Pirates: Control Thunder and Lightning

Chapter 552: : good news and bad news

The latest website: "Dorag! The Navy is here!"

On the island, Karas, who had been paying close attention to the movements of the navy, shouted loudly to Drago below.

"Is the navy here? Looks like we should stop."

Hearing the words of Karas in the sky, Ben Beckman looked at Drago and said with a smile.

It has to be said that the pressure brought by this person in front of them is too great. If the members of the Red Hair Pirates did not cooperate with each other tacitly, it is estimated that there will be attrition in the battle with Dorag.

Instead of just being injured like now.

Drago did not speak, but frowned and looked in the direction of the naval fleet.

On the other side, Nicholas and Shanks held the long knives against each other, and the black and purple lightning and the dark red lightning lingered on the two long knives, entangled continuously.


Sparks sputtered constantly where the long knives met.

The air around the two seemed to be extremely violent at this moment, and the sword energy visible to the naked eye continued to sweep away around the two, cutting and annihilating everything around them.

Even the dark clouds in the sky seemed to be affected and pressed down from the sky.

After realizing that he couldn't help Nicholas, Shanks sighed involuntarily: "Nicholas, do you have to let the world fall into turmoil? Since you can disappear and remain silent for decades, why can't you wait?

Give Luffy a chance, give me a chance, and give the world a chance. "

"Then you can kill yourself. If you are willing to sacrifice your life, I don't mind giving you this chance. After all, you have already bet one of your arms on the so-called new era, so bet your own life as well. Wouldn't it be better to up the stack?"

Nicholas looked at Shanks' serious eyes and said with a smile.

"If you can really do it, what's the harm in Shanks dying?"

Shanks said casually.

The man at sea will eventually die on the sea. This is the truth that Shanks has known since he was a child, and it is also his view of his future destination.

In these years of drifting on the sea, he has seen too many life and death farewells.

You must know that in the process of wandering on the sea for so many years, the Red Hair Pirates have not died, especially in the war to win the Four Emperors, many partners have left them.

Until the power became stronger and stronger, and after becoming the fourth emperor, few people died.

"Is it necessary to do this? Is it worth it?"

Looking into Shanks' eyes, Nicholas knew he wasn't lying.

Shanks glanced at the sea in the distance and said solemnly, "It's worth it."

The live broadcast has not been converted for a long time, and it seems that no one is switching the screen because of the loss of the control of the person behind the scenes.

Over time, the information on Mercury Island that can be obtained through live broadcasts has become less and less.

Although it is not clear why, but the live broadcast screen is no longer switched, so that countless ordinary people watching the live broadcast can't help but mention it.

Knowing that a war that is enough to change the direction of the world is taking place, but they can't do anything, this feeling of powerlessness is too hopeless.

Just now, as bystanders, they saw the terrifying collision between Kaido and Whitebeard in the live broadcast.

Because of the lessons from Charlotte Lingling and Barrett, they felt that it would not be surprising if two more emperors died on Shui Xianxing Island.

However, the huge smoke from the explosion shrouded the battlefield, making it impossible for people to see what was going on in the field. In addition to the lack of screen switching of the phone bug, they could only watch and get no information. live screen.

"Everyone get ready, it's time for us to clean up the battlefield."

The crane looked at the giant mushroom cloud that was gradually dispersing in the distance and said to the high-ranking navy generals around him.

At this moment, the adjutant next to Staff Officer He suddenly stepped forward and whispered something in Lieutenant General He's ear.

"Bring it."

Crane frowned and stretched out her hand, and soon a golden phone bug appeared in her hand.

The phone worm rang quickly, and after the phone worm was connected, the phone worm's image soon became somewhat similar to one of the five old stars.

"This is the Five Old Stars. At present, the cp0 under the World Government is carrying out a classified mission on Mercury Island, and the naval attack is temporarily postponed."

Hearing the words from the phone bug, the navy on the deck couldn't help frowning.

Obviously, the battle situation on Shui Xianxing Island is obvious now. Charlotte Lingling died in battle, Whitebeard, Kaido, and Barrett are still alive and dead. Now only the red-haired Shanks remains on the island. Thor Nicholas, the leader of the revolutionary army, Long and several kings descended into the sea of ​​Qiwu.

There is no doubt that this is the best time for the Navy to make a move.

And the most important point is that the cp0 under the World Government performs tasks and has a hammer relationship with their navy.


After He Dandan finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

Then, looking at the puzzled people, they said, "Why are they still standing? The battle continues."

Hearing the words of Staff Officer He, the expressions of the navy on the deck were a little strange. The front foot had just promised the Five Old Stars to temporarily stop the attack, but the back foot just continued to execute the battle plan. Is it really good to go against the yin and yang?

"Staff Crane, this way..."

Just as Aramaki, who was dispatched by the World Government, was about to say something, he saw the cold eyes of the senior generals of the navy, and changed his words a little embarrassedly, "This kind of decisiveness is really in line with the tough style of the navy."

After all, the situation is stronger than people, and it is better for the cp0 on the island to be unlucky than to be unlucky.

On the sea, hundreds of warships approached the distant Shui Xian Island along the channel in the ice sheet.

And Kizaru, who was originally blocked by Marko, also returned to the warship.

Soon a dense naval fleet appeared near Mercury Island.

It is roughly estimated that there are more than 100,000 troops coming to the coast of Shui Xianxing Island, especially the majestic aura of the powerful aura emanating from the many admirals standing on the flagship deck hovering over the fleet. It's even more depressing.


With the arrival of the large naval force, the surviving pirates on Mercury Island could not help but fall into despair.

Without any hesitation, the surviving pirates fled in the opposite direction to the warship.

Directly in front of the military formation are the three admirals representing the highest combat power in the navy headquarters.

The three admirals standing side by side are enough to suffocate the vast majority of pirates in the world.


Kizaru looked at Mercury Island, where the terrain was almost completely destroyed, and sighed: "It's really a fierce war~~~"

"The monsters of the navy have also appeared!

! "

Doflamingo and Crocodile on Mercury Island, as well as Barkin, who was watching the battle with Weibull from a distance, looked at the naval force that appeared at this time~www.readwn.com~For Crocodile And for Doflamingo, it's hard to tell whether the arrival of the naval force is good news or bad news.

The good news is that their status as the King of Qiwuhai was granted by the world government, and to a certain extent they are allies with the navy.

The bad news is that depending on the posture of the navy, it is two different things for their ally status to be recognized by the navy. After all, when they were in the Beihai, it was not that they were not attacked by the navy.

But the only certainty is-

Whether it is the monsters still alive on Mercury Island or the navy fleet that just debuted, they are not something they can provoke.

However, because of the existence of this layer of relationship between the world government, the navy should not be too embarrassed for them.


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