Pirates: Control Thunder and Lightning

Chapter 426: : Offend the old man and want to leave

Blue arcs filled Nicholas's surroundings, crackling the surrounding air with electricity.

Vaguely, you can see the smile on Nicholas' face.

The sudden arrival of Nicholas made Zefa frown for a while.

Although Sengoku once mentioned to him the difference between Nicholas and other pirates, in Zefa's view, it is impossible for a pirate to be the same position as both pirates.

As for who the other party was talking about, Zefa didn't know, but he could be sure that the other party was speaking to him.


After punching Weibull back again, Zefa looked at Nicholas with a solemn expression.

"Thor Nicholas, what do you want to do!?"

"Don't worry, I have no interest in your navy that has just entered the new world. I just saw the battle below when I was passing by, and I was just curious to come and take a look. You can continue. If you don't need any help, I'll leave ."

Nicholas said sincerely to Zefa, for him, if Zefa wants him to help, then he really doesn't mind twisting Weibull's head off and giving it to Zefa as a gift, after all, Mr. Jiraiya is still very generous. People miss it.

Nicholas's voice fell, and Zefa's brows frowned deeper, obviously he would not believe the nonsense of Nicholas, a pirate.

Even the navies around it are more vigilant.

After all, the Thor who is traversing the new world in front of him seems to be a little unsmart, and it is self-evident how dangerous an unsmart guy with terrifying force is.

And Nicholas's reputation, with the big things he has done in recent years, has made these navies subconsciously regard Nicholas as a terrifying enemy.

Facing the expressions of the surrounding navy who looked at the wild beasts and Zefa's vigilant look, Nicholas was also a little helpless. Although he opened some of the perspectives of God, it did not mean that these people in the pirates also opened, so who is Enemies, who might be friends, are really hard for them to tell apart.

Even in Sengoku, who communicated a lot of information to each other, Nicholas believed that the other party was definitely on guard against him.

"Nicholas, I'm Barkin, do you remember our glorious years in the Rocks Pirates?"

And with the arrival of Nicholas, Bakin seemed to have grabbed the life-saving straw and shouted to Nicholas. Obviously, under the circumstance that Weibull was unilaterally suppressed by Zefa, if he could win the top combat power of Nicholas, then the battle situation will be reversed in an instant.

"Oh, it's Bajin, 200 million volts God's Punishment!"

Looking at Nicholas Nicholas' eyes, Ba Jin suddenly realized that something was wrong.

But before her words could come out of her mouth, she saw a thunder light falling directly from the sky, followed by a bang, and the electric light spread on the deck, illuminating the three feet around Ba Jin incomparably dazzling.


Weibull, who just stood up, saw the scene of Ba Jin being submerged by lightning, and the whole person went crazy.

Edward Weibull was so angry that he wanted to swallow Nicholas alive.

Holding the tail of the naginata in both hands, he stepped back and ran forward.

Every step made the deck vibrate, and a terrifying breath swept forward at this moment.

And the Naginata behind him, who was almost dragged to the ground by him, was undoubtedly accumulating terrifying power.


Faintly, there was a roar of filial piety, and then a violent Thunder Dragon formed in front of Nicholas in the blink of an eye, sweeping towards Weibull.

The violent Thunder Dragon devoured Weibull in an instant.

"Hoo, kill you!"

With a roar of 0, the thunder and lightning that drowned Weibull were directly broken by him.

The hair behind Weibull has exploded like a Super Saiyan at the moment, and it is still filled with traces of electricity, but his appearance is destined to be impossible for him to be a Super Saiyan in this life.

"I really don't know how Bajin created you! What a beast."

Looking at Weibull, who was panting but his aura was stronger, Nicholas couldn't help but speak.

For the sudden confrontation between Weibull and Nicholas, Zefa was naturally happy to see it, and even let some of the navies on the warship go to Weibull and their ships to seize the ship. If there is a problem with the warship, they will directly transfer Weibull and the others. ship.

Weibull's figure rushed towards Nicholas again, but when he stabbed Nicholas with a knife, the smile on his face disappeared for a moment, because in his eyes, the figure of Nicholas who was stabbed by him had already disappeared. It is turned into an electric light to dissipate.

"Don't run around, you bastard, let me hack you to death!"

Weibull hummed, and the long knife in his hand slammed toward the cabin where Nicholas appeared.


The terrifying power suddenly bloomed, and a huge slash appeared in the cabin of the warship, and it suddenly became divided into four and five.

As for Zefa, who originally planned to stay on the sidelines, Tong Kong immediately shrank. Nicholas didn't plan to do anything at all. If things go on like this, Weibull's warship will definitely sink without them.


Zefa moved instantly, and Weibull's body flew towards the rear again.

"You guys!"

Weibull roared, obviously both Nicholas and Zepha had made him feel frustrated, a feeling he had never had since going out to sea with Barkin for so long.

The inability to vent frustration eventually turned into anger, known simply as incompetent rage.

"Idiot son, hurry up! These two guys are not something you can handle now!"

Ba Jin, who was struck by Nicholas' lightning strike, suddenly jumped up from the ground and jumped directly to Weibull's back, speaking directly to Weibull.

"But, mother..."

Weibull was clearly unwilling.

"No but, now you are not the opponent of these two guys, but when you get your father's fluttering fruit, you will definitely be able to defeat them!"

Bakin seems to know that Weibull's mood is not right now~www.readwn.com~ can only rely on hints to make Weibull obey.

"Okay, Mom."

After saying that, Weibull directly bent his legs, and then he planned to leave with the force of his feet.

"If you offend the old man, you still want to leave so easily? Martial wrist, destroy the mountain!"


A terrifying roar accompanied Zefa's voice, and the air was rippling by Zefa's blow.

Weibull, who was just about to take off, was shocked, and then blood spurted out of his mouth and nose like no money, and there was a hint of pain on his face.

Obviously, Zefa's blow directly hit him hard.

However, it was also through Zefa's blow that Weibull's body flew out directly and fell heavily into the sea.

on the warship.

After Zefa watched Weibull fall into the sea, he stopped paying attention. Weibull, who had taken such a blow from him just now, was definitely seriously injured, not to mention that in the harsh waters of the New World, no ship would almost mean death.

Zefa looked at Nicholas, and his eyes became slightly solemn.

Compared to Weibull and Barkin, this guy is the real dangerous guy.

The navy was also shocked. They were deeply aware of Nicholas' terrifying strength. Could it be that their NEO navy is going to fight Thor Nicholas today?

Even if they have an absolute advantage in numbers, the battle of the strong on the sea is never based on the number of people.

Finally, Zefa raised his hand.

"Everyone, return to their respective positions!"

Hearing that everyone on the warship was puzzled, but they all obeyed Zefa's orders and evacuated in an orderly manner, leaving the deck to Zefa and Nicholas.

Wait until there is no one else on the deck.

Zefa also withdrew his eyes at this time and turned to look at Nicholas who was standing on the deck.

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