"Hey, Thunderboy? Where is this place?"

Whitebeard looked at the sun floating in the sky and asked with squinted eyes.

Obviously, the sun in the sky is not an ornament, but is emitting heat and light like a real little sun.

"How do I know, but this place is really weird."

Nicholas looked at the surrounding forest, the sun hanging in the sky, and the floating white clouds, as well as feeling the breeze blowing through the forest and listening to the rustling sound of the leaves blowing by the breeze, and he was full of doubts in his heart.

It is hard to imagine that there is such a facility underground.

When Nicholas walked out of the passage just now, he had already tried to violently attack the wall, but unfortunately, the result was somewhat unsatisfactory, that is, he failed.

The hardness of the materials here is beyond imagination. Nicholas's full-strength sword only left a slash on the wall, and this slash is still slowly healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, just after Nicholas continued to move forward for a distance, he stopped.

And Whitebeard also stopped.

"Boy, did you find it too?"

Whitebeard looked at Nicholas and asked.

And Nicholas also nodded. Since he came in, he felt that something was wrong there. Just now he discovered the problem, that is, this forest is too quiet, and the quietness makes people feel a little weird.

And the most important thing is that he didn't find any living creatures in this forest, not even ants, it seems that there are only him and Whitebeard in this forest.

"Do you want to leave?"

Whitebeard asked, after all, through the previous test, he already knew that this was a weird place. It would be very troublesome if you wanted to go out once you were trapped here, and if you were blocked here, it would be very troublesome.

"It's all here, it would be a pity not to take a look, and the answer we are looking for should be there."

Saying that, Nicholas looked at a hill in the distance. It was a huge building complex rather than a hill.


"What a terrifying guy. If I hadn't gotten this fruit from Lingling, I would have been beaten to death by you this time."

The half-beast-like Kaido swung his tail and said with half-open eyes, the wound on his body by Drago was slowly healing.

"Indeed, the combination of your magical beast's ability and your special physique is really disgusting."

Even with the temperament of Drago's cold-faced male god, it is a bit of a headache to encounter this kind of **** plaster that can't be beaten to death.

This is a dog-skin plaster. He is as strong as Kaido, and he can fight hard. If he is stronger than Kaido, Kaido, with its rough skin and thick flesh and the monster-like resilience, can also fight. Played evenly.

As for those who are weaker than Kaido, they are already doomed to fail when they fight. After all, you are weaker than the opponent, how do you fight with a tank and a health recovery buff?

Kaido's ability is simply to force the other party and himself to be apart, and then rely on his own plug-in to consume the other party for a long time.

In Drago's view, if he can't solve the other party before the guy fully grows up, such a person is destined to become the top wave of powerhouses in the sea in the future.

After all, if you can't become the top group of people in the world when you are about twenty years old in this sea, then it will be impossible in the future.

It's like the strength of the current powerhouses in the sea is the top group of people in the sea when they are 20 years old, and then with the increase in strength in the next ten years, when they are 30 years old, they are already the overlords in the sea. .

"However, the ability of the fruit is not omnipotent."

Drago's sudden smile made Kaido's back feel a little cold, and he always felt that there were too many inexplicable meanings in this cold-faced guy's sudden smile.

"Then start the next round!"

After speaking, Drago galloped towards Kaido on the shattered deck, and the cloak behind him that was tattered from battle was like a flag, flying in the air.

Drago didn't blast Kaido, but directly punched the warship under the two of them.

"Dragon's Breath!"

Following Drago's words, the deck on which the two stood instantly turned into pieces, but Kaido did not fall to the bottom of the sea, but jumped directly onto a larger piece of debris floating on the sea.

"Do you want to rely on sea water to restrain the ability of the devil fruit? However, the vigilance of sea water is a required course for those who are capable!"

Kaido mocked lightly, and then his body began to transform into a dragon.

"So what? Armed Iron Fist!"

Dorag appeared above Kaido almost at the moment Kaido's transformed dragon took off, and at the same time seemed to pour the power of his whole body into his right fist. This punch hit the huge dragon's head. It was Kaido that smashed into the sea directly.

"Look at it next!"

Drago's armed fists slammed into Kaido's head in the sea, and at the same time, the hair on his head bound Kaido like a black poisonous snake, making him unable to break free.

"Want to pull me into the sea with this method? How naive."

Even in this case, Kaido is still not panic at all, after all, his biggest capital before eating the Devil Fruit is his own body! Otherwise, Lingling would not be so valued by her!

"Of course not, but it's okay to let you lie down for a while!"

After finishing speaking, the fist covered in the color of the weapon slammed towards Kaido's head again~www.readwn.com~Armed Iron Fist. "

The dark and powerful power of the two fists burst out with the punch, and the domineering armament that had been cultivated to the extreme showed a terrifying power at this time. came the darkness.

Along with the darkness, there were also some corpses in CP0 costumes and navy costumes scattered around.

At the moment when the darkness was shattered, a violent figure exuded the power of destruction. With a flash of black light, a big foot kicked out directly towards Karp.

In the face of the attack, Garp clenched his fist directly, threw a fist straight at his big foot, and chose to face it head-on.


The ground exploded, and Garp's figure flew out directly. With his feet on the ground, two traces of hundreds of meters were plowed on the ground.

Feeling the strangeness around him, he turned around instantly and kicked his right foot to the side like a battle axe.

On the side, the darkness splattered, and Rocks looked at Garp with an expression on his face.

It can be said that the guy in front of him is really beyond his expectations. He was already prepared for Garp's strength, but as the battle progressed, he found that this guy was constantly surprising him. If converted into In terms of data, when the battle started, Garp's combat power was only 1,000, but after the battle, Garp's battle has soared to 5,000, and it seems that it has not yet reached the limit.

And his highest assessment of Karp's combat power is 2,000.

This situation of going beyond the plan, coupled with the long-term inability to win Karp and the constant interference of those world government lackeys, makes Rox currently in an unprecedented anger.

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