The calamity was so severe that the enemy was utterly defeated.

Faced with the shockwave of a natural disaster, Smoker no longer held back.

The black nine-headed dragon roared to the sky, and nine huge heads rushed forward to resist the red and white impact.

The huge impact set off a strong wind that almost swept the entire island. For a while, the beasts on the island were all silent.

Bacheng was an absolutely domineering attack, and the nine-headed dragon swallowed it much slower.

But the darkness was endless, and in the end the nine-headed dragon had the upper hand and tore Broki's attack apart.

One of the dragon heads slammed into Broki fiercely.

He quickly blocked himself with the axe covered with armed color, but was still knocked out and fell to the ground with his buttocks, and the whole ground shook.

Sanai felt the vibration, woke up, and then suddenly opened his eyes and sat up.

Looking to the left, there was a bird twice as big as himself.


Looking to the right, it was Dongli who was watching the battle seriously.


Turning over, he saw Broki who fell to the ground and Smoker who controlled the demon-like nine-headed dragon.


Dongli glared at him dissatisfiedly.

Xiaoying also sat on him with his buttocks, telling him to shut up.

Smoker did not take advantage of the situation.

"Captain Broki, how about the result? If you keep fighting, your weapon will be destroyed!!"

After all, it is not a life-and-death battle, there is no need to fight to the death.

"It hurts..." Broki turned over and sat up, looking at the axe that was eroded with many scars, and felt a pang of pain, but he still performed the ninjutsu happily.

"Ah... You won! This is the first time I have seen such a terrible ability!"

Smoker smiled slightly.

That's because you haven't seen the three admirals use their abilities. This is just a small scene...

"Don't you want to try the second method I just mentioned?"

"Ka Pa Pa Pa Pa! As a pirate, how can the loser shamelessly accept the treasure of the winner!!"

"Whether it's that guy or my life, it's all yours!!"

Smoker stretched out his hand, and the Nine-Headed Dragon slowly retracted into the darkness.

The darkness became silent and calm, like a pool of water.

"That's what I said, but I believe you won't refuse my treasure!"


In the darkness, hundreds of large wooden barrels floated up.

This was the spoils Smoker got when he encountered a small pirate group.

Brocki was stunned, his eyes widened, his nose moved, and then he rushed over with both feet rolling and crawling.

"This is really a treasure!! You are right, I will never give up this treasure, Kapapapa!"

He held a barrel in each hand, as if he was holding a cup, and poured it directly into his mouth, and then let out a hearty groan.

"Ah!! It really tastes like heaven..."

While saying this, he threw a few barrels to Dongli.

Dongli couldn't wait to open it and drank a barrel in one gulp.

"Kababa, such good wine! We must hold a banquet today!!"

Everyone: "Oh!!"

In the middle of the jungle.

Several people lit a fire several stories high, filled it with rows of barrels, and drank it while singing and dancing.

"Ka Pa Pa Pa, I haven't had such a good drink in a long time! I @#@¥#"

"Hehehe, today I want #¥#¥%"

The two giants hugged each other, drinking wine and chatting with big tongues, crying and laughing, with big snot and tears falling to the side from time to time.

Usually, the fine wine they seized was not enough for two sips, but today they had a great time.

Smoker relaxed for a rare time and ate and drank a lot.

Even the little eagle held the wine barrel and poured it into his stomach, and his alcohol tolerance was unexpectedly good.

Only Sanai, although holding the barbecue, looked uninterested and didn't drink a single sip of wine.

Smoker took a bite of the meat and his mouth was unclear.

"Sanai, don't be so discouraged, it's not shameful to lose to the giant captain!"

Brockie also noticed the movement here.

"Kid, it's just a loss! How can a real warrior fear failure? Hiccup!"

Sanai was still a teenager after all, and his face turned red when he heard that.

"Who said I lost? I just wasn't prepared!!"

"I'm a sniper, who would have thought that you were so big and could come up to me without making any sound!!"

Brocki curled his lips in disdain.

"How could a warrior be sneakily touched from behind? I'm taking the initiative!"

"Besides, your toothpick toy can't hurt me!


“What?!” Sanai felt greatly insulted and pulled out his sniper rifle.

“Today I will open your eyes!!”

He said, ignoring everyone’s dissuasion, and climbed to the top of a big tree.

Smoker squinted and looked around.

It was dark at this time, and it was pitch black.

Although he could sense the breath of animals around him, he couldn’t tell what they were.

The same was true for Dongli and Broki...

Sanai looked around and quickly found the target. He fired a shot in each direction, then put away the gun and jumped down.

“Three hundred meters to the left, I hit a rabbit between the eyebrows, and on the right was a dinosaur, and I shot through the heart!!”

“Oh? ! "Several people were quite curious, so they quickly took torches and looked in the direction he said.

Sure enough, a few hundred meters to the left, a rabbit was lying on the ground, with a bullet in the middle of its eyebrows and its head was opened.

On the right, a huge Tyrannosaurus fell to the ground, with a very small hole in its chest, which penetrated the huge body of the dinosaur.

Dongli held a torch and touched the wound on the dinosaur.

"Such a small wound..."

The bullet hole was only the thickness of a peanut, and it was like a pinhole on the huge body of the dinosaur.

Sanai played with the bullet in his hand.

"This is my special bullet, with a long range and strong penetration!"

Then he walked to the dinosaur and kicked it.

"As long as it penetrates the vital point, no matter how big the wound is, it will be the same!"

Brocki laughed.

"Ka pa pa pa, is that so? It seems that I have saved my life? ! ! "

Smoker glanced at Broki and said nothing more.

I didn't expect this guy to have such a high EQ...

The penetration of this bullet is indeed exaggerated, but it is still far from enough to deal with Broki.

Not to mention his observation Haki and armed Haki, his physical strength alone is far from comparable to that of a mere dinosaur.

The few people returned to the campfire, and the atmosphere was much more lively this time.

Perhaps because he showed his face in front of several strong men, Sanai's mood also became high, and the atmosphere was also annoyed for a while.

Everyone ate and drank, and soon they were a little drunk.

After three rounds of drinking, Smoker patted Sanai on the shoulder.

"Hiccup, brother, where did you learn your shooting skills?"

"This kind of shooting skills is already excellent even in the Navy Headquarters with many talents!"

Sana took a sip of wine, his expression a little sad.

"Hehe... This was taught to me by a stupid pirate hunter! "

Dongli and Broki were shocked.


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