Pirates: Control Thunder and Lightning

Chapter 454: : the footsteps of history

"Your Majesty Neptune, what happened? And this?"

Fisher Tiger looked at Neptune with a serious face and asked.

"This is the life paper that Nicholas left on Fishman Island, but I don't know why this strange change suddenly occurred."

Neptune also said somewhat puzzled.

"According to the characteristics of the life paper, if there is a problem with the life paper, doesn't that mean that there is a problem with Nicholas?"

Jinping said solemnly.

As a life paper made by a special process, the owner of the life paper can be located and the situation of the life paper host can be displayed through its state.

"There may be a problem with Nicholas, but at present we can't judge what the problem is. After all, with Nicholas's strength, it is really hard to imagine who in this world can threaten him."

Nipton wasn't sure if something had happened to Nicholas, or if it was a special phenomenon of life paper. After all, life paper was just an artificial creation, and it was normal for an accident to happen.

"Has His Majesty Neptune contacted Nicholas and the rest of the Nicholas Pirates?"

Tiger asked calmly.

"I have tried to contact Nicholas, but there is no response. As for the other members of the Nicholas Pirates, they have also contacted. The reply is that they do not know the specific situation for the time being. They are now relying on the traction of life paper to find it. Nicholas."

Hearing Nipton's words, Jinbei and Tiger looked at each other, and both knew that the problem might be really big.

"Your Majesty Neptune, strengthen the defense of Ryugu Castle. In addition, Jinping, you lead the Sea God Army to strengthen the defense of the fish-man island again. From now on, any pirates who enter the fish-man island will have a bounty of over 100 million pirates. The stay must not exceed one day! Two pirates with a bounty of over 100 million must not appear on Fishman Island at the same time.”

After thinking about it for a while, Tiger with the broken arm said to Jinbei.

Regarding Tiger's suggestion, Neptune and Jinpei have no extra opinion. After all, they also know that the current background of Murloc Island is still too shallow. In the sea outside Murloc Island, there are fierce medicines and tamed sea beasts. , The pirates can't make any waves at all.

But once those guys on Fishman Island want to do something, it will be difficult to suppress them in a short time.

"Is that the captain!?"

A few days later, standing on the deck of the Sea King, watching the huge Thor raging in the center of the thunderstorm on the Antarctic continent, Simon asked in disbelief.

"According to the life paper, it is indeed Nicholas."

Beilein took a deep breath and said while looking at the life paper she wanted to fly.

"What the **** happened, why did the captain appear here and become like that? Can the captain change back to the way he was?"

Katie put her hand on the hilt of the knife at her waist, looking at the giant Thor with a worried expression.

"Vestad, don't go forward, you will die."

Beilein stopped Vestad, who was still trying to come forward.

Hearing Beilein's words, Vestad stopped, let out a long breath, and then looked at the incomparably huge Thor.

Nicholas was plunged into chaos at this moment, time and space all became muddy at this moment.

Nicholas was in it, although he could clearly feel that his emotions as a human were gradually losing, but his mood was very calm, and being alone in the chaos, he could also get closer to his own heart.

The sense of assimilation from the surroundings makes people want to sleep, and as they gradually close their eyes, all perceptions will dissipate rapidly, and finally the whole person will fall into the embrace of the world.

Assimilation, this is the awakening of the natural system! There are only a handful of people who can make it this far, and there has never been anyone who can get through it.

Although he was in chaos, Nicholas could vaguely perceive the outside world.

It's like you have your eyes closed, but you can clearly feel the presence of other people around you.

A faint connection, through the medium of the mind, is constantly transmitted from the outside world, allowing Nicholas to maintain a trace of clarity.

"Is this feeling like you? Belin."

Nicholas muttered.

I don't know how long it took, Nicholas's consciousness gradually became blurred, and at the same time, a strange knife appeared in his hand.

In the chaos, there is only one person, one knife and endless chaos.

Chambord Islands, Bedick was pacing back and forth in his office at this time.

"What happened, why did Lord Beilein suddenly let me be attached to Doflamingo Tenyasha's command."

Apparently, Bedick, who received Beilein's order, was quite puzzled, and did not understand why Beilein suddenly asked himself to be attached to Doflamingo's command.

However, before he could think about it, the door of the office was pushed open, and a man wearing a pink feather cloak, tight trousers and Peas shoes, and sunglasses and bandages walked in arrogantly.

Tong Kong shrank involuntarily when he saw the coming Bedic.

The person who came was the famous Tianyasha Doflamingo recently.

"Bedik, long time no see?"

Sitting directly on the desk in the office, Doflamingo spoke first, his tone full of malice.

"Brother Doflamingo, are you here to complete the reception?"

Bedick looked at Doflamingo who was sitting at the desk with a trace of displeasure on his face.

After all, he is also a big old man, and the backstage is quite powerful.

"咈咈咈咈~www.readwn.com~ That's right, everyone will be partners in the future. Let's grow bigger and stronger together."

Doflamingo laughed, apparently being able to combine Bedick's properties, a huge step forward for his development.

Time passed slowly, and the sudden disappearance of Nicholas did not seem to affect the development of the world situation.

Shichibukai was also completed, Moonlight Moriah, Edward Weibull, the Golden Lion II, and Golden Emperor Gilder Tezzolo were selected to become the new Shichibukai.

At the same time, One Piece Roger completely disappeared from the sight of everyone, along with the crew of One Piece.

No one can stop the progress of history, and it is still moving forward step by step.

In the new world, the division of various forces became more and more clear, and the reputation of the three top emperors gradually resounded throughout the new world. Their bounty shocked everyone, and deeply feared them.

Among them, Whitebeard, as the strongest man in the world, has a bounty of five billion baileys.

Kaido is 4.6 billion baileys, and Bigumam is 4.3 billion baileys.

The bounty of each of them is much higher than that of other pirates, above all pirates. They are also extremely powerful in the new world, and they each occupy a huge territory in the new world.

In this era, their prestige is resounding all over the world, no other pirates can compare with them, even the navy and the world government have chosen to give up the new world.

"Uuuuuu, Nicholas, why did you suddenly disappear, how can you live without your father?"

"Gu la la la, Roger, what happened to you and Nicholas when you disappeared at the same time?"

"Brother Katakuri, my mother's eating disorder seems to have flared up again, hurry up and find a way to subdue her!"

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