Pirates: Control Thunder and Lightning

Chapter 469: : Germa's true masterpiece

The 469th chapter of the pirate's control of thunder and lightning: Germa's real masterpiece

Tezzolo looked at the Germa War Fortress, which was approaching gradually, and slowly suppressed his smile. With a wave of his hand, his awakening ability instantly mobilized a large amount of gold around him.

This game is not over yet, after all, Germa and Gaji, known as the strange bird Garuda, have not been resolved.

But it probably won't give him too much fun. After all, the guy who was driven by those countries in Beihai who didn't even have a fixed land, can he be strong there?

If Kaji is really strong, then he can occupy a rich island in the North Sea, instead of leading Germa 66 to wander around in the North Sea.

Thinking of this, Tezuo Luo suddenly lost interest, controlling a large amount of liquid gold, like teasing small snakes.

And just when Tezuolo was about to get rid of the three Germa cubs, a pink figure suddenly cut through the sky, quickly broke open the golden tentacles that trapped Yin Zhi, and pulled it from the corner of his mouth with his fingers. A burst of purple venom corrodes the gold that surrounds Yuuji.

At the moment when the gold was corroded, Yuji also relied on a powerful force to directly break free of the gold that bound him, and quickly opened the distance.

Soon behind Reijiu, the three Yinzhi brothers barely stabilized their bodies in mid-air.

Yin Zhi frowned and glanced at his deformed right arm, then he directly grabbed the joint with his left hand and slammed his deformed right arm. With a bang, the right arm returned to its original state. Shake the right hand.

The golden attack from Tezzolo just now was blocked by their battle uniforms.


Even if their physique is extraordinary and they are hit by an attack of the level of Tezzolo, they will be seriously injured if they don't die.

"Don't be too rash, that's an awakened ability, and the guys who can be selected by the world government as the king's Qiwuhai are all powerful monsters."

Leijiu raised her slender index finger and gently wiped away the venom stained on the corner of her lips.


Facing Reijiu's reminder, Yin Zhi, Yongji, and Niji remained silent.

Then the jet shoes under the three of them spewed out flames, turning into three streamers of different colors, and attacking Tezzolo again quickly.

Obviously the mission objective has not been solved, and they will not retreat.

Seeing this, Leijiu frowned.

Obviously, what she said was not heard by the three younger brothers.

Although Reijiu was used to this kind of thing, the enemy this time was very strong, and the North Sea Kingdoms that Germa faced were not at the same level as opponents.

If Yin Zhi and the others are allowed to advance like this, then only death awaits them.

It can be said that among the five children in the Vinsmoke family, only Sanji is a normal person with all emotions, and although she also has some emotions, she is more emotional than Yin Zhi, Niji, and Yuji who have no emotions. And the emotional Sanji.

On the contrary, she is more like a defective product.

This is also the reason why she has been disguising herself since she was a child and did not dare to reveal her abnormality. After all, in Germa, the fate of defective products is already doomed.

But with Nicholas's words and Sanji's performance, Reiku's burden was much less.

At least compared to Yongji, Niji, and Yoonji, who had almost no feelings, Reijiu would worry about the safety of her younger brothers as an older sister. After all, her mother asked her to take good care of her younger brothers.

Looking at Yin Zhi, Nizhi, and Yongzhi who were rushing towards Taizuo Luo, Leijiu also activated the Germa technology shoes under her feet, and flew after them. .

On top of the Germa War Fortress, Kaji glanced at Sanji who was standing there smoking silently.

"Leijiu has already gone. You should know that even if you add Leijiu, they will not be the opponents of the Golden Emperor. Don't you worry about Leijiu's safety?"

Kaji opened his mouth and said, obviously he is very clear about the relationship between the children. Sanji has no feelings for Yinji, Yongji, Niji or even him. And because of Sora, Sanji attaches great importance to it.

Hearing Kaji's words, Sanji with his hands in his trouser pockets just let out a breath of smoke.

Then he turned his head to look at Jiazhi with dazed eyes.

"What do I do, I don't need you to tell me. Don't think that you can point fingers at me because you have the identity of my 'father'."

Facing Sanji's words, Kaji didn't get angry at all, but showed a smile, because he knew that Germa's most perfect work had already decided to be dispatched.

Enter the Guran Tezzolo.

Tai Zuoluo looked calmly at the four Yin Zhi brothers and sisters who came to reorganize the offensive.

