Pirates: Control Thunder and Lightning

Chapter 45: : Murlocs and Mermaids

Just as Vestad was fighting with the two giants, Nicholas and others also entered the main island.

"what is that!?"

Simon looked at the towering tower behind the Judiciary Tower, and the giant gate with the logo of the World Government was speechless.

Before, due to the relationship between water vapor and clouds, everyone did not see the full picture of the Gate of Justice, but at this moment, after entering the main island and seeing the huge and incomparable Gate of Justice at close range, the sense of shock came.

This kind of building simply doesn't look like it can be made by human beings, not even the giants.

It can be said that even San Juan Evil Wolf's height of 180 meters is like an ant in front of the huge Gate of Justice.

"Let's go, let's finish the business first."

After speaking, Nicholas continued to move towards the Judiciary Tower.

Along the way, everyone passed the residential area on the main island, but it was surprising that these houses seemed to have been uninhabited for many years, and the entire settlement exuded a rotten smell.

And with the pace of Nicholas and the others, lightning began to fall over the Judiciary Island, which had always been daylight.

clatter! clatter! clatter!

The sound of footsteps was very light, but in this deadly atmosphere, it was particularly noticeable.

"Who, who is there?"

The captain of the French dog team, who was riding on the dog, was trembling all over, and asked with a vibrato in his mouth.

It's not that he doesn't want to run, it's just that this beast sitting down can't run!

"Oh, you are really courageous. You didn't choose to run away in this situation. You are indeed the loyal dog of Judiciary Island."

The figure of Nicholas walked out of the corner, his voice extremely indifferent.

In his perception of seeing, hearing, and color, except for one team here, all the others were running towards the outside of Judicial Island under the blow of the thunder.

"Want to arrest us?"

"Cough, misunderstanding, misunderstanding. We are just passing by, just passing by! Let's go right away!"

The leader of the French dog team noticed that the situation was not right and said immediately.


And just as he was speaking, a falling thunder struck directly three centimeters in front of him.

Suddenly, the captain of the French dog team screamed, then jumped directly from the dog, carried his dog and ran out.

The other French dog team members also followed suit when they saw the situation and directly carried their soft-footed dogs to chase their captain.

Nicholas didn't pay much attention to those who escaped, and then moved towards the Judiciary Tower.

When Nicholas, who was standing at the top of the Judicial Tower, looked at the huge Gate of Justice in front of him, he couldn't help but smile.

Perhaps the former Judicial Island was also a big mountain in the world government, but now it is just a decoration, at least I have not seen the combat power of a lieutenant general or above.

However, with such an easy task in exchange for benefits, Nicholas is also quite happy.

"Let's go, get ready to return."

In front of the main entrance of Judicial Island, Nicholas separated from the two giants. After agreeing to go to Elbaf in the future, Nicholas and the others returned to the water capital.

I have to say that the world of pirates is quite realistic. Almost not long after Nicholas and the others returned to the Seven Waters, Livanos personally came to Nicholas to express his cordial condolences and said that he would always accompany Nicholas in the Seven Waters. duration of stay.

The experience of Judiciary Island can be said to make Livanos mention it fiercely. Although we all know that Judiciary Island is now a strong foreigner, but as one of the facades of the world government, no one is willing to step on it. As a result, now Nicholas directly goes to fight Judiciary Island. Wearing it, this also gave Livanos a new understanding of the ferocity of the Rox Pirates.

The design of the ship is going very smoothly. It can be said that the prototype of the ship has come out under the overtime work of Tom the Fishman. The next thing to do is to refine the details and optimize the design of the main body of the ship.

As for the keel of the ship, Adam wood is naturally chosen. After all, the ship made of this kind of wood is known to be unsinkable.

The bottom of the ship is covered with a large amount of sea floor stone after smelting.

Nicholas was satisfied when the blueprints came out, while Livanos was a fool.

As a big boss of a shipbuilding company, how could he not know the preciousness of sea floor stone? The processing of sea floor stone is not bad. Master Tom, the boatmaker, has mastered the technology of smelting sea floor stone.

But the problem is that Hailou Stone is different from Adamwood. Adamwood can be obtained if you have money, but Hailou Stone, which is a strategic material of the World Government, is not so easy to get.

And the more I know about the sea tower, the more precious it is, so Livanos' first reaction after seeing the sea tower that Nicholas needs to ship is a bitter look on his face, although they have it, but if all What will they do after using Nicholas ship.

In the end, Nicholas said that the problem of Hailou stone was solved by him.

Soon, with the participation of Nicholas, the structure of the new ship has been finalized. The whole ship is determined to be three and a half floors. The bottom floor is the power room, storage room and aquarium, and the second floor is the girls' room, kitchen, library.. .

"Hey, haven't you guys finished your work yet? It's time to eat."

At this time, a tall and tall beauty with light green hair knocked on the door to remind everyone that it was time to start dinner.

"Cocolo, don't worry, my design will be over soon."

Tom carefully sat and made changes on the design drawing with a square ruler, and said to Cocolo without raising his head ~www.readwn.com~ Also, then you can eat cold food for a while, be careful to get sick and die . "

After saying that, he turned and left.

And Livanos also followed Tom to say goodbye and took Nicholas to dinner.

On the way, Nicholas couldn't help but ask: "President Livanos, you Carrera are really strong, not only the shipbuilder Tom, but also the mermaid."

Hearing Nicholas' words, Livanos' expression was a little unnatural. After all, mermaids, especially female mermaids, have always been in short supply in the market.

"Mr. Nicholas is joking, Cocoro is not an employee of our Carrera, but the secretary of Mr. Tom's company. It can be said that if Mr. Tom leaves, this one is likely to leave. But Mr. Tom, alas..."

When talking about Tom, Livanos couldn't help but sigh.

And Nicholas, who was listening with gusto, was in a bad mood when Livanos suddenly shut up.

Seemingly sensing that Nicholas was in a wrong mood, Livanos took out a cigarette case from his pocket, lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and then continued: "Although Mr. Tom also understands Cocoro's intentions, even we persuaded him to do so. Mr. Tom, but there is no way, Mr. Tom is still stubborn and refuses to accept Cocoro."

"Um, isn't that why Cocolo is not pretty?"

Nicholas was a little puzzled.

"It's not a question of being beautiful or not. It's ridiculous. The merman can accept the combination of the human race, but it can't accept the combination of the merman and the murloc. Once Master Tom and Cocolo are together, Cocolo will never again Also unable to return to Fishman Island, and will be regarded as a disgrace to the entire mermaid race."

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