The two sides of the border have been in chaos.

In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed.

The Navy Headquarters and Alabasta have finally officially finalized all the details of establishing a branch.

This branch is the Navy G14 branch, and the site is in Rapeseed Town.

Cobra is also a decisive person. Since he agreed to the Navy garrison, he will naturally not be stingy.

So he waved his hand and marked out large tracts of land and ports in several important coastal towns for the Navy to build bases and docks.

The Navy Headquarters was also very satisfied with this.

With a wave of his hand, he agreed to Alabasta to select 500 soldiers from the King's Army to be incorporated into the Navy Branch.

Even several high-ranking officials such as Ikalem, Bell, and Gabe were awarded honorary ranks in the navy, equivalent to non-staff officers.

For a time, both parties were very happy and everyone was in high spirits.

On the other side.

Cobra also contacted the World Government, froze Serindi's bounty order, and changed it to "ONLY ALIVE" by the way, and appointed him as the Minister of Water Conservancy and Construction, with the same treatment as himself.

After Serindi knew about it, although he didn't say anything, his heart was warm,

So he worked diligently to help Cobra open the canal.

In just half a month, the water of Saint Dora flowed into several oases.

In time, it would not be a problem to build an underground water conservancy network and connect all oases.

The Saint Dora River is several kilometers wide and has been flowing inexhaustibly in history.

This means that these oases and towns will no longer be threatened by drought, and their area and population can be expanded tenfold or a hundredfold.

Some villages and towns that are in a good location but suffer from drought may become real cities in the future...

Cobra once calculated that the population of Alabasta is less than 1/10 of other large countries of the same area. 90% of the population is concentrated on the seashore or water sources. In the vast inland, there are only some small towns in the scattered oases.

As for Smoker and Tina, they stared at Serendi while being affectionate.

Especially Smoker,

He has no trust in this fierce pirate at all,

But he also has to admit that Serendi's ability is too important for Alabasta!

Not only can it build an underground river that is not afraid of wind and sand erosion,

It can also condense sand into stone, perfectly solving the problem of insufficient building materials in desert cities.

It can be foreseen that Alabasta will usher in a vigorous era of development!

Thinking of the streets he bought in the Sabaody Archipelago, the annual rent was almost catching up with the original house price, so he secretly told Tina.



"Remember, in the name of the G16 branch, buy land near the largest oases. I will give you another 4 billion Baileys, and you can buy more houses for yourself..."

"Uh? The branch construction funds are very tight, and I guess there is not much money to spare..."

"It's okay, contact the headquarters for additional funds!"

"But if the headquarters doesn't give, let Zane find Du Feld and borrow as much as he can..."

"...Okay, Tina remembers..."

Smoker's eyes were burning.

Now the houses in the oasis are only tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of Baileys each, and the surrounding land is even more unpopular even if it is given away for free.

After ten or eight years, it is possible to sell tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of Baileys per square meter in prosperous areas. Now it is completely picking up money...

In the blink of an eye, it was the day for Smoker to leave.

Although Tina was very reluctant, she did not try to persuade him to stay.

She understood that although Smoker was on vacation, he actually had his own mission.

It can even be said that Alabasta was just an unexpected gain.

The next stop, Sky Island, was his most important destination!

Before leaving, Tina, Cobra, Bell and others came to see him off.

What surprised Smoker was that Serendi was there too.

He thought for a while and took the initiative to find Serendi.

"There is something I wanted Tina and King Cobra to tell you, but since you are here, I would rather make it clear in person!"

"With my personality, I would never let a serious criminal like you go!!"

"But I am not as extreme as Mr. Akainu after all. These days, I have seen your determination and actions, and I am willing to give you a chance to change your life!"

"But it is impossible for me to leave you alone, so..."

Smoker took out the two slave bracelets.

Serindi's pupils shrank: "What is this?!"

"This is a slave bracelet of the Celestial Dragons.

Once you put it on, as long as you leave Alabasta or want to dismantle it violently, it will explode. "

"This pair of bracelets contains high explosives, which are powerful enough to blow off your hands! ! "

Serindi's face changed, but he didn't say anything, but chose to continue listening.

"Even if Tina is in Alabasta, it is impossible to keep an eye on you at all times, so you have two choices..."

"Either as a pirate, I will take you away, and your recent achievements can offset some of your crimes."

"Or you can wear the bracelet and stay here, and when your achievements are enough to wash away your sins, I will untie you!"

Serindi lowered his head, his face changing.

After a long time, he raised his head and slowly stretched out his hands.

"Come on..."

Smoker smiled slightly, and felt relieved.

"I have to say, you made a wise choice! "

After that, he put the bracelet on him and handed the positioning Den Den Mushi to Cobra.

"I am not an unkind person. As long as you do not leave the 200-kilometer range of the positioning Den Den Mushi, the bracelet will not explode! In other words, you can move freely within the territory of Alabasta!"

Selindi nodded. He knew what crimes he had committed. Under normal circumstances, he would never be able to wash away his guilt in this life.

But now he is helping a big country with a strong voice. This is probably the only chance to get rid of his identity as a pirate!

Tina watched quietly on the side and touched her pocket quietly. There was a small Den Den Mushi in it.

There was the signal Den Den Mushi that Smoker secretly stuffed into her pocket. Only she knew of its existence.

As long as Serindi made any dangerous moves, she could control the bracelet to explode at any time.

Not only that, Smoker also secretly cut Serindi stroked his hair and made a life card after returning to the headquarters.

It would be best if this guy could turn over a new leaf.

If not, he would never be able to escape from the two even if he walked to the horizon.

Serindi didn't know that he had been arranged clearly.

He looked at the bracelet and sighed secretly.

I don't know why, even though he was in shackles, he felt a little more relaxed in his heart.

Cobra watched quietly beside him with a spring breeze smile on his face.

Well... let him solve the water problem as the Minister of Water Affairs first.

Then as the Minister of Construction Participate in urban construction as a member of the government and solve the most important problem of building materials.

If you want to complete all this, it will take at least ten or eight years.

During this period, you can find him a partner, have a few children, and tie him to Alabasta...

By the way, you can also let him serve as the Minister of Defense.

Although he cannot control the King's Army, he can be responsible for national defense!

If there are pirates and bandits, let him go. If you dare to target the Seven Warlords of the Sea, you can easily deal with a few pirates and bandits! !

As for the treatment...

Sorry, this is Ah Rabastan,

The palace is inherited from ancestors, and the treasures are accumulated from generation to generation.

As a king, his treatment is not as good as that of the second-level minister of the neighboring Drum Kingdom.

Not to mention that the treatment is the same as his own, even if it is a hundred or a thousand times higher, it is still a huge profit for Alabasta...

But it cannot be given so high at once. It is better to increase it by several percent every year, and give him a year-end bonus, so that he can work harder...

Thinking of this, Cobra felt like drinking a glass of cold beer in the hot summer, and his whole body was clear...

"Okay, it's getting late, I should go too!"

"Everyone, we'll see you later!"

Smoker took the permanent pointer to Gaya and used his ability to soar into the sky.

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