroundings, and in just a moment, the beach where several people stepped on was covered with a thick layer of frost.

Even the flames spreading from the forest were frozen, and the surrounding environment had a tendency to develop towards the world of ice and snow.

For Kuzan, although Nicholas was rated as an extremely dangerous character in the naval headquarters, the natural powerhouses all have their own pride. How can you know who is stronger without touching it!

Looking at Kuzan's set-up, Nicholas showed no expression or said anything.

And it was Nicholas's expression that made Kuzan's eyes dignified. The other party did not stop him from making the battlefield beneficial to him. There is only one possibility. no threat.

"As expected of the emperor of the new world, he is really confident."

Kuzan's body leaned forward slightly, and cold air kept wafting out of his mouth between the words, which was the effect of his constant urging of the fruit.

Obviously, he also clearly felt the level of difficulty in dealing with Nicholas in front of him.

Suddenly, Kuzan's body disappeared instantly.


The Navy Sixth Form, the lieutenant general who was trained by the Navy headquarters, has already mastered it and applied it to the point of perfection.

In a flash, he was already above Nicholas, and at the same time, his right hand burst out with cold air, grabbing towards Nicholas.

He is confident that as long as his hand touches the opponent, he can instantly freeze the opponent.

But what shocked Kuzan was that the next moment, his hand was empty.

As for Nicholas, who was originally below him, his speed was astonishingly fast, and he was domineering when he saw what he saw. He only captured the moment when the opponent moved, and what he finally caught was just an afterimage.

Feeling Nicholas' speed, Kuzan's expression changed slightly.

"Sure enough, it's a tricky guy! And... it's troublesome."

Almost at the moment when the voice fell, Kuzan's waist was slightly forced in the air, his body was twisted in an instant, and his arms were crossed in front of his chest, and the armed color on his arms suddenly spread and entangled.

At the same time, a long leg that was raised high, slammed down like a battle axe, and the strong force directly blew the air.


In a hurry, Kuzan only had time to defend, and his arms were instantly swept by the whip.

In an instant, he only felt numbness in his arm, and then a huge force was transmitted along his arm in an instant, and his expression changed suddenly, and his whole body was actually smashed on the ice below him.

"So strong!"

Standing up again, Kuzan gently wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand.

When he noticed something was wrong, he subconsciously planned to use elementalization to evade, but when he just wanted to elementalize, his brain gave a frantic warning, and then he also noticed that Nicholas had used the weapon with the kick just now. The color domineering, and seeing the color domineering firmly locked himself.

Once you enter the elementalization, you will definitely fall into the other party's plan.

"It's really hard to deal with!"

Kuzan let out a cold breath and said to himself.

Just a simple fight, Kuzan realized how difficult Nicholas was.

And the opponent's fighting consciousness is equally terrifying.

"Yo, isn't it good? As expected of the elite lieutenant general of the headquarters who was given the code name, the battle sense is really keen."

Nicholas, who landed slowly, praised without hesitation that if Kuzan had been elementalized according to his script, then it could be said that the battle was almost over.

In the face of Nicholas' admiration, Kuzan's face did not show the slightest expression.


After taking a deep breath, Kuzan charged towards Nicholas again, so fast that it turned into an afterimage almost instantly.

While moving quickly, with a grip of the right hand in the void, a saber made of ice appeared. At the same time, the armed color on the ice quickly wrapped around it, giving it the hardness and sharpness comparable to a famous sword, and slashed towards Nicholas in front of him. go.

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Facing the ice saber that Kuzan kept slashing out, Nicholas was like a leaf in the wind, making it difficult for him to hit.

"Swordsmanship is good, but it's only good. It seems that you still rely too much on the fruit ability."

Nicholas glanced at the ice that was spreading under his feet from the corner of his eyes, and then his entire body turned into lightning and appeared in the distance in an instant.

Seeing that his intentions were seen through, Kuzan looked at Nicholas solemnly.

The two sides played against each other for a short time, and the other party had no flaws at all.

"Then it's my turn now."

Nicholas's voice fell, and then the electric light flashed on his right hand.


Between the fine lightning flashes, Kuzan was shocked to see that a large amount of black iron sand was quickly suspended under Nicholas' feet. After a while, Nicholas had a long knife with a flickering cold light in his hand~www.readwn.com ~ Such means! "

Kuzan's brows were slightly wrinkled, obviously he didn't expect the thunder fruit to be used in this way.

But the next moment, Nicholas moved.

After a short while, the attacks of the two collided fiercely.

The ice saber cast by ice and the long sword smelted by iron sand collided between the two, making a sound like gold and iron clashing.

Then, with the long knife in his hand, Nicholas showed Kuzan how difficult it is to be a swordsman on the sea.

"It's really unimaginable, it's so powerful!"

Looking at the broken ice saber and his torn clothes, Kuzan frowned and his eyes flickered. It was obvious that the opponent's armament and swordsmanship were superior to him.

"Next, don't die!"

As Nicholas's voice fell, Kuzan was shocked to find that the long knife in the opponent's hand was disassembled and reorganized again, and in an instant, it turned into metal marbles.

As a series of air-breaking sounds came, the metal marbles were wrapped by invisible power, breaking through the space in an instant, and blasting towards Kuzan.

"So fast!"

He just wanted to dodge, but found that the attack was already in front of him, and Tong Kong shrank immediately.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

With the loud explosion, Kuzan's body was blown to pieces, but those shattered parts quickly turned into ice cubes, and the image of Kuzan was rebuilt on the ground.

"It's careless."

As Nicholas's voice sounded, Kuzan looked to the side, and then saw a finger wrapped and bent in the color of arms.

"Secret skill, brain collapse!"


With a crisp sound, Kuzan flew upside down and slammed into the frost-covered sand.

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