Compared with the beginning, his expression was already a little impatient. After all, a few flies buzzing around inevitably made people a little irritable.

"Would a pointless struggle, and going from three little bugs to four little bugs change the outcome? Boring."

Tezzolo whispered to himself, then slowly raised his hand.

As he raised his hand, a large amount of liquid gold under his control suddenly condensed into a golden dragon with a diameter of more than ten meters.


The three Yin Zhi, who had just regrouped and planned to attack again, looked at the golden dragon hanging in front of Taizuo Luo with its claws and claws.

Although it was unclear how powerful this golden dragon was, a strong sense of crisis suddenly emerged in the hearts of the three of them.

Tezzolo waved to the next.

The ferocious and domineering golden dragon suddenly roared in the air and flew towards Yin Zhi, Nizhi, and Yongzhi.

"Crush it!"

The most irritable Yuji roared, and instead of retreating, he advanced, facing the golden dragon that was flying at him.

Yin Zhi and Ni Zhi also did not mean to back down, and followed closely behind.

In the face of Yongzhi, who was rushing straight in, the golden dragon made an emergency stop in the air, and then a dragon swung its tail. Suddenly, Yongzhi, who was caught off guard, was directly hit by the golden dragon's thick tail and hit a beautiful home run, turning it into a The meteor flew towards the distant sea.

"Lord Tezzolo, a beautiful home run."

Baccarat said with a smile and applause.

After Yongzhi was shot, Yinzhi and Nizhi showed their means and continued to fight with the golden dragon.

But the size of the golden dragon is too huge, they can't cause effective damage at all, and the strength and speed of the golden dragon are not weak. In less than three or four seconds, the two are firmly suppressed.

"You just said...to keep me from laughing? And to stomp my head on the soles of my feet?"

Taizuo Luo looked up at Yin Zhi, who was being suppressed by the golden dragon, and said in a cold tone, "I don't have many taboos, but it's unfortunate that all of you have committed them, so..."


Yin Zhi and Nizhi, who were constantly parrying the golden dragon's attack, had no time to answer Tezuolo's words, and could only stare at Tezuolo.

"They said don't rush in..."

Reijiu, who was chasing after him, frowned at the two being suppressed by the golden dragon.

"go to hell!"

As Taizuo Luo's voice fell, the golden dragon forced Yin Zhi and Nizhi to retreat, and then opened its huge mouth.

It can be seen that with the sound of a machine-like operation coming from the dragon's body, high-temperature and high-density energy is rapidly generated in the dragon's body and rapidly expanded, and the surging and bursting energy can already be seen in the dragon's throat.

On the bow of Guran Tezzolo.

Tezzolo looked at the Germa warriors in the air indifferently, and seemed to have foreseen that these warriors roaming the North Sea would turn into ashes under the breath of the giant dragon~www.readwn.com~ At this moment, he suddenly noticed A terrifying momentum rushed from the direction of the Germa War Fortress in the distance.


Tezzolo's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked up in the direction of the Germa War Fortress.

I saw a figure there, like a shooting star, coming towards Gulan Tezzolo.


Seeing the galloping figure and the imposing manner it radiated, Tezzolo was also a little interested.

Gold fire.

The corner of Taizuoluo's mouth twitched. Driven by his thoughts, the breath from the dragon's mouth suddenly spewed out, attacking the three of Leijiu.

(In fact, I think Sanji's strength has always been seriously underestimated. After all, Sanji is more like Luffy than Zoro, who has been training since he was a child, but Luffy relies on Nika. The fruit and the excellent genes inherited from the family, as for Sanji, it relies on the bloodline factor in the body, and the reason why Sanji is in an embarrassing situation in the current Straw Hats is that he has wasted a lot of time, and has been in Pakistan before boarding the ship. When Lati cooks, at most, she takes care of the free-spirited guys. After getting on the ship, she is basically the chef and licks the dog every day.

When the Chambord Islands were reinforced for two years, Zoro found Hawkeye and what did Sanji find? It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a waste of two years to expect how much the monster boxing can be strengthened.

This is also the reason why Sanji began to be criticized from the position of the three main players. After all, compared to Zoro's dazzling performance, Sanji really pulled his hips a bit.

There are also some parts of the animation team that are really outrageous. After watching the last few episodes, my eyes are almost blinded. )+Bookmark+

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