Pirates: Control Thunder and Lightning

Chapter 569: : The old guy is really sinister

The gravitational circle released by Fujitora severely suppressed Blackbeard who was underground.

But Blackbeard, who should have been unable to move, stood up from the deep pit despite the terrifying pressure from above his head.

Fujitora also seemed to sense Blackbeard's movements, and the gravity increased again, but even though Blackbeard's body was swaying under pressure, it still did not fall down.

Even as the power of the dark fruit that was like black flames rose outside his body, the gravitational influence that Fujitora exerted on him became less and less.

Nicholas, who has been locking Blackbeard with a familiar color, is not surprised by this.

After all, as the four emperors who took over the Whitebeard's position in the original book, if the ambitious Blackbeard was so easy to get rid of, it would be too incompatible with his character. The Whitebeard Pirates are retired.

This kind of heart can be described as terrifying.

Blackbeard looked up at the sky, blood dripping down his cheeks and dripping on the ground.

After being attacked by Nicholas and Fujitora one after another, Blackbeard's physical condition is still very good.

This is not only because of the damage reduction effect brought by his powerful weapon color and fruit ability, but also because of his strong physical fitness.

"Thief hahahaha! It's not that easy to kill Lao Tzu!

! Lao Tzu's dream will not stop here!

! "

Blackbeard's expression was hideous, and his eyes were full of bloodshots. Obviously, the situation he encountered now was the most sinister situation he had ever faced. If he couldn't get over it, his dreams would stop there.

With Blackbeard's laughter, a large amount of darkness poured out from his shoulders, and then this darkness rose into the sky like a billowing wolf smoke.

And as the darkness surged, Blackbeard easily dispelled the gravity that Fujitora exerted on him.

Without the oppression of gravity, Blackbeard jumped out of the deep pit.

Blackbeard, who had returned to the ground, turned his head to look at Fujitora, his eyes cold.

But then he looked away from Fujitora. After all, compared to Fujitora, Nicholas was the real trouble he was going to face.

Not far away, Fujitora could not help frowning unexpectedly when he felt the ability of Blackbeard's body to suddenly lose its function.

Obviously, he didn't know too much about the ability of the dark fruit.

The sudden loss of this ability was an unprecedented experience for him.

It also increased the danger level of Blackbeard in his heart.

"As expected, it is the most dangerous ability in history..."

Fujitora greeted Blackbeard's hasty glance at the cold eyes, and after groaning, he directly pulled out the sword.

Obviously, he planned to use his full strength. After all, Shiliu faced a lot of opponents, and he couldn't even squeeze in.

Shiliu: MMP! The navy will bully people, right? ?

Nicholas, on the other hand, calmly watched the black beard that suddenly burst into a lot of darkness.

After Blackbeard retracted his gaze towards Fujitora, he took the initiative to walk in the direction of Nicholas.

"This guy…"

Seeing Blackbeard's actions, Nicholas couldn't help narrowing his eyes slightly. He had to say that this guy's character was a natural hero.

"Oh, haven't you given up yet?"

"Thief hahaha, Albert Nicholas, don't underestimate a man's obsession with his dreams!!


Blackbeard looked at Nicholas coldly, grinning with a fierce smile.

"Come and see the real darkness! Thief hahahaha!"

With the laughter, more darkness emerged from behind Blackbeard, and even the darkness enveloped his surroundings, and the area of ​​darkness was expanding wildly.

The darkness rising into the sky seems to connect the heaven and the earth, dark clouds surging in the sky, and thunder light flashes and wanders constantly around the black clouds.

The sea breeze from the sea became more and more violent, and even made a whistling sound.

Blackbeard's tattered clothes swayed in the wind, but the darkness like black flames around him was not affected at all.

"Keep your eyes open! Nicholas!"

Blackbeard stretched out the dragon's claws wrapped in dark power towards Nicholas.

Then Blackbeard aimed at the palm of Nicholas's right palm to generate a terrifying gravitational force out of thin air, and even a vortex of darkness formed in the palm of his right hand.

