"Vozh... The first time I saw this woman so ruthless, I don't know if this knife will make this big stupid elephant extinct. "

Even Qi Xiu, who was leisurely watching the play on the side, couldn't help but be stunned after seeing such an amazing scene, and his back felt a chill, it seems that the skill of "violent chicken" is almost every woman.

And Peach Rabbit is even more ruthless.

At most, people use their feet to kick, and there is a great possibility that they can be healed back, and it is not impossible to return to the current level of medical treatment.

However, Peach Rabbit doesn't kick with her feet, she chops with a knife! And there is an armed color domineering wrapped around the knife, and this knife can at least cut off the two eggs together.



Qi Xiu didn't know if the following thing could be sewn with needle and thread if it was chopped off, but he knew that the current drought Jack was definitely uncomfortable, and it could be seen from the other party's wonderful face.

Drought Jack's current expression is the same as the description in the Water Margin, the whole face seems to have knocked over the five-flavor bottle, sour, sweet, bitter and salty, and the face is very complex and wonderful.

Society, society.

Can't afford to mess with.

Even Klockdar, who had never been very interested in a creature like a woman, couldn't help but shiver, and goosebumps were all over his body.

Looking at Peach Rabbit's eyes, it was like looking at a 10,000-year-old perverted old demon.

You must not offend this woman in the future, not only can you not beat her without speaking, but it is also very likely to make you desperate and let you enjoy a moment of inhuman pain.

Klockdar has experienced so many battles, and he has also been kicked and struck by someone, which is definitely uncomfortable, more fucked than being slashed ten times.

What's more, the woman Peach Rabbit directly took a knife to cut.

Looking at the skillful movements, she must have experienced countless experiments, and I don't know how many pirates fell under her sword, adding a lot of eunuchs to the world.

It also makes the girl's resources a lot free.

"Woman!! I'm going to smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces!! "

Drought Jack grimaced, the severe pain brought by that place made him roar madly, and the water wielded by two huge and weird scythes could not be drained, blocking all of Peach Rabbit's next attack!

You know, just now, he couldn't even touch the corner of Peach Rabbit's clothes, but now due to his anger, his strength seems to have exploded.

Both speed and power are compared.


Peach Rabbit jumped far back and landed on the roof of a relatively intact house, and she stared closely at the angry Drought Jack in sweat.

It is worthy of being one of the three under the four emperors Kaido, this kind of strength is enough to span the entire world, as long as you don't meet those strong outrageous guys, the other party can be happy for a lifetime.

Especially the huge force on the other party, it was even more difficult for Peach Rabbit to parry.

Just now, she fought with Drought Jack, and the result was that she was thrown out fiercely, and Drought Jack just paused in shape.

In less than a second, it was back to nothing.

Strength, speed, defense, and quick reaction, the only drawback may be that the brain may be a little less good than ordinary people.

Such an opponent is too tricky.

If you continue to fight, I am afraid that the entire Rogue Town will be destroyed, and there is no way for both sides to help each other, and it will take at least several days to distinguish the victory and defeat.

But if it really fights for so long, there will definitely be a lot of ordinary people killed and wounded, and then how can the army stand up in the name of a savior and then attack the town of Rogue?!

Helplessly, Peach Rabbit had to set his eyes on Qi Xiu, who had been watching the play on the side for so long.

With the strength of this pedophile perverted voyeur, he should be able to defeat Drought Jack steadily! At least Peach Rabbit himself was in Qi Xiu's hands, and there was no resistance at all.

Just like the last time I fought with Qi Xiu.

In just a few seconds, he was captured, and even the knife was taken away, and this gap in strength made Peach Rabbit unforgettable.

Feeling the gaze cast by the peach rabbit, Qi Xiu scratched his head and muttered: "It seems that the big stupid elephant of Drought Jack was abused very badly in the original book, why did it become so powerful here?" Could it be because of the protagonist's aura? "

Thinking about it, Qi Xiu could only attribute the events in the original book to Luffy's protagonist aura.

After all, Luffy used the protagonist's aura to beat the legendary sea thief golden lion, as for that battle, why didn't the golden lion use domineering to defend?

Needless to say, of course, it was the reason for the protagonist's aura, which temporarily dropped the golden lion's IQ for a few seconds, and then was beaten miserably by Luffy's thunder axe.

"Hey! Guys whose ivory is worth 990 million, those who know each other will pull out their teeth and surrender, otherwise you will not go back to the new world, stay in the East China Sea forever! "

Just when Drought Jack wanted to fight Peach Rabbit to the death, Qi Xiu's voice suddenly entered the other party's ears.

In particular, the words "ivory worth 990 million" completely touched the nerves of Drought Jack, and it was because of this sentence that he was so angry in the first place.

Turning his head, he roared furiously: "It turned out to be you bastard!" Your teeth are worth 990 million, and Lao Tzu's bounty is all a symbol of strength! Not because of some ivory!! "

Drought Jack's attention was successfully attracted by Qi Xiu, especially seeing that Qi Xiu was still looking at his two ivories, the anger in his heart almost burned the sky.

"Bastard! Lao Tzu calls you what kind of shit army general, give Lao Tzu death! I'm going to eat you alive!! "

Drought Jack was armed with two weird scythes that were domineering and slashed towards Qi Xiu, and if he was hit, he would be cut into at least three pieces.

The blade of the scythe cut through the air, and the terrifying air flow generated was like Jian Hao's slash, cutting the ground into cracks of different depths.

"It's scary to get big hair angry!"

Qi Xiu's ridicule sounded faintly, and a fist suddenly rose from a fist of extremely hot flames, and even the air was distorted by the burning.

It stands to reason that the ancient martial arts of the Grass Pheasant Stream can manipulate flames, so is it possible to perform other world flame moves besides the King of Fighters think?

"Mirror Fire !!" _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - favorites, recommendations

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