Pirates: Control Thunder and Lightning

Chapter 491: : You blush a bubble teapot

At this moment, Katie suddenly made a move, directly slashing out a giant flying slash, flying towards the surrounding CP0 members.


Watching the flying flying slash smash the CP0 members was shocked.

This kind of powerful slash, even they must be prepared for it, after all, they will really die if they are not careful.

As everyone evaded, the flying slash passed them and flew directly to the Alchiman mangrove tree in the distance.


The huge slash slashed directly on the thick trunk of the Alchiman mangrove.

With a sound of cutting, the thick Alchiman mangrove tree was directly cut off from it.

The upper half of the tree canopy, which lost its support, slowly smashed to the ground.

With the deafening sound, the top half of the tree canopy fell, and the whole island felt the shock.

"It's really messed up."

The group of CP0 members who escaped the slash looked at the half of the alchemy tree that fell to the ground with a gloomy expression.

Obviously, with the emergence of Nicholas and others, their mission can almost be declared a failure.

A group of CP0s looked at Katie who was slowly retracting the knife.

From the blow just now, they could see that even Katie's strength is very strong, and it is definitely not the kind of target they can solve at will.

When the two sides go to war, they may be wiped out in an instant

The leading CP0 has weighed the pros and cons almost in an instant.

"We want that woman."

He raised his finger and pointed to Bonnie, who looked like a little **** the ground, and said indifferently, "So as long as you leave now, I can pretend that nothing happened."


Hearing CP0's words, Nicholas couldn't help but smile.

It seems that he has not appeared on the sea for a long time, and many people have forgotten him.

Nicholas stared at the group of CP0s.

And almost at the same time, Katie, Brooke's weapon was unsheathed, and the flintlock gun behind Simon was also directly set up, and firmly locked the lead CP0, and Urky took off the back with a smile. Huge hexagonal iron column.

CP0 members saw each other's intentions, and they also showed a fierce light, but they clearly knew the importance of this woman in the eyes of the world government and those Tianlong people. If they failed, their fate would be very miserable.

Bonnie looked at the two sides who were arguing with each other, and her heart burst with joy.

She was right.

"Leave, leave"

Taking advantage of the two parties not paying attention, Bonnie's little girl-like figure began to cautiously rush into the distance. As for why she didn't run, she was not stupid. If she ran, both parties would definitely notice.

And Bonnie's actions fell into the eyes of the CP0s, no doubt hitting them in the face.

"court death."

The leading CP0's eyes turned cold, and he kicked Bonnie with a slap in the face.

Between the lights and flints, a figure appeared in front of Bonnie.

A standard sword-drawing slash directly smashed Lan's feet flying from the sky into shreds.

However, before he could react, Katie's attack came faster.

For Katie she had already nearly lost her captain once, and she would never allow that to happen again.

Almost instantly, Katie crossed the distance between the two sides and came to the leader CP0.

Although the leader CP0 subconsciously used the iron block and shave, almost at the same time as the iron block was used, a sharp pain suddenly came from his chest.


The leading CP0 shook his body and slowly looked down.

Instead, he saw a terrifying wound that ran across his entire chest from the right shoulder to the left abdomen, and was spraying a lot of blood.

"This this…?"

In an instant, the leading CP0 felt an icy chill spread all over his body, and then went straight to the sky along the back crest.

He was killed in one move, he really didn't expect it.

However, the vitality in his body was obviously not enough to support him to finish his words.

The lightning-like confrontation and the result of the confrontation immediately stunned the surrounding CP0 members.

They know best about the strength of their leader

As a result, the most powerful leader among them was knocked out by Katie in a single face-to-face, which made them look shocked and horrified.

They also realized that in front of these guys, they really ended up being ordered.

puff wow...

A CP0 member wearing a pig-beast mask slackened his knees and knelt to the ground, his chest agitated, and a large mouthful of blood was spewed towards the ground.

At this time, his eyes were full of fear when he looked at Urgi.

At the beginning, he was quite serious in the face of Urki's ultimate armament, but when he found that the other party didn't seem to be good at attacking, his offensive became unrestrained.

He did play very well at first, but as time went on, he gradually panicked, because he found that his attack did not seem to cause any effective damage to Urki.

And with the accumulation of time, Urki's smile seems to be getting more and more perverted.

Just now, Urki slapped him directly and almost died on the spot.

And when he looked around, he found that he was the only one on the field who could breathe.

"how is this possible!"

He stared at the scene around him.

"It's been so long, and it's time to end. After all, we can't let the captain and the others wait."

Urki said that his already tall body suddenly swelled, almost instantly becoming a giant more than ten meters tall.


As Urki's voice fell, the fist covered in armed color slammed down directly.


Along with a loud bang, the last CP0 also drank hatred under Urki's iron fist.

The terrifying strength displayed by Katie and the others in front of them undoubtedly shocked Bonnie.

"Joelly Bonnie."

Nicholas looked at Bonnie, who was shocked, and slowly said her name.

Hearing her name, Bonnie shuddered in her heart, then looked at Nicholas with an innocent expression on her face, as if to say, I don't understand what you are talking about.

"Don't pretend, your acting skills are too bad. Compared to those old fritters I know, your acting skills are immature and like a kid. Don't try to escape, you can't do it."

Bonnie's idea of ​​running away had just occurred, and the suffocating aura emanated from Nicholas, the terrifying aura locked her firmly.

Just locked by the air machine, Bonnie's body was frantically sounding the alarm to her.

After realizing the gap between the two sides, she finally gave up the struggle.

"very good."

Seeing Bonnie so sensible, Nicholas restrained his aura.

"Although I don't know why you were chased by CP0, I have a good relationship with the bear, so... if you really have any relationship with the bear, I don't mind sheltering you for a short time~www.readwn.com~ Bonnie Hearing that Nicholas mentioned the bear, Tong Kong shrank slightly, and the figure of the extremely gentle man also appeared in his mind.

But she would not easily believe Nicholas' words.

Seemingly seeing Bonnie's hesitation, Nicholas took out the phone and threw it to her.

Looking at the phone bug in her hand, Bonnie looked at Nicholas with a bewildered expression, not understanding what he meant.

And Nicholas said calmly: "That's the bear's number. After dialing, you can ask about my relationship with him."

After a while, with the connection of the phone bug, you can see that Bonnie's face is obviously red and a little abnormal.

"Hey, here it is."

The blush on Bonnie's face had not gone away, and her chest was heaving slightly.

Looking at Bonnie's appearance, Nicholas was a little puzzled, didn't he just talk to the bear once?

You blushed like a bubble teapot.

(In the comics, I saw photos of Supernova and Qiwuhai when she was a child. The gluttonous girl was obviously a wanderer when she was a child. Let’s just say that it is possible that when the gluttonous girl was a child, the bear might have taken care of her for a long time. After all, the character of the bear is also yours. knew.

Moreover, the words about cats and dogs of the Crusaders were also disgusting. Sure enough, the identity of the warrior of the Koyuki family was more important than the king of the fur tribe.

Those fur tribesmen during the Battle of Emotional Onishima and when Jack attacked Zuowu were really tool men, stone hammers.

There is also the latest chapter, I don't know if it's a translation problem, the storyteller is really disgusting.

And the remarks that black charcoal should be raging are said by Mr. Storyteller, not by Hiyori himself. Don't be rhythmized by some people on Douyin. Otherwise, the country of Wano is really a diode from one pole to the other. Although the Wano country chapter is indeed a lot worse than the previous one...)

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