Pirates: Control Thunder and Lightning

Chapter 92: : What cards do you play without a guy?

"Mistakes, mistakes."

Nicholas retracted his palm and let Jack's smoking body fall to the ground.

Solving four supernovas, the whole process from start to finish, didn't even make Nicholas even a warm-up.

If it wasn't to entertain them, I'm afraid that the moment those guys met him, the battle would have ended.

After all, it is not unreasonable that the first half of the great route is called paradise. For example, these supernovae in the first half of the great route can be said to be the most dazzling existence from the countless pirates who went to sea this year.

But if these people enter the new world, let alone hit those monsters directly, even those pirates who have been in the new world for a few years are not something they can deal with.

After all, in the domineering new world, the supernovas who just passed by these paradises are just newcomers.

"By the way, there seems to be another one."

Having said that, Nicholas took out a few wanted notices and looked at them, and soon saw that the style of one painting was different from that of the other wanted notices.

"God of Gamblers Tony, the bounty is 65 million Bailey."

Nicholas glanced at the wanted notice at random, and frowned immediately, what kind of pirate is this guy, it's a pity not to be a cowherd because he looks so handsome.

But since these supernovas were waiting for him to stay in the Chambord Islands.

In any case, he would go to see him and bring the most sincere greetings from the seniors on the sea to his back.

Nicholas then rushed in the direction of Tree Island No. 72.

But before he left, he deliberately put on a disguise.

Walking in the bustling shopping area of ​​the Chambord Islands, Nicholas was also a little surprised for a while. After all, this place is just like the Big Apple in the United States. For some people, it is paradise, and for some people, it is hell.


When passing a man in a black robe, Nicholas felt a little strange and could not help but stop.

"Women...a little familiar."

Nicholas raised his eyebrows slightly. Because of the robe, he could only see the man's hair and skin color under the hood, as well as the exposed nose and mouth. As for the eyes, they were hidden by the brim of the hood.

Still, Nicholas just glanced at it and thought the woman looked familiar.

And seemed to notice Nicholas's gaze, the woman in black robe just lowered her head,

Immediately afterwards, he disappeared into the crowd with ease.

Nicholas calmly watched the green-robed woman leave, trying to recall the lingering familiarity.

Soon, the image of a royal sister appeared in Nicholas's mind with that skin color, silver hair color and lips.

Nicole Robin?

Not likely.

At this time, she estimated that it was not even an embryo.


Nicholas suddenly thought of someone very similar to Nico Robin, Olvia.

The archaeologist from the famous archaeological holy site "O'Hara" in the West Sea is also the biological mother of Nicole Robin.

In other words, Olvia had already started exploring everywhere to find clues to the historical text at this time.

"Could it be Niolvia?"

Nicholas looked at the direction in which the black-robed woman was leaving, and fell into contemplation.

However, he continued to walk towards the destination he was going to. After all, Olvia didn't have much value to him, except that the identity of Robin's mother could make him interested, the rest The same is true for Nicholas.

In this world where power is paramount, people who are powerless try to uncover the historical truth hidden in the darkness and shake the rule of the world government.

There are also the group of people in O'Hara who study the text of history. Although they say that they are pursuing the truth and strengthening their beliefs, the price is that the entire island was razed to the ground by the slaughter of demons, and even the only survivor was Luo, who was only eight years old. Bing.

Under the premise of knowing that the world government has expressly stipulated that it is not allowed to study the historical text, I still insist on researching. The most important thing is that you can study it. It is really impossible to find a remote island. After researching here, the results were directly served in one pot.

Stop thinking about these things, Nicholas stood in front of the one-day girlfriend's shop, and then strode in.

As soon as they entered the store, two young beauties dressed in maid costumes bent over and said softly, "Welcome, Master, home."

Nicholas ignored it, went directly to the second floor, and kicked open the door of one of the rooms.

The handsome guy who was flirting with more than a dozen young ladies and sisters in various costumes was stunned.

Hearing the movement here, there were loud footsteps in several other surrounding rooms, and then dozens of people filled the corridor.

"Hey, what are you trying to do!"

"Axiba, do you know who our boss is?"

After taking a few steps, Nicholas suddenly stopped, looked back at the man with a mouthful of Xiba, and then directly raised his finger and struck him with lightning on the spot.

"do not!"

Seeing Nicholas's action, the handsome guy who realized Nicholas' identity just wanted to stop, but he was a step too late.

"Tony, God of Gamblers? What did you just say?"

Nicholas looked at Tony who was sitting in the gang of panicked beauties and asked.

Tony's expression couldn't help but tighten.

He is different from those guys with abnormal brains. For him, he knows that Nicholas is a pirate, or the kind of pirate standing on the top of the sea. It is common for pirates to kill famous colleagues to make a name for themselves, but It also depends on who the opponent is.

So when Ralph invited him, although he agreed, but he had no intention of going.

In his opinion, if he doesn't go, Ralph can't do anything about himself. They are all supernovas this year. Although there may be a little gap in strength, you have to say that who is afraid of who does not exist.

It's just that he really didn't expect that Nicholas would take the initiative to find him, and Nicholas appeared here, doesn't it mean that Ralph's guys are finished?

And Nicholas's purpose in finding himself seems to be to kill himself?

Thinking of this possibility, the sweat on Tony's forehead immediately flowed down.

And a group of people in the corridor didn't dare to act rashly because of Nicholas's actions just now and Xiaoxihachi who was still cold on the ground.

"You all go back, what happened here has nothing to do with you."

Knowing that it was no use for his crew to stay here, Tony ordered them to go back to their previous rooms.

After the crew left, Tony welcomed Nicholas into the room enthusiastically, and got up to pour Nicholas a drink in person.

"I don't know what Mr. Nicholas is looking for me for?"

After Tony finished pouring the wine, he asked with a smile on his face, how crazy it would be if some rich women saw that.

"Isn't the news you released to kill me?"

Nicholas shook the glass in his hand and said.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Hearing Nicholas' words, Tony's head suddenly shook like a rattle.

"With the strength and prestige of Lord Nicholas, I will release that kind of news when my head is broken. The reason why I stay in the Chambord Islands is to make the beauties of Chambord feel more caring."

Nicholas did not listen to Tony's words, and smiled: "I heard that your nickname is the God of Gamblers, so let's play a game with your life as a bargaining chip."

Thinking of the other party's title, Nicholas was also a little interested.

And hearing this, Tony felt a little bad.

"Sir Nicholas, don't be joking."

"Do you think I'm joking?"

Looking at Nicholas's appearance, Tony had to take out a deck of playing cards with a sad face, and let the beautiful woman next to him make up the count.



Watching the straight flush on the table and Tony's empty hand, Nicholas fell silent.

"Ahem, Lord Nicholas~www.readwn.com~ I can..."

"One more shot, or bet your life."

Seeing Nicholas' appearance, Tony picked up the cards and shuffled them before re-dealing.



Looking down at the cards on the table, and then looking at Tony's hand, Nicholas silently covered the cards directly on the table.

Looking at Nicholas who was silent, Tony felt a feeling of bloating in his bladder.

"Change the way of playing, Zha Jinhua."

Nicholas said seriously.

Quickly looking at the three aces in his hand, Nicholas showed his cards directly, and then silently drew his knife.

It's like wearing a helmet when fishing, leaning against the wall to eat, and not climbing a mountain.

What are you playing without a guy!

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