Between Lightning and Flint—

Nicholas planned to break free from the gravitational pull of Blackbeard's dark fruit, but to his surprise, this time he seemed to be firmly locked by Blackbeard.

"Thief hahahaha... In the face of darkness, you can't resist at all!

! "

Seeing that Nicholas's body was about to be caught by himself, Blackbeard also directly triggered the debuff of the wind and waves. Before he really caught Nicholas, he couldn't help laughing wildly.

Known as the most dangerous and special dark fruit ability in the history of devil fruit, it has shown its real fangs at this moment!

"It's over! Nicholas!"

A cold killing intent appeared in Blackbeard's eyes.

The whirlpool in his palm is equivalent to a small black hole.

That is to say, as long as he sends Nicholas into the black hole, the infinite force contained in the black hole will continue to compress Nicholas until it becomes powder.

at the same time.

Nicholas was also pulled down by gravity to a distance of a few meters in front of Blackbeard.

"You're done, Nicholas!

! "

Soon Nicholas will be pulled into the black hole space and disappear completely.

"Thief haha...!

! "

Blackbeard seemed to have seen Nicholas's fate and laughed proudly.


Just when Blackbeard fantasized about Nicholas' desperate expression when he was waiting for death in the black hole, he suddenly saw a pistol appear in Nicholas's hand, and the black muzzle of the pistol was aimed at his body at the moment.

"Thief hahaha! At this time, do you still expect to rely on that kind of toy to make a comeback?"

Although I don't know why Nicholas took out a pistol that was ridiculous to them, Blackbeard still raised his vigilance, but at this moment, most of his energy was concentrated in his hands, and he had no extra energy to focus on other places. .

After all, Blackbeard knows very well that the key to this victory is to **** Nicholas into the black hole!

As long as Nicholas is sucked into the black hole, then he will win!

So at this moment that is enough to decide the outcome of the battle, Blackbeard has already made up his mind, and it's a big deal to fight Nicholas.

In exchange for his life, he will make a steady profit without losing it!

Nicholas ignored Blackbeard and chose to pull the trigger.


With the sound of a gunshot, the armed-colored bullet shot straight at Blackbeard's abdomen.


A blood flower bloomed instantly.

The bullet with Nicholas's terrifying domineering blessing easily shredded the scales on Blackbeard's abdomen and the armed domineering, and then got into Blackbeard's body.

"I Have a Scroll of Ghosts and Gods"

The pain from the abdomen made Blackbeard cry out in pain.

But the outcome has been decided, this battle, he Blackbeard won!

"It's over, I'll remember you, Nikolai... eh!?"

Seeing that Nicholas was about to be swallowed by the black hole~www.readwn.com~ Blackbeard showed a proud smile, but the sudden powerlessness in his body, the darkness slowly dissipating and the fading scales on his hands made him Stop talking.

"This is…!?"

Blackbeard's eyes widened in astonishment, and then he seemed to think of something, and immediately showed a ruthless expression, and directly reached out and stabbed at the place where Nicholas was hit just now.

Apparently he also understands that all this weirdness is caused by the bullet that entered his body.

But before he could make a move, a sword light flashed, and the arm that the black beard poked toward his abdomen was cut off and fell to the ground.


Nicholas stepped directly on Blackbeard's chest with an unreasonable foot, trampling him under his feet, and then fired several shots at Blackbeard's body with the pistol in his hand.

"Titch, has no one told you? Ego is your biggest weakness."

Nicholas stepped on Blackbeard's body and looked down at Blackbeard.

Blackbeard stared at Nicholas, his eyes full of strong unwillingness.

He forbeared for decades, finally waiting for the opportunity, but now it is ruined in the hands of Nicholas.

These old guys on the sea are really sinister and despicable!

"Hailou Stone Bullet... It's really despicable..."


Nicholas interrupted Blackbeard's words halfway through, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Only the winners are qualified to judge the losers, and the losers are never qualified to judge the winners."

Fujitora, who was not far away, also silently put the sword back into the scabbard when he heard Nicholas's words.

He doesn't seem to need to take action anymore.

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