"Navigator! Who is that person on your ship? "

Although the pirate was drunk, it did not mean that his sanity was consumed by alcohol, and he leisurely raised his finger and pointed at Qi Xiu, questioning loudly.

Not good!

Nami was anxious in her heart, this pirate shouted so loudly, it will definitely attract other pirates to come over, and it will be troublesome if you don't surround it then.

She suddenly regretted it a little.

If this path army can't defeat Fishman Aaron, it will not only harm innocent people's families, but also kill themselves.

At this time, Nami still doesn't know how much of her role is on Along, even if she slaps Aaron in the face, it is estimated that she will only be locked up for a period of reflection.

Sure enough, a group of pirates on the pirate ship were attracted by the shout.

This group of pirates included strong fishmen and fierce-looking humans, and they all looked down with doubtful eyes and saw Qi Xiu at first glance.

Because the military uniform on Qi Xiu's body is too conspicuous.

"Yes... It's the Navy!! "

A human pirate's pupils shrank and he quickly shouted.

However, in the next second, a huge force came from his waist and ribs, kicking him abruptly to the side, possibly even breaking one or two ribs.

A tall fishman with a very similar appearance to a human, but with light blue skin, slowly walked over, looking at Qi Xiu on the sea, his face a little solemn.

He pursed his thick lips and snorted coldly: "Human idiot, this is not a navy at all, only the army in the East China Sea wears this kind of uniform." "

"The Army of the East China Sea?"

A group of pirates looked at each other, they were a little familiar with the term army, but they couldn't remember seeing it anywhere, and it was clear that these pirates didn't like to watch the news.

Also does not care about current events in the world.

There are one or two small countries in the East China Sea, but their armies should be in the heart of the interior, rarely stepping into the sea, and it seems that there is no country whose military uniform looks like this?

Ignoring the group of confused pirates, the blue-skinned fishman shouted coldly at Qi Xiu and Nami: "Nami! What do you mean by bringing an army over? Do you want to betray our Dragon Pirates? "

When Nami saw this fishman, she couldn't help but turn pale.

She naturally knows who this guy is, this tall fish man with blue skin is one of the cadres of the Evil Dragon Pirate Group, and his name is only one word, called "Chirp"

As for why it is called such a funny, I don't know, but the strength of the other party makes Nami uneasy.

Because of this tweet, that is, the evil dragon pirate group can spray people, and the power of the water sprayed out is not much more than that of bullets, which is an absolutely dead person

And the range is also far enough, Nami now has the feeling of being targeted, and cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

Just when Nami was about to find an excuse, Qi Xiu, who had always rarely spoken, suddenly spoke: "This guy looks like a spoiled salted fish!" Pulled down the overall appearance of your fish people! "


Silence -

Nami opened her mouth in disbelief, how did she know that Qi Xiu would say such a thing, this hatred was already one hundred percent.

Haven't you seen a few fish-man pirates on the pirate ship, have they been exposed by the blue tendons on the forehead of the qi?

The fishman named Chi was slightly stunned, he didn't react to what Qi Xiu meant at first, but after a little thought, he figured it out.

"Mean human beings! You damn it!! "

After reacting, he was so angry that he almost jumped down and fought Qi Xiu for three hundred rounds, but fortunately, he was still a little sane, and the devil knew if he would hit the reef headlong if he jumped down.

Immediately, his cheeks immediately puffed out, and then his eyes widened.

A water ball the size of a baby's fist burst out of his mouth and shot towards Qi Xiu at an extremely high speed, if it was an ordinary person, I was afraid that his head would be beaten with a cloud of blood.

However, this water ball was placed in Qi Xiu's eyes, and its speed suddenly slowed down countless times, and he could easily dodge it.

Qi Xiujian frowned, and said with disgust on his face: "Not only does he look like a spoiled salted fish, but he also spits on the ground, it's a miracle that this guy of yours has not been hacked to death until now." "

With a gentle movement of his fingers, a wall of fire suddenly rose from the surface of the sea, blocking the flying water in front of him and evaporating it in an instant.

This magical scene almost made people's eyes pop out, even Xiao Nami, who was standing next to Qi Xiu and her face was a little pale.

A wall of fire actually rose from the sea!!

What is this situation?

Whether it was the pirates of the Evil Dragon Pirate Group or Nami next to Qi Xiu, they all felt that their world view was slowly collapsing at this time.

It stands to reason that water and fire should not be able to accommodate each other, but why is there a wall of fire rising from the sea? Moreover, he easily blocked the attack of the salted fish man.

Where is this fire? It's clearly a thick shield!

Nami swallowed a mouthful of spit fiercely, and the oncoming billowing heat wave made her not doubt the temperature of this wall of fire, which was higher than the usual flames!

Then contact Qi Xiu, a slap can shoot a thunderbolt, and shoot all three offshore kings to death.

Nami plucked up the courage to ask, "You... Are you really not a youkai? How could humans possibly have the ability to control fire and lightning? Or are you a god?! "


Qi Xiu was suddenly a little speechless.

It seems that many people in this place of the East China Sea do not know the existence of the Devil Fruit, and all of them regard the Devil Fruit ability as gods or monsters on the spot, and this vision is inevitably too narrow.

No, he doesn't seem to be a Devil Fruit powerhouse!

Not knowing how to explain, Qi Xiujiu simply didn't bother to explain, raised his head to look at a group of stunned pirates, and shook his head with a smile.

Just such a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals, he didn't know why he could occupy the territory of a town, and there were very few people who dared to resist.

"Take the oars and use them."

Qi Xiu stretched out his hand and said.

"Huh? Oh, okay! "

Nami was stunned, and after returning to her senses, she quickly handed the oars to Qi Xiu. _

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