"Gee, this time our army has made a name for itself in the world, Drought Jack, one of the three major disasters that killed the Four Emperors Kaido, and now the whole world is covered with this news."

Peach Rabbit put a newspaper from a certain newspaper in the East China Sea in front of Qi Xiu and said with a sigh.

Qi Xiu was not interested after a few casual glances, after all, the army has not made the headlines in the world twice, but this time the impact may be a little greater.

In any case, Drought Jack is also a guy comparable to the strength of the admiral, and the identity of the other party has touched the nerves of many people, because he is the right-hand man of the Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Kaido!

Killing Drought Jack is equivalent to the army completely offending the four emperors and hundred beasts Kaido, and will soon face Kaido's endless anger!

How terrifying is the wrath of a Four Emperors?

Destroying an island is all trivial, but I am afraid that when Kaido, one of the four emperors, comes to the East China Sea, the entire East China Sea will be killed and blood will flow into rivers and corpses will be everywhere.

Maybe the population of the East China Sea will be reduced by half!

After all, it was one of the famous four emperors in the New World, especially the other party was a powerful guy like Hundred Beast Kaido, and he didn't care about anything, which was the most terrifying existence.

Are the Whitebeard Pirates strong? Very powerful! It can be said that it is the most powerful pirate group among the four emperors, and at least two four emperor pirate groups combined are comparable to a white-bearded pirate group.

Not to mention that there is also the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard.

But when the top war came, no matter how angry the white-bearded pirates were, they did not spread this anger on innocent civilians, and it was the navy and pirates who died because of the top war.

But the Hundred Beast Pirates are different.

It seems that everyone in these guys is very eager to kill, and it is impossible for them not to aim their butcher knives at these civilians in the East China Sea.

In the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, there are even many pirates who take pleasure in killing, and some even eat human flesh.

Seeing Qi Xiu's indifferent expression, Peach Rabbit was angry and said with a puffed face: "Aren't you worried about the retaliation of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group?" You must know that the Hundred Beast Pirate Group is full of a group of madmen! "

Qi Xiu looked at Gu Yina, who was practicing swordsmanship not far away, with interest, it was obvious that for him, the little loli who was in the development stage was much more interesting than the threat of some hundred beast pirate group.

Peach Rabbit's face turned dark.

Of course, she noticed what Qi Xiu's eyes were looking at, this dead bian was actually so unorthodox at this time, and she didn't know why Gu Yina's little sister obeyed him.

Slamming the table, Peach Rabbit shouted, "Don't you take care of the safety of civilians?" If those guys of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group acted separately and slaughtered Ping desperately, they would definitely be ruined at that time

Peach Rabbit did not bluff, because with the past style of the Hundred Beast Pirates, it was very likely to attack the ordinary people in the East China Sea.

At that time, with such a person as the army, there is no way to stop these guys, especially after the other party acts separately, it will be even more of a headache.

As for the Navy in the East China Sea?

Even the most powerful naval branch of Rogue Town in the East China Sea was not decently beaten by people, and if it were not for the timely rescue of the army, I am afraid that Rogue Town would have ceased to exist long ago.

And the inhabitants of Rogue Town will also be slaughtered by Drought Jack, which is a six-figure population! If all of them are killed, I am afraid that the world will shake.

After all, this dead person is comparable to the life and death war between two countries, and this situation will definitely make the headlines of all the world's news.

Ahem, the unspeakable news is not such an example.

Qi Jiao wanted to reassure Peach Rabbit, after all, the Hundred Beast Pirate Group was far away from the East China Sea, and if they dared to come to the East China Sea, it would be absolutely impossible for the Navy headquarters to sit still.

After all, the sky is falling, and there are tall people on top.

Maybe before the Hundred Beast Pirates came to the East China Sea, they were stopped by the admiral of the naval headquarters, and there was a fierce battle, and in the end, because they were outnumbered, they had to retreat!

Originally, Drought Jack penetrated the navy's heavy eyeliner to come to the East China Sea, and almost destroyed the town of Rogue in the East China Sea, and if the town that executed One Piece Roger was destroyed, the impact would definitely be huge.

Moreover, with so many people in their navy, they couldn't even watch a drought jack, letting the other party break into the weakest sea in the East China Sea, and in the end, it was the army that helped to save the animation from life.

This has already disgraced enough for the Navy!

For this matter, the Warring States who were promoted to marshal of the navy not long ago did not know how many teacups were broken, nor how many ineffective navies were punished.

Even criticism calls from world governments, he doesn't know how many he answered.

All in all, the current Warring States are very unpleasant to see the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, and have long sent a large number of people to the New World to pay close attention to the movements of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group.

As long as the other party has a little wind, it will immediately report to the naval headquarters.

The number of navy eyeliners made the people of the Hundred Beast Pirates miserable, because they would even go to the toilet or have a pleasant piapiapia with their sisters, and they would be seen with binoculars.

And these eyeliners of the Navy, one by one, are sitting in small boats, advancing at sea very quickly, and the goal is also small.

The big ships of their Hundred Beast Pirate Regiment couldn't catch up, and the cannonballs couldn't hit, and most of the cadres of the Hundred Beast Pirate Regiment were Devil Fruit Abilities, and they couldn't go into the sea.

Don't mention holding back too much.

Under the heavy monitoring of the navy, even Kaido, one of the four emperors, was surprisingly angry, coupled with the death of Drought Jack, a capable general, Kaido was on the verge of breaking out at this time.

But helplessly, Kaido is very powerful and basically no one can beat him to death, but the navy is not vegetarian, and the navy headquarters is even more masterful.

What's more, this time not only the navy lost face, but the face of the world government was also fanned by Piapiapia's three hundred and sixty degrees, and the two behemoths stared at a group of hundred beast pirates, not to mention more excitement.

Yesterday, Kaido wanted to go to the East to take revenge, but was frozen by Admiral Qinghe's move Ice Age. _

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