The ministers have been waiting for a long time at the dock of the Drum Kingdom.

The wind was cold and the snow was as sharp as a knife. Even if they were wearing thick coats, the cold air still drilled in like a snake.

But the ministers did not dare to neglect it at all and still waited there in an orderly manner. This was the order of King Wapol!

The gold in the sky was collected once a year, and the amount was linked to the national strength, which was basically a level of bloodletting.

Every ally was miserable about this, but they could only greet it with a smile, for fear that the world government would feel a little bit of neglect.

Typical of me slapping your side face, and I still have to smile brightly.

The warship slowly entered the port, and Major General Scott led his subordinates to land.

The minister of the Drum Kingdom rubbed his frozen face and greeted him with a smile.

"Dear Major General Scott, welcome to the Drum Kingdom. It's cold and you've worked hard all the way!"

"King Wapol has prepared a banquet in the castle. Please move to the castle to enjoy the feast!"

Major General Scott returned the salute.

"Thank you King Wapol for your hospitality. We won't be polite then!"

Then he organized his subordinates to rush to the castle.

In the pirate world, the relationship between the member states of the World Government and the Navy is actually good.

The Navy protects the member states, and their military expenditures come from the Allied Powers after all,

but most of them are taken away by the World Government...

Soon, the Navy arrived at the castle, the banquet began, and the castle suddenly became a sea of ​​joy.

Although Wapol is a fool with a strong desire to eat, he is from an orthodox royal family after all.

He is bossy when facing his citizens and subordinates, but he is quite decent when facing the world government like Skold...

Everyone was toasting and talking, and the guests and hosts were all happy.

While the castle was bustling,

two strange guests came to the bar in the town.

It was Smoker and Sanai.

"Boss, two cups of hot wine, do you have barbecue? A few too!!"

"Here we go!!"

The boss looked unhappy. After serving the wine and food, he huddled aside to wipe the cups.

Smoker and Sanai took a sip of wine and felt much warmer.

Turning his head to look at the guests around him,

some of them looked numb or sad, and few of them had smiling faces.

Smoker whispered: "Boss, why do you all look unhappy?!"

The boss looked at them.

"You are from outside, right? Today is the annual medical week in the Drum Kingdom..."

"One week off? Vacation?"

The boss smiled bitterly: "What good things are you thinking? It's the doctor's medicine. During this week, doctors across the country are not allowed to practice medicine..."

Smoker was stunned. There is no such part in the plot...

The boss saw that business was not good, so he simply put down his work and chatted with Smoker.

It turned out that the rule of the medical week has only been implemented for two or three years, just to cater to the Tianshangjin system.

The Drum Kingdom is a medical power, so naturally many people come from afar to seek medical treatment,

There are also many foreign medical institutions and doctors who come to exchange medical skills.

Relying on the endless flow of people, the Drum Kingdom made a lot of money, and the people also drank a lot of soup.

But having a lot of people is not all good.

One year, when the navy came to collect Tianshangjin, there was almost an accident because there were too many ships.

The navy didn't say anything, after all, it was just an accident.

If this happened in the old king's time, the worst that could be done would be an apology.

But Wapol was as if he was facing a formidable enemy, fearing that the navy would be dissatisfied.

But he could not control foreign ships.

So he decided to go all out and directly set the day of collecting the sky gold plus the three days before and after as a medical holiday week!

During this week, all doctors in the Drum Kingdom cannot practice medicine, otherwise they will be confiscated! !

Smoker was stunned.

What kind of brain-dead circuit is this? How can it be the same as the leader in his previous life.

Smoker looked out the window.

"Just now, I saw that the dock was so lively, and I thought you were having a festival. So this is what happened..."

"However, your Drum Kingdom is a well-known medical power. Although there is a lot of sky gold, it doesn't affect your livelihood, right?"

At least there seem to be many shops on the street, and it doesn't seem that no one is interested.

The boss smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"It was true when the old king was here, but..."

Halfway through his words, he looked at Smoker deeply, sighed, and didn't continue.

Smoker didn't force it, but just hinted at some truths.

In the past

The Drum Kingdom is indeed rich.

Although the burden of Sky Gold is heavy, it has not reached the point where people are living in poverty.

But since Wapol succeeded to the throne, the situation has taken a sharp turn for the worse.

In order to curry favor with the World Government, this guy actually thought of a trick that surprised everyone.

That is to take the initiative to increase the tax on Sky Gold! !

This move shocked the ministers, the people, and the surrounding countries!

Everyone should work hard together, why are you rolling up? !

But the World Government is happy... Not only did it praise Wapol, it also gave him a seat to attend the World Conference...

Because of this, several surrounding countries hated the Drum Kingdom to the extreme and directly cut off trade with the Drum Kingdom.

The Drum Kingdom was originally a winter island with a shortage of supplies, so the living standards of the people plummeted...

Smoker suddenly realized.

[No wonder the Drum Kingdom can participate in the World Conference. Among the more than 170 member states of the World Government, only 50 countries can participate...]

[And the Drum Kingdom, a small country, has participated in many World Conferences. ]

[I originally thought it was because of the advanced medical technology, but it turned out that it paid for the seat...]

The boss finally did some calculations.

"The Drum Kingdom has a total population of less than 40,000 people. It used to pay 12 billion berries a year. Although it was difficult, it was not impossible to pay."

"Now it has doubled, plus other heavy taxes, a full 30 billion berries. How can we survive!"

Smoker was numb.

How much did you say? !

30 billion berries, 40,000 people, more than 700,000 berries per person per year...

In the original plot, Bell-Mel was ruthlessly killed by the dragon because he could not collect only 200,000 berries.

If purchasing power is taken into account, the burden on the residents of the Drum Kingdom is 70-80 times that of the villagers of Kokoa West, and this is the case every year!

Even so, the people have not been sucked dry. This foundation and speed of making money are really not to be underestimated...

After eating and drinking, Smoker and Sanai left the tavern and wandered around the town.

As a typical winter island, the scenery here is particularly unique.

The sight of a piece of snow-white, red bricks and green pines set off it, which has a unique flavor.

Smoker looked around and wandered around with interest, chatting and bragging with the residents from time to time.

After a long time, Sanai asked curiously: "Mr. Smoker, we have been around for a long time. Where are you going?"

Smoker laughed.

"There is no destination. What I really want to see is their king."

"But before getting to know the king, I want to get to know this country first!"

Suddenly, a noise interrupted the conversation between the two.

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