Pirates Control Thunder and Lightning Chapter 474: There are dirty things

"It's all big and small." Lifetime looked towards Dais.

"The gambling luck of a lifetime general is really quite good." Baccara next to him came over and said with a smile.

"Hehe, my gambling luck has always been bad. After all, since I lost both eyes, the casino has only lost money for decades. How can gambling luck be prosperous." Fujitora laughed. His eyes swept to Baccarat and Dais without a trace.

Obviously, he can clearly perceive the casino's small movements with his life's experience and domineering. He also understands that some of the navies who killed and killed in the Guran Tezzolo Casino should also have certain speculations, but they did not point it out.

This is also the main reason for coming here this whole life. After all, in this chaotic world, the navy is the last guarantee for civilians. If the navy is eroded, it will undoubtedly be quite bad news.

"If you don't believe in your gambling luck, then you might as well give it a try. You can win two out of three games." Dais said to his life. Dais's arrogance is also aimed at people. If it is an ordinary person, Dais will directly He threw the person out, but the other party was a monster comparable to an admiral of the navy, and I am afraid that the one who was thrown out would be himself.

And the most important thing is that the blind lieutenant general in front of him seems to know the distinguished guests of Lord Tezzolo.

"Then are you trying?"

Sheng Sheng replied, obviously he also wanted to see what the casino was going to do.

"Hehe, if that's the case, let's start." Dais grinned, then he hugged the huge dice cup next to him, and then stepped on his feet hard, and the three giant dice were directly thrown into the air. The dice cup was swept away, and then three huge dice were pulled into the huge dice cup.

The dice cup was waved by Dais's arms, because the wind and waves caused by the stirring of the dice cup surged in the casino. , Dais's movements finally stopped, and the dice cup was also covered on the ground.

"Buy big, buy small, buy and leave."

It's still the same words that have been said in the casino through the ages. After Dais finished speaking, he looked at his life and laughed.

"It seems that the old man is very lucky in buying a small today..."

"Buy big and you will win."

Sheng Sheng was suddenly stunned for a moment, because he obviously heard a familiar voice ringing in his ears, but after a pause, Sheng Sheng continued, "So this old man bought a small one."

Dais nodded, then took out a long axe, and suddenly jumped into the air, then Dais swung the axe quickly.

There was a loud bang, and the axe was still in his hand, but Dais's head, covered in the color of the weapon, slammed directly into the dice cup, and then the dice cup was completely shattered, revealing three huge sieves.

The dealer next to him immediately said, "Four, five, six, fifteen o'clock, big."

After seeing the numbers on the dice, Baccarat smiled and said, "It seems that Mr. Yisheng's gambling luck is really bad, but there are still two rounds."

Fujitora also smiled and said, "Yeah, but we still have two games left."

Dais picked up the huge dice cup, and then glanced at the **** Baccarat. Baccarat seemed to understand what he meant, so he walked towards the back of his life.

She stretched out a hand and patted it gently on the left shoulder of the life, as if it was an unintentional act, but suddenly, she saw Brook looking at her, and the eyes of the life that only had white eyes 'looked' to 'self.

This made her raised palm froze in the air.

This sudden scene shocked Tanaka, who was observing this scene in the monitoring room. Baccarat failed. Is it because the other party's vigilance was too high, or did he sense something?

"Fairy Wood"

"Is something wrong, ma'am?"

Fujitora looked at Baccarat behind him and asked.

"It's okay, it's okay. Just wanted to get a closer look."

Baccarat quickly adjusted her mood and replied with a smile.


When I heard Baccarat's words, I didn't say anything for a lifetime. ,

"Hey, you are so cruel to beautiful women all your life, be careful that you can't find a wife in the future. And this beauty is obviously going to give you a strong luck buff."

Hearing the noise ringing in his ears again, he couldn't help frowning all his life. There was no trace of the other party's existence in his sight, but the other party's voice passed into his ears without any hindrance.

"Hey, will you still be a virgin in your life?"

Hearing the mocking voice of Nicholas in my ear, I couldn't hold back for a while.

He had never felt so annoyed by Nicholas' voice.

"Nicholas, don't make fun of it."

Life finally couldn't help but speak.

And the way he spoke to the air caused Baccarat and Dais on the field to be a little dazed. Only Brook, Katie, and Urky seemed to have thought of something and showed a surprised expression.

"Lieutenant General, you?"

Hearing Dais's words, Lifetime said, "There are two more rounds."

"Then go on."

Dais nodded, then started his performance again with the newly-appeared dice cup.

At this time, a man in a fancy suit was sitting in the surveillance room where Honda was originally in the casino. Beside him, Tanaka, the security officer of Guran Tezzolo, was standing there respectfully.

The man in the fancy suit was Tezzolo.

At this moment, on the screen in front of the two of them, the content of a lifetime gambling with Dais was constantly playing, while Tezzolo was staring intently at the screen.

"Boss, it's here."

While talking, Tanaka pressed the pause button, and the paused picture on the screen was the picture of speaking to the air all his life.

"Can you analyze what he said?"

Tezzolo asked with a frown.

Although the surveillance phone worm can monitor every corner of the ship~www.readwn.com~, it cannot capture the sound. After all, unless he is close to the phone worm, there will be no sound at all.

"A spoken language expert has been asked to translate, the sentence said by the other party..."

Tanaka paused for a while, because when he heard what the oral expert had translated, his scalp was tingling.

"What is it?"

Looking at Tanaka's performance, Tezuolo couldn't help frowning.

"Nicholas, don't make fun of it."


Taizuo Luo couldn't help but ask, he knew very clearly in his heart how terrifying the strength of Vice Admiral Fujitora of the Navy Headquarters was, that was a monster that could be on par with the three current Navy Admirals.

He doesn't think that someone can be presumptuous in front of such a monster, if that's the case, then...

"Sure. We even hired five or six oral language experts for this, and they all got the same answer."

Tanaka said with certainty.

"So from the other surveillance phone bugs, have you seen any traces of other people around Fujitora?"

Tezzolo asked again.

"No, the first time I found the abnormality, I called up all the pictures around the vip, and there was no abnormality at all."

Hearing Tanaka's words, Tezzolo suddenly felt that there was something dirty in the VIP room of his Guran Tezzolo Casino.

What Tezuolo didn't know was that when he and Tanaka were studying Fujitora's unusual behavior, the "dirty thing" in the VIP room was sitting on the console of the monitoring room, looking at him up and down. +Bookmark+

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