Pirates: Control Thunder and Lightning

Chapter 441: : The sky is cracked

Warring States looked at the giant dragon in front of him, and his whole body suddenly glowed with golden light, and his body quickly turned into a huge golden Buddha at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The animal is a human fruit phantom species - the form of a Buddha.

The Warring States period bathed in golden Buddha light was solemn and majestic, showing a terrifying aura.

The gigantic Buddha raised his right palm in front of the giant dragon with his feet on a cloud of flames on the sea in front of him.


There seems to be a sound of Buddha's bells in the air.

Combat is imminent.

"The others will be handed over to you, and I will deal with this guy."

As the words of the Warring States fell, Polsalino and his life floated up and flew in the direction of Germa, while Shichibukai went straight to the remnants of the Hundred Beast Pirates.

As for Sakaski, he followed Lieutenant General Crane's side and waited for an opportunity.

The Hundred Beasts Pirates party, seeing the Warring States showing the appearance of the Great Buddha, and the actions of Qiwuhai, including everything, are all dignified.

Only Kaido, who didn't know what to fear, still stared coldly at the huge Buddha above the warship.

In the dragon's eyes, there is an awe-inspiring fighting intent.

With the confrontation between the two, the sky was also covered with dark clouds and thunder continued.

A gust of wind swept over the sea.

At this moment, both Kaido and Sengoku both knew it.

No matter who wins or loses in this conflict, one side will eventually perish here.

This is a battle of life and death!

"Ugh, giggle... Really scary guy."

Kaido stared, and there was a flash of lightning in the child's hole.

Then a tornado emerged out of thin air on the side of the giant dragon, and the silver snake danced wildly.

Just the aura emanating from him caused an astonishing change.

Facing the giant dragon in the wind, rain and thunder and lightning, the Warring States period still had a calm demeanor.

"Then... let's subdue the dragon today."

He said so.

The thunder sounded almost at the same time.

Kaido strikes.

The majestic and domineering dragon instantly switched to the strongest human-dragon form, holding a mace wrapped in black and red lightning, turning into a thunder in the air.

Thunder gossip!

With an extraordinary speed, the power contained in this blow was poured into the eyes of the golden Buddha.

It can be said that this blow is definitely the strongest thunder gossip in Kaido's history.


Even in the face of Kaido's offensive, Sengoku's expression was still neither sad nor happy, neither dodging nor evading.

He directly raised his right arm, bent it slightly, and poured all his strength into the palm of his hand.

And the palm of the hand is also wrapped with a domineering domineering purple and black lightning, and as the arm is pushed out, it catches Kaido's mace attacking at an extraordinary speed.


The roar that resounded through the heavens and the earth suppressed all other sounds between the heavens and the earth to silence.

At this moment, as if the pause button was pressed, the thunder was silent, the wind was silent, and the angry waves were still.

Two extremely powerful forces collided in the air, and the domineering arrogance burst out from the two of them.

Countless black and red arcs spread wildly in the air around the two like a spider web.

There seems to be a crack in the space between the palms of the two and the mace.


After a while, everything was restored, and the collision between the forces caused the thunder, which generated a gust of wind, and set off a raging wave.

"I Have a Scroll of Ghosts and Gods"

Countless Razers spread rapidly within the dark clouds, accompanied by a deafening roar.

Everyone was either shocked or horrified to look at the two figures with black and red arcs lingering in the center of the deep storm.

"It's really amazing, Warring States."

Looking at the scene in the distance, Nicholas couldn't help but said with emotion.

As a guy who has been on the verge of desperation many times, who can chase down One Piece Roger with Garp, his strength is undoubtedly monster level.

"The sky... cracked!

! "

Niji noticed the scene in the sky and couldn't help but say dumbly.

And following his words, the others also looked at the surging dark clouds, and they could clearly see that a huge crack appeared in the clouds centered on the two of them. moon.

"The Navy is serious this time."

Gaji raised his head and stared at the cracked sky, his brows furrowed into Sichuan characters.

Although he did not foresee what the future would see.

But through the arrangement of the navy since the start of the war, he has been able to see the defeat of the Beast Pirates.

"Is that really what humans can achieve?"

Jiazhi felt it, and obviously he also knew that with Germa's current technology, it couldn't reach that level at all.

"Yo, look what I found, a sand crocodile and a flamingo?"

Looking at Crocodile emerging from the sand whirlwind on the deck and Doflamingo swaying on the mast with a string, Quinn looked at what I found.

Facing Quinn, Crocodile also took a deep breath of the cigar, and then looked at Quinn, the strongest on the ship.

Although the other ancient powers of the Hundred Beast Pirates have some sense of existence, they are definitely far inferior to Quinn.

And with the pride of Crocodile, Quinn was naturally a target.

As for Doflamingo, he has absolutely no desire to fight Quinn. For him, he chose to paddle in this war. After all, the Warring States and the Navy gave him a bit of a bad feeling, which is why he chose The reason for paying off the remnants of the Hundred Beasts Pirates with Sand Crocodile.

Doflamingo leaned on the mast with his legs crossed, and his fingertips extended five parasitic lines that were indistinguishable to the naked eye~www.readwn.com~ In the chaotic battle, he controlled several small animals in the pirate group. The leader, while manipulating these guys to slaughter the surrounding companions, looked at the other two battlefields.

"Furfurfur... It's really an exciting war."


The cadres of the Beast Pirates whose bodies were under control were all gnashing their teeth and looking at Brother Doflamingo, their eyes as if they wanted to swallow Brother Doflamingo alive.

After all, being controlled like a puppet is undoubtedly a shame for these people.


The hostile eyes of these people made Doflamingo in high spirits, and immediately controlled these guys to rush towards the soldiers who continued to slaughter the Beast Pirates.

"team leader!?"

"Don't come near me! I can't control myself!"

"Attack Doflamingo, that guy controlled us!"

These guys controlled by Doflamingo kept shouting while swinging their knives at their companions.

"Brother Doflaming, I'm going to kill you!

! "


The puppets under control were reflected in the dark glasses, and Doflamingo let out a cruel laugh.

And Crocodile, who is fighting Quinn, is obviously a little tired of Doflamingo's bad taste.

Directly several desert knives will head the controlled puppet owls.


Doflamingo's smile stopped, and he looked at Crocodile coldly.

"Sand Crocodile, don't you guys see that I'm having a good time?"

Doflamingo looked at Crocodile with cold killing intent.

"Oh, I thought you couldn't deal with those guys, so I gave you a hand."

Crocodile responded very coldly.

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