The three-foot bird is a bird of prey, and its flying speed is much faster than Smoker.

After a few days of traveling, it flew for two or three hours to cover most of the distance.

Taking advantage of his free time, Smoker took out the phone and talked to the Navy Headquarters.

"What the hell, Mr. Zefa..."

"You are with Marshal Zhan Guo, that's great, I just need to report once!!"

Then, he briefly introduced the situation of Sky Island.

The vast area, strange creatures, rich products, and the distribution of various forces, even the overwhelming wealth of the Golden Country were not concealed.

However, the matter of the Thunder Fruit was not mentioned, and he was reluctant to...

After listening to Smoker's report, Zhan Guo was very excited.

"Smoker, you mean, outside the sight of the World Government, there is such a vast and rich land?!"

"That's right! It's not rich enough to describe it. If all the gold here can be mined, it will be enough for the Navy to use for hundreds of years!"

Zhan Guo's eyes flashed.

"In this case, our Navy must not miss this kind of treasure land!!"

The Navy's every move is under the eyes of the World Government and the member countries, and there is too little room for development...

And I heard from Smoker that the people here are very civilized and easy to get along with, which is even more perfect.

Zeff took a puff of cigar, and seemed calmer than Zhan Guo.

"This is really good news, but the biggest problem now is how do we land on this sky island."

Zhan Guo fell silent.

According to Smoker, it's either the rising current.

It's a complete all-in, all members land or the whole army is wiped out.

Or take the West Sky Current, which is relatively safe, but you have to lose a few people every time.

If it were pirates, this kind of loss would not be a big deal.

They only travel this once, and they don't care about the life and death of their companions.

But the navy is different!

Once the Sky Island base is established, it means frequent travel between Qinghai and Baihai.

With the frequency and size of the navy's navigation, even if the loss is only one percent, it is simply unbearable.

What the navy wants is not a secret realm where only the strong can land, but a sphere of influence that can be safely traveled.

Warring States: "Smoker, do you have any suggestions?"

Smoker: "At present, the safest way is to take the small Sky Island Visalia, but their transportation capacity is limited, and a few hundred people is the limit."

Warring States shook his head.

"This transportation capacity is definitely not enough! If the Sky Island is really as big and good as you said, it would not be too much even if thousands or tens of thousands of people were stationed there!"

Zeffa also agreed.

"That's right. In addition to manpower, we also need to transport equipment and weapons. Small Sky Island cannot meet the needs. Think about it again."

Smoker was silent for a moment: "There is indeed a way, that is, the devil fruit with spatial attributes!!"

Zhan Guo and Zefa were both stunned and said in unison: "What do you mean?!"

"Some fruits can accommodate a lot of people and goods, such as my Dark Dark Fruit, which can accommodate an entire army."

"But the problem is that I can't always watch over Sky Island!"

Zhan Guo and Zefa were silent.

Indeed, letting a warrior like Smoker be the transport captain is a loss for the entire navy.

Zhan Guo: "Besides you, who else is suitable? Or do you know any similar devil fruits?!"

Smoker has also considered this a long time ago.

"There are some! Let's talk about the first one first, the natural swamp fruit."

"This fruit can hold unlimited supplies, so there is no problem transporting goods, even warships."

"But the problem is that this fruit cannot transport soldiers, and we don't know where it is now."

Caribbean became a supernova two years after Luffy went to sea, and there are still more than ten years from now.

He should not have obtained the swamp fruit earlier, otherwise, with his age and personality, he would have gone to sea long ago.

And the original plot did not introduce this guy's origin and age, only his name was known, and there was really no way to find him...

Warring States hummed.

"We will arrange for someone to find him... You continue!"

"The second fruit is Charlotte Brulee, a member of the BIG·MOM Pirates!"

"This guy is the user of the Mirror Mirror Fruit, who can enter the infinite mirror world. As long as huge mirrors are set up at the Navy Headquarters and Sky Island, her ability can be used to build a channel!"

Warring States pondered: "Mirror Mirror Fruit, a member of the BIG·MOM Pirates... This needs to be carefully considered!"


If the Navy attacks her, it will surely cause revenge from BIG·MOM.

In fact, the Navy is not afraid of fighting.

The key is that the pirates in the New World are fighting each other, and BIG·MOM is in the limelight. The World Government will definitely not agree to the Navy to fight against her. Once a war is forced, it will face the situation of fighting in the front and being stabbed in the back.

In the final analysis, it is not possible to turn against the World Government now.

"Okay, the third fruit is called the Door-Door Fruit."

"The ability user can open the space door and establish a space channel. The principle is similar to the Mirror-Mirror Fruit."

"The problem is that the ability user of this fruit is a CP member named Bruno."

Sengoku was immediately confused: "Don't think about it, don't consider it now..."

Just now, it was considered carefully, which means that it is not impossible to be anxious.

And this is simply not considered, of course, only now...

In fact, Smoker has long coveted the Door-Door Fruit,

but there is no place to find Bruno, and he doesn't know if he has eaten the fruit, otherwise he would have taken action long ago.

The only clue is that this guy will go undercover in the Seven Water Capital in a few years. Let's see if there is a chance then...

"The last fruit is the most reliable fruit I feel!"

"There is a mafia in the West Sea named Capone Bege, who is the user of the Castle Fruit."

"This fruit can turn the user's body into a castle, and can shrink any object or creature and hide it in the body."

"With this fruit, it is absolutely no problem to transport an army at one time!"

As for warships...

Who said that a castle cannot have a dock?

It's not too much to develop a dock and install a few warships, right?

After listening to Capone Bege's information, Sengoku and Zephyr's eyes lit up.

Sengoku slapped the table.

"This is good! He's the one! After we catch him, we'll use the small sky island to send him to you!"

Zeffer also nodded repeatedly.

"The mafia of the West Sea, right? I'll arrange for someone to go there right away, Smoker, you did a good job!"

They knew that Smoker and CP were not clear, and thought that the source of the intelligence was all CP.

Smoker talked to the two of them for a few words and then disconnected the call.

In fact, he also knew that there were two fruits that could transport troops on a large scale.

Fujitora's Gravity Fruit and Golden Lion's Floating Fruit.

However, Fujitora is a future admiral, and he will definitely not do something that can kill people and take the fruit.

Although Golden Lion's strength has been greatly damaged and he is hiding in Vermeu, his ability is too suitable for escaping. Even if several admirals join forces, they dare not say that they can definitely capture him alive, so let's keep this guy to ourselves...

Of course, the most critical reason is that these two fruits are not concealed enough.

Now that we are just preparing to develop Sky Island, we must keep it a secret from the World Government.

Whether it is the mirror channel, the space channel, or the castle fruit or the swamp fruit, they are all very concealed. Even if the army is mobilized on a large scale, the World Government will not notice it.

Fujitora and Golden Lion are different.

If an army flies up from Marinford, as long as the Five Elders and CP are not blind, they will definitely see it, and it will be difficult to explain at that time.

Therefore, these two fruits are not considered for the time being. Let's talk about it when we have a falling out with the World Government!

The three-foot bird is extremely fast. Soon, Smoker can see a green jungle in the distance, and he can't help but cheer up.

"We're here! The Island of Gods, Arpaiado..."